Java 複雜excel報表導出







  • 可生成任意複雜表格:本工具使用迭代單元格方式進行excel繪製,可生成任意複雜度excel,自適應寬度、高度;
  • 零學習成本:使用html做爲模板,學習成本幾乎爲零;
  • 支持經常使用背景色、邊框、字體等樣式設置:具體參見文檔-Style-support(樣式支持)部分;
  • 支持.XLS、.XLSX:支持生成.xls、.xlsx後綴的excel;
  • 支持低內存SXSSF模式:支持低內存的SXSSF模式,可利用極低的內存生成.xlsx;
  • 支持生產者消費者模式導出:支持生產者消費者模式導出,配合SXSSF模式實現真正意義上海量數據導出;
  • 支持多種模板引擎:已內置Freemarker、Groovy、Beetl等經常使用模板引擎Excel構建器(詳情參見文檔Getting started),默認內置Beetl模板引擎(推薦引擎,Beetl文檔);
  • 提供默認Excel構建器,直接輸出簡單Excel:無需編寫任何html,已內置默認模板,可直接根據POJO數據列表輸出;
  • 支持一次生成多sheet:以table做爲sheet單元,支持一份excel文檔中多sheet導出;


  1. 如下模板引擎除Beetl外默認均未被引入,使用者可根據自身須要選擇在pom.xml中聲明引入;
  2. 如下模板引擎版本爲最低版本號;




  1. 已存在html文件,使用這種方式時,html文件不侷限於放在項目的classpath下
    // get html file
    File htmlFile = new File("/Users/liaochong/Downloads/example.html");
    // read the html file and use default excel style to create excel Workbook workbook = HtmlToExcelFactory.readHtml(htmlFile).useDefaultStyle().build();
    // this is a example,you can write the workbook to any valid outputstream OutputStream writer = new FileOutputStream(new File("/Users/liaochong/Downloads/excel.xlsx")); workbook.write(writer);
  2. 默認模板引擎使用
    List<Child> dataList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) { Child child = new Child(); child.setName("liaochong"); child.setAge(i); child.setSex(1); child.setIndex(i); dataList.add(child); } Workbook workbook = DefaultExcelBuilder.getInstance().build(dataList); @ExcelTable(workbookType = WorkbookType.SXLSX, rowAccessWindowSize = 100, sheetName = "測試") public static class Child extends Parent { @ExcelColumn(order = 3, title = "姓名") private String name; @ExcludeColumn private Integer age; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public Integer getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } } public static class Parent { @ExcelColumn(title = "性別") private Integer sex; @ExcelColumn(order = -1, title = "index") private Integer index; public Integer getSex() { return sex; } public void setSex(Integer sex) { = sex; } public Integer getIndex() { return index; } public void setIndex(Integer index) { this.index = index; } }
  3. 使用freemarker等模板引擎,具體請參照項目中的example
    /** * use non-default-style excel builder * * @param response response */ @GetMapping("/freemarker/build") public void build(HttpServletResponse response) { ExcelBuilder excelBuilder = new FreemarkerExcelBuilder(); Workbook workbook = excelBuilder.template("/templates/freemarker_template.ftl").build(new HashMap<>()); response.setCharacterEncoding(CharEncoding.UTF_8); response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new String("freemarker_excel.xlsx".getBytes())); try { workbook.write(response.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * use default-style excel builder * * @param response response */ @GetMapping("/freemarker/default_style/build") public void buildWithDefaultStyle(HttpServletResponse response) { ExcelBuilder excelBuilder = new FreemarkerExcelBuilder(); Workbook workbook = excelBuilder.template("/templates/freemarker_template.ftl").useDefaultStyle().build(new HashMap<>()); response.setCharacterEncoding(CharEncoding.UTF_8); response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + new String("freemarker_excel.xlsx".getBytes())); try { workbook.write(response.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }