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/*Tween動畫算法,來源於FLASH中的ActionScript Tween類 命名空間Tween 整理:CJ(掛個名) 參數說明 curTime:當前時間,即動畫已經進行了多長時間,開始時間爲0 start:開始值 dur:動畫持續多長時間 alter:總的變化量 Elastic中的參數 extent:正弦波的幅度 cycle:正弦波的週期 Back中的s,過沖量,此處數值越大,過沖越大 相對應的下面還分easeIn,easeOut,easeInOut方法 easeIn() 加速度運動,初始速度爲0 easeOut() 減速度運動,結束速度爲0 easeInOut() 先加速後減速,開始與結束時速度都爲0 具體參見ActionScript 3.0 語言和組件參考 */ var Tween = { Linear:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) {return start+curTime/dur*alter;},//最簡單的線性變化,即勻速運動 Quad:{//二次方緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start+Math.pow(curTime/dur,2)*alter; }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur; return start-(Math.pow(progress,2)-2*progress)*alter; }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur*2; return (progress<1?Math.pow(progress,2):-((--progress)*(progress-2) - 1))*alter/2+start; } }, Cubic:{//三次方緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start+Math.pow(curTime/dur,3)*alter; }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur; return start-(Math.pow(progress,3)-Math.pow(progress,2)+1)*alter; }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur*2; return (progress<1?Math.pow(progress,3):((progress-=2)*Math.pow(progress,2) + 2))*alter/2+start; } }, Quart:{//四次方緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start+Math.pow(curTime/dur,4)*alter; }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur; return start-(Math.pow(progress,4)-Math.pow(progress,3)-1)*alter; }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur*2; return (progress<1?Math.pow(progress,4):-((progress-=2)*Math.pow(progress,3) - 2))*alter/2+start; } }, Quint:{//五次方緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start+Math.pow(curTime/dur,5)*alter; }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur; return start-(Math.pow(progress,5)-Math.pow(progress,4)+1)*alter; }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur*2; return (progress<1?Math.pow(progress,5):((progress-=2)*Math.pow(progress,4) +2))*alter/2+start; } }, Sine :{//正弦曲線緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start-(Math.cos(curTime/dur*Math.PI/2)-1)*alter; }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start+Math.sin(curTime/dur*Math.PI/2)*alter; }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start-(Math.cos(curTime/dur*Math.PI/2)-1)*alter/2; } }, Expo: {//指數曲線緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return curTime?(start+alter*Math.pow(2,10*(curTime/dur-1))):start; }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return (curTime==dur)?(start+alter):(start-(Math.pow(2,-10*curTime/dur)+1)*alter); }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { if (!curTime) {return start;} if (curTime==dur) {return start+alter;} var progress =curTime/dur*2; if (progress < 1) { return alter/2*Math.pow(2,10* (progress-1))+start; } else { return alter/2* (-Math.pow(2, -10*--progress) + 2) +start; } } }, Circ :{//圓形曲線緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start-alter*Math.sqrt(-Math.pow(curTime/dur,2)); }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { return start+alter*Math.sqrt(1-Math.pow(curTime/dur-1)); }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur) { var progress =curTime/dur*2; return (progress<1?1-Math.sqrt(1-Math.pow(progress,2)):(Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(progress-2,2)) + 1))*alter/2+start; } }, Elastic: {//指數衰減的正弦曲線緩動 easeIn:function (start,alter,curTime,dur,extent,cycle) { if (!curTime) {return start;} if ((curTime==dur)==1) {return start+alter;} if (!cycle) {cycle=dur*0.3;} var s; if (!extent || extent< Math.abs(alter)) { extent=alter; s = cycle/4; } else {s=cycle/(Math.PI*2)*Math.asin(alter/extent);} return start-extent*Math.pow(2,10*(curTime/dur-1)) * Math.sin((curTime-dur-s)*(2*Math.PI)/cycle); }, easeOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur,extent,cycle) { if (!curTime) {return start;} if (curTime==dur) {return start+alter;} if (!cycle) {cycle=dur*0.3;} var s; if (!extent || extent< Math.abs(alter)) { extent=alter; s =cycle/4; } else {s=cycle/(Math.PI*2)*Math.asin(alter/extent);} return start+alter+extent*Math.pow(2,-curTime/dur*10)*Math.sin((curTime-s)*(2*Math.PI)/cycle); }, easeInOut:function (start,alter,curTime,dur,extent,cycle) { if (!curTime) {return start;} if (curTime==dur) {return start+alter;} if (!cycle) {cycle=dur*0.45;} var s; if (!extent || extent< Math.abs(alter)) { extent=alter; s =cycle/4; } else {s=cycle/(Math.PI*2)*Math.asin(alter/extent);} var progress = curTime/dur*2; if (progress<1) { return start-0.5*extent*Math.pow(2,10*(progress-=1))*Math.sin( (progress*dur-s)*(2*Math.PI)/cycle); } else { return start+alter+0.5*extent*Math.pow(2,-10*(progress-=1)) * Math.sin( (progress*dur-s)*(2*Math.PI)/cycle); } } }, Back:{ easeIn: function (start,alter,curTime,dur,s){ if (typeof s == "undefined") {s = 1.70158;} return start+alter*(curTime/=dur)*curTime*((s+1)*curTime - s); }, easeOut: function (start,alter,curTime,dur,s) { if (typeof s == "undefined") {s = 1.70158;} return start+alter*((curTime=curTime/dur-1)*curTime*((s+1)*curTime + s) + 1); }, easeInOut: function (start,alter,curTime,dur,s){ if (typeof s == "undefined") {s = 1.70158;} if ((curTime/=dur/2) < 1) { return start+alter/2*(Math.pow(curTime,2)*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*curTime- s)); } return start+alter/2*((curTime-=2)*curTime*(((s*=(1.525))+1)*curTime+ s)+2); } }, Bounce:{ easeIn: function(start,alter,curTime,dur){ return start+alter-Tween.Bounce.easeOut(0,alter,dur-curTime,dur); }, easeOut: function(start,alter,curTime,dur){ if ((curTime/=dur) < (1/2.75)) { return alter*(7.5625*Math.pow(curTime,2))+start; } else if (curTime < (2/2.75)) { return alter*(7.5625*(curTime-=(1.5/2.75))*curTime + .75)+start; } else if (curTime< (2.5/2.75)) { return alter*(7.5625*(curTime-=(2.25/2.75))*curTime + .9375)+start; } else { return alter*(7.5625*(curTime-=(2.625/2.75))*curTime + .984375)+start; } }, easeInOut: function (start,alter,curTime,dur){ if (curTime< dur/2) { return Tween.Bounce.easeIn(0,alter,curTime*2,dur) *0.5+start; } else { return Tween.Bounce.easeOut(0,alter,curTime*2-dur,dur) *0.5 + alter*0.5 +start; } } } };
function timeMove(obj, target, type, times, fn) { clearInterval(obj.timer); var iStartTime = new Date().getTime(); var oCur = {}; for(var sAttr in target) { if(sAttr == 'opacity') { oCur[sAttr] = Math.round(parseFloat(getStyle(obj, 'opacity'))*100); } else { oCur[sAttr] = parseInt(getStyle(obj, sAttr)); } } obj.timer = setInterval(function () { var iChangeTime = new Date().getTime(); var iScale = 1 - Math.max((iStartTime + times - iChangeTime)/times, 0); for(var sAttr in target) { var iCur = type(oCur[sAttr], target[sAttr] - oCur[sAttr], times * iScale, times); if(sAttr == 'opacity') { obj.style.opacity = iCur/100; obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity:' + iCur + ')'; } else { obj.style[sAttr] = iCur + 'px'; } } if(iScale == 1) { clearInterval(obj.timer); fn && fn(); } }, 30); } // 獲取屬性樣式 function getStyle(obj, sAttr) { if(obj.currentStyle) { return obj.currentStyle[sAttr]; } else { return getComputedStyle(obj, false)[sAttr]; } }
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