[Grunt] Watch && grunt-contrib-watch

Watch is an essential component of any Grunt build, and you will find yourself using it in almost every project.npm

How to install?grunt


1. Install grunt first if you don't have yet. Check the first article for Grunt.ui

2. Install grunt-contrib-watchthis

npm install grunt-contrib-watch


What is watch used for?spa


A simple example is that, it can watch a file if the file changed then trigger the task to run.code


How to use?component


You have a log.txt file, and you want to watch this file.blog

1. load npm task:cmd


2. set up watch:it

        watch: {
            files: ['log.txt'],
            tasks: ['pat']

3. add task:

    grunt.registerTask('pat', function(){
        grunt.log.writeln('I am watching you!');

4. Start watch:

#In cmd

$ grunt watch


File the file is modified:
