Linux -- LINUs' uniX (開個玩笑不是這樣的,別當真)vim
GNU -- Gnu is Not Unixbash
/root :同上ui
/sbin:Super BINaries
or Superuser BINaries
/usr:Unix System Resources
or Unix Software Resources
or Unix Shared Resources(這個很重要,不少人會認爲這個是user)
ls -- LiSt
cd -- Change Directory
pwd -- Print Working Directory
cp -- CoPy
mv -- MoVe
rm -- ReMove
pushd -- PUSH to Directory
popd -- POP from Directory
mkdir -- MaKe DIRectory
rmdir -- ReMove DIRectory
cat -- CATenate
or conCATenate
sed -- Stream EDitor
diff -- DIFFerence
wc -- Word Count
chmod -- CHange MODe
chown -- CHange OWNer
chgrp -- CHange GRouP
awk -- Aho Weinberger and Kernighan
gawk -- Gnu AWK
mawk -- Minimal AWK
grep -- General Regular Expression Print
ln -- LiNk
tar -- TARball
df -- Disk Free
du -- Disk Usage
dd -- Data Description(有說是Convert and Copy, 可是cc被用掉了,就用dd了)
parted -- PARTition EDitor
fdisk -- Format DISK
lspci -- LiSt Peripheral Component Interconnect
lscpu -- LiSt Central Process Unit
lsusb -- LiSt Universal Serial Bus
lsblk -- LiSt BLocK
mdadm -- Multiple Disk And Device Manager
lvm -- Logical Volume Manager
pvcreate -- Physical Volume CREATE
vgcreate -- Volume Group CREATE
lvcreate -- Logical Volume CREATE
pvdisplay -- Physical Volume DISPLAY
vgdisplay -- Volume Group DISPLAY
lvdisplay -- Logical Volume DISPLAY
pvresize -- Physical Volume RESIZE
vgresize -- Volume Group RESIZE
lvresize -- Logical Volume RESIZE
pvextend -- Physical Volume EXTEND
vgextend -- Volume Group EXTEND
lvextend -- Logical Volume EXTEND
pvremove -- Physical Volume REMOVE
vgremove -- Volume Group REMOVE
lvremove -- Logical Volume REMOVE
pvs -- Physical Volume Status
vgs -- Volume Group Status
lvs -- Logical Volume Status
man -- MANual
apt -- Advanced Packaging Tool
dpkg -- Debian PacKaGe
yum -- Yellow dog Updater, Modified
rpm -- RPM Package Manager
or Redhat Package Manager
useradd -- USER Add
userdel -- USER DELete
usermod -- USER MODify
users -- USER Status
groupadd -- GROUP ADD
groupdel -- GROUP DELete
groupmod -- GROUP MODify
groupmems -- GROUP MEMberS
depmod -- DEPend MODule
lsmod -- LiSt MODule
modprobe -- MODule PROBE
modinfo -- MODule INFOrmation
insmod -- INSert MODule
rmmod -- ReMove MODule
mkfs -- MaKe FileSystem
fsck -- File System Consistency Check
ps -- Processes Status
su -- Substitute User
bash -- Bourne Again SHell
dash -- Debian Almquist SHell
init -- INITialization
ssh -- Secure SHell
wine -- Wine Is Not an Emulator
exec -- EXECute
fstab -- FileSystem TABle
passwd -- PASSWorD
chpasswd -- CHange PASSWorD
pwconv -- PassWord CONVert
pwunconv -- PassWord UNCONVert
tty -- TeleTYpe
sudo -- SuperUser DO
grub -- GRand Unified Bootloader
tzselect -- Time Zone SELECT
sync -- SYNChronize
systemd -- SYSTEM Daemon (裏面有systemctl bootctl journalctl loginctl localectl timedatectl 等等,都是blablabla ConTroL)
ed -- EDitor
nano -- Nano's ANOther editor
emacs -- Editor MACroS(還有不少全稱,就不羅列了,這個接受度比較廣)
vi -- VIsual
vim -- Vi Improved
cc -- C Compiler
gcc -- Gnu Compiler Collection(做爲一個軟件集被你下載下來編譯安裝的時候)
gcc -- Gnu C Compiler (做爲一個軟件被你調用來編譯C程序的時候)
g++ -- Gnu c++ compiler
gcj -- Gnu Compiler for Java
yacc -- Yet Another Compiler Compiler
guile -- Gnu Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
gas -- Gnu Assembler
php -- PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor
ld -- LoaD
gdb -- Gnu DeBug
tcl -- Tool Command Line
gnome -- GNu Object Model Environment
gdm -- Gnome Display Manager
gtk -- Graphic user interface ToolKit
qt -- ………………Toolkit(不說Q了,用Q只是由於在開發者的Emacs中Q特別漂亮…………)
kde -- K Desktop Environment
lxde -- Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
xfce -- XForms Common Environment
-h | --help:help
-v | --version:version(吐槽一下java)
gnu gpl : Gnu General Public License
gnu lgpl : Gnu General Lesser Public License
gfdl : Gnu Free Documentation License
agpl : Affero General Public License(或簡寫爲Affero gpl)
apsl : Apple Public Source License
bsd : Berkeley Software Distribution license