select path || '%' from t_category where depth = 0 and type = 0ide
好比path是/1001/的話 那結果就是/1001/%ip
SELECT 'A'+'B' 結果爲0it
SELECT "A"+"1" 結果爲1io
SELECT "A"+1 結果爲1class
SELECT 2+1 結果爲3select
|| String Concatenation
* Arithmetic Multiply
/ Arithmetic Divide
% Arithmetic Modulus
+ Arithmetic Add
– Arithmetic Subtract
<< Bitwise Right shift
>> Bitwise Left shift
& Logical And
| Logical Or
< Relational Less than
<= Relational Less than or equal to
> Relational Greater than
>= Relational Greater than or equal to
= Relational Equal to
== Relational Equal to
<> Relational Not equal to
!= Relational Not equal to
IN Logical In
AND Logical And
OR Logical Or
LIKE Relational String matching
GLOB Relational Filename matchingvi