



-- sqlite的數據類型:text,integer,real,null,blob,----
create table if not exists student(
       _id integer primary key  autoincrement not null,      
       name string not null,      
       age integer not null,      
       height real,      
       sex string not null ,    
       classname string not null
drop table student
------往表裏面添加數據。 insert into 表名(字段1,字段2) values(值1,值2)--------
insert into student(name,age,height,sex,classname)
insert into student(name,age,sex,height,classname)
-------查詢全部的數據  select-------------
select * from student
---- update 表名  set 字段 =值-------------
update student set height=163 where _id=7
update student set height = height+1
where classname='and1510'
 and sex='男'
 and height not null
update student set age = age-1 where classname='and1510'
update student set height = height+1
where classname='and1510'
or sex='女'
update student set age =age-1
where name like '小%'
update student set classname='and1511'
where name='小王' or name='小謝'
update student set classname='and1510'
where name in ('小王','小謝')
update student set name = replace(name,'小','大')
where name like '小%'
------------刪除數據   delete from 表名 where ---------------------
delete from student where height is null
select * from student
delete from student
delete from student where name like '%燕%'
delete from student where height<160
-------查詢   select 字段  from 表---------------------
select * from student where sex='女'
select * from student
select name from student where classname='and1510'
select * from student where age>=20 and age<=25
select * from student where name like '%大%'
---------查詢and1510班女生,而且按年齡從小到大排序-  order by,降序 desc,升序asc,默認就是升序---------------------
select * from student
where  sex='女'
order by age desc
----limit 偏移量0表示第一個,顯示的個數-----
select * from student
where sex = '女'
order by age
limit 1,3
select count(*) from student where classname='and1510'
select sum(age) from student
where classname='and1510'
select avg(age) from student
where classname='and1510'
-----------------查詢全部的班級的男性人數,而且按班級進行分組 group by ---------
select classname,count(*) from student
where sex = '女'
group by classname
select max(age),name from student
where classname='and1510'
select min(age) ,name from student
where classname='and1505'
select classname ,count(*)
from student
where sex='女'
group by classname
having count(*)>=1
order by count(*) asc
-------where---group---having---排序 ------------sql

