maven的war plugin插件裏有兩個參數warSourceExcludes和packagingExcludes,從clean package後的效果來講,他們都能起到打war包時不包含指定文件夾或者指定文件的做用。web
warSourceExcludes: The comma separated list of tokens to exclude when copying the content of the warSourceDirectory.webapp
packagingExcludes: The comma separated list of tokens to exclude from the WAR before packaging.maven
With packagingExcludes, the tokens are completely excluded from the final war file. With warSourceExcludes, the tokens are just ignored when copying the war directory into the war file. As a result, if the tokens are present in the webappDirectory for example, they will not be ignored when using warSourceExcludes but will be when usingpackagingExcludes.插件