使用where in子句能夠高效地查詢出符合某個字段集合的內容,例子以下java
ContentResolver resolver = SyncService.this.getContentResolver(); String[] tIds = new String[infos.size()]; StringBuilder tSelection = new StringBuilder(ForumRecommendInfo.ID + " in ("); for (int i = 0; i < infos.size(); i++) { tIds[i] = ((ForumRecommendInfo) infos.get(i)).getId(); if (i != infos.size() - 1) { tSelection.append("?,"); } else { tSelection.append("?"); } } tSelection.append(")"); Cursor tCursor = resolver.query(BbsProvider.sForumRecommendUri, null, tSelection.toString(), tIds, null); if (tCursor != null && tCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { String tId = tCursor.getString(tCursor.getColumnIndex(ForumRecommendInfo.ID)); Iterator<ForumRecommendInfo> tIterator = infos.iterator(); while (tIterator.hasNext()) { if (tIterator.next().getId().equals(tId)) { tIterator.remove(); } } } while (tCursor.moveToNext()); tCursor.close(); }
注意,佔位符附近不能有引號,不然會報Cannot bind argument at index * because the index is out of range.的錯誤app