MATLAB 條形圖或餅狀圖 圖案填充

function [im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_pluscolor(h,patterns,CvBW,Hinvert,colorlist, ... dpi,hatchsc,lw) %APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR Apply hatched patterns to a figure in BW or Color %  APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR(H,PATTERNS) creates a new figure from the figure H by %  replacing distinct colors in H with the black and white %  patterns in PATTERNS. The format for PATTERNS can be % a string of the characters: %    '/', '\', '|', '-', '+', 'x', '.', 'c', 'w', 'k' %    (see makehatch_plus.m for more details) or
%    a cell array of matrices of zeros (white) and ones (black) %
% In addition, H can alternatively be a uint8 NxMx3 matrix of the type %  produced by imread.  In this case, colors in this image will be %  replaced with patterns as if it was a figure. A final figure window % will be generated that displays the result. The DPI argument %  discussed below will be ignored if H is an image matrix. %
%  APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR(H,PATTERNS,CVBW) binary value for choice of Color or Black %  and White plots. If color is chosen the color will match that of the %  current fill. 1 -> Color, anything else -> BW %
% APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR(H,PATTERNS,CVBW,HINVERT) binary value to invert the hatch. %  i.e., if it is black lines with a white background, that becomes white %  lines with a black background. This can either be a scalar value or a % 1xN array equal to the length of PATTERNS. When used as an array each %  PATTERNS(i) will be inverted according to Hinvert(i). 1 -> Invert, %  anything else -> Non Inverted %
% matrix COLORS to PATTERNS. Each row of COLORS specifies an RGB % color value. %
%  Note this function makes a bitmap image of H and so is limited % to bitmap output. %
% Additional arguments: %
%  [im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_plus(h,patterns,CvBW,Hinvert,colorlist,dpi,hatchsc,linewidth) %
% input DPI allows specification of bitmap resolution, making plot resolution %                       better for printing.  Ignored if H is an image matrix. %           HATCHSC     multiplier for hatch scale to increase size of pattern for better operation % at higher resolutions %                       default [] uses screen resolution as in
% APPLYHATCH %           LINEWIDTH   A scaling factor to apply to line and dot sizes %                       in hatching.  Defaults to 1. % output IM_HATCH RGB bitmap matrix of new figure %                       use IMWRITE to output in desired format %           COLORLIST   List of colors actually replaced.  Useful info if
% no colorlist initially given to function. %                       Colorlist will be uint8, not 0-1 scale as % originally specified. %
%  Example 1: %    bar(rand(3,4)); %    [im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_pluscolor(gcf,'\-x.',0,0,[],150); %    imwrite(im_hatch,'im_hatch.png','png') %
%  Example 2: %    bar(rand(3,4)); %    [im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_pluscolor(gcf,'\-x.',1,[],[],150); %    imwrite(im_hatch,'im_hatch.png','png') %
%  Example 3: %    colormap(cool(6)); %    pie(rand(6,1)); %    legend('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun'); %    im_hatch = applyhatch_pluscolor(gcf,'|-.+\/',1,[1 1 0 1 0 0],cool(6),200,3,2); %    imwrite(im_hatch,'im_hatch.png','png') %
%  Example 4: Produces roughly the same thing as example 1
%    bar(rand(3,4)); %    print -dtiff -r150 im.tiff %    im = imread( 'im.tiff', 'tiff' ); %    [im_hatch,colorlist] = applyhatch_pluscolor(im,'\-x.'); %    imwrite(im_hatch,'im_hatch.tiff','tiff') %    
% Modification of APPLYHATCH to allow higher resolution output % Modified Brian FG Katz    8-aout-03
% Modified David M Kaplan   19-fevrier-08
% Modification of APPLYHATCH_PLUS to allow for color and inverted hatch % Modified Brandon Levey  May 6, 2009
% See also: APPLYHATCH, APPLYHATCH_PLUS, MAKEHATCH, MAKEHATCH_PLUS % By Ben Hinkle, %  This code is in the public domain. if ~exist('CvBW','var'); CvBW = 0      ; end  % defaults to black and white if isempty(CvBW); CvBW = 0     ; end  % defaults to black and white if (CvBW ~= 0 && CvBW ~= 1); CvBW = 0     ; end  % defaults to black and white if ~exist('Hinvert','var'); Hinvert = 0      ; end  % defaults to not inverted if isempty(Hinvert); Hinvert = 0     ; end  % defaults to not inverted if length(Hinvert) == length(patterns) || length(Hinvert) == 1
    for i = 1:length(Hinvert) if Hinvert(i) ~= 0 && Hinvert(i) ~= 1; Hinvert(i) = 0 ; end end else error(['The length of Hinvert must be 1 or equal to the length of PATTERNS']); end if ~exist('hatchsc','var'); hatchsc = 1 ; end if ~exist('dpi','var'); dpi = 0          ; end     % defaults to screen resolution if ~exist('colorlist','var'); colorlist = [] ; end if ~exist('lw','var'); lw=1; end if numel(h) == 1 % Assume it is a figure window oldppmode = get(h,'paperpositionmode'); oldunits = get(h,'units'); oldcolor = get(h,'color'); oldpos = get(h,'position'); set(h,'paperpositionmode','auto'); set(h,'units','pixels'); set(h,'color',[1 1 1]); figsize = get(h,'position'); bits = hardcopy(h,'-dzbuffer',['-r' num2str(dpi)]); % % Try a different approach using a temporary file - use this if having probs % tn = [ tempname '.tif' ]; % print( '-dtiff', [ '-r' num2str(dpi) ], tn ) % bits = uint8( imread( tn, 'TIFF' ) ); % delete(tn) set(h,'paperpositionmode',oldppmode); set(h,'color',oldcolor); elseif size(h,3) == 3 % Assume it is an image matrix bits = h; oldunits='pixels'; oldpos = [ 0, 0, size(bits,2), size(bits,1) ]; figsize = oldpos; else error( 'Bad first argument.' ); end bwidth = size(bits,2); bheight = size(bits,1); bsize = bwidth * bheight; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% The next bit basically modernizes the original % version of this function using things like unique % and for loops %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Make bitmap one long matrix with 3 columns bits = reshape(bits,[bsize,3]); % Convert original color scale to 255 scale if ~isempty(colorlist) % NOTE: Added "floor" below because this seems to better pick out % correct colors produced by "hardcopy above better than uint8 by itself
  %colorlist = uint8(255*colorlist); colorlist = uint8(floor(255*colorlist)); else
  % Find unique colors in image - this takes a long time at high resolution [B,I,J] = unique( bits, 'rows' ); switch CvBW case 0 % BW plot % Find just "colored" colors C = find( B(:,1)~=B(:,2) | B(:,1)~=B(:,3) ); case 1 % color plot % Find all non black and white B = sortrows(B); C = 1:size(B,1); C = C(2:end-1)';
 end colorlist = B( C , : ); end % Loop over list of colors and find matches for k = 1:size(colorlist,1) % Find points that match color if exist('B','var') % Use unique colors if around I = C(k) == J; else % Otherwise test each point cc = colorlist(k,:); I = bits(:,1)==cc(1) & bits(:,2)==cc(2) & bits(:,3)==cc(3); if ~any(I(:)), continue, end end % What pattern to use pati = mod( k-1, numel(patterns) ) + 1; if iscell(patterns) pattern = patterns{pati}; elseif isa(patterns,'char') pattern = makehatch_plus(patterns(pati),6*hatchsc,lw); else pattern = patterns; end pattern = uint8(1-pattern); if length(Hinvert) == 1 invertHatch = logical(Hinvert); else invertHatch = logical(Hinvert(pati)); end % Make a big pattern matching size of bits pheight = size(pattern,2); pwidth = size(pattern,1); ratioh = ceil(bheight/pheight); ratiow = ceil(bwidth/pwidth); bigpattern = repmat(pattern,[ratioh ratiow]); if ratioh*pheight > bheight bigpattern(bheight+1:end,:) = []; end if ratiow*pwidth > bwidth bigpattern(:,bwidth+1:end) = []; end % Put that pattern into bits and logical values based on CvBW and Hinvert switch CvBW case 0 % BW if invertHatch bits(find(I),:) = repmat(~bigpattern(I)*255,[1,3]); else bits(find(I),:) = repmat(bigpattern(I)*255,[1,3]); end case 1 % Color if invertHatch bits(find(I),:) = [ ... (uint8(bigpattern(I)) * colorlist(k,1)) + uint8((~bigpattern(I)) * 255), ... (uint8(bigpattern(I)) * colorlist(k,2)) + uint8((~bigpattern(I)) * 255), ... (uint8(bigpattern(I)) * colorlist(k,3)) + uint8((~bigpattern(I)) * 255)]; else bits(find(I),:) = [ ... (uint8(~bigpattern(I)) * colorlist(k,1)) + uint8((bigpattern(I)) * 255), ... (uint8(~bigpattern(I)) * colorlist(k,2)) + uint8((bigpattern(I)) * 255), ... (uint8(~bigpattern(I)) * colorlist(k,3)) + uint8((bigpattern(I)) * 255)]; end end end % Put bits back into its normal shape bits = reshape( bits, [bheight,bwidth,3] ); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Replot %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% newfig = figure('units',oldunits,'visible','off'); imaxes = axes('parent',newfig,'units','pixels'); im = image(bits,'parent',imaxes); %fpos = get(newfig,'position'); %set(newfig,'position',[fpos(1:2) figsize(3) figsize(4)+1]); set(newfig,'position',oldpos) set(newfig,'units','pixels') set(imaxes,'position',[0 0 figsize(3) figsize(4)+1],'visible','off'); set(newfig,'visible','on'); set(newfig,'units','normalized'); set(imaxes,'units','normalized'); set(imaxes,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],'DataAspectRatioMode','manual'); if nargout > 0, im_hatch = bits; end if nargout < 2, clear colorlist; end


function A = makehatch_plus(hatch,n,m) %MAKEHATCH_PLUS Predefined hatch patterns %
% Modification of MAKEHATCH to allow for selection of matrix size. Useful whe using % APPLYHATCH_PLUS with higher resolution output. %
% input (optional) N    size of hatch matrix (default = 6) % input (optional) M    width of lines and dots in hatching (default = 1) %
%  MAKEHATCH_PLUS(HATCH,N,M) returns a matrix with the hatch pattern for HATCH % according to the following table: % HATCH pattern %     -------      ---------
%        /          right-slanted lines %        \          left-slanted lines %        | vertical lines %        - horizontal lines %        +          crossing vertical and horizontal lines %        x          criss-crossing lines % . square dots % c circular dots % w Just a blank white pattern % k Just a totally black pattern %
% See also: APPLYHATCH, APPLYHATCH_PLUS, APPLYHATCH_PLUSCOLOR, MAKEHATCH % By Ben Hinkle, %  This code is in the public domain. % Modified Brian FG Katz    8-aout-03
% Modified David M Kaplan    19-fevrier-08

if ~exist('n','var'), n = 6; end if ~exist('m','var'), m = 1; end n=round(n); switch (hatch) case '\'
    [B,C] = meshgrid( 0:n-1 ); B = B-C; clear C A = abs(B) <= m/2; A = A | abs(B-n) <= m/2; A = A | abs(B+n) <= m/2; case '/' A = fliplr(makehatch_plus('\',n,m));
  case '|' A=zeros(n); A(:,1:m) = 1; case '-' A = makehatch_plus('|',n,m); A = A';
  case '+' A = makehatch_plus('|',n,m); A = A | A';
  case 'x' A = makehatch_plus('\',n,m);
    A = A | fliplr(A); case '.' A=zeros(n); A(1:2*m,1:2*m)=1; case 'c' [B,C] = meshgrid( 0:n-1 ); A = sqrt(B.^2+C.^2) <= m; A = A | fliplr(A) | flipud(A) | flipud(fliplr(A)); case 'w' A = zeros(n); case 'k' A = ones(n); otherwise error(['Undefined hatch pattern "' hatch '".']); end