I2C即Inter-Integrated Circuit串行總線的縮寫,是PHILIPS公司推出的芯片間串行傳輸總線。它以1根串行數據線(SDA)和1根串行時鐘線(SCL)實現了雙工的同步數據傳輸。具備接口線少,控制方式簡化,器件封裝形式小,通訊速率較高等優勢。在主從通訊中,能夠有多個I2C總線器件同時接到I2C總線上,經過地址來識別通訊對象。ide
主器件用於啓動總線傳送數據,併產生時鐘以開放傳送的器件,此時任何被尋址的器件均被認爲是從器件.在總線上主和從、發和收的關係不是恆定的,而取決於此時數據傳送方向。若是主機要發送數據給從器件,則主機首先尋址從器件,而後主動發送數據至從器件,最後由主機終止數據傳送;若是主機要接收從器件的數據,首先由主器件尋址從器件.而後主機接收從器件發送的數據,最後由主機終止接收過程。在這種狀況下.主機負責產生定時時鐘和終止數據傳送。 [2] ui
This library allows you to communicate with I2C / TWI devices. On the Arduino boards with the R3 layout (1.0 pinout), the SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line) are on the pin headers close to the AREF pin. The Arduino Due has two I2C / TWI interfaces SDA1 and SCL1 are near to the AREF pin and the additional one is on pins 20 and 21.
As a reference the table below shows where TWI pins are located on various Arduino boards. TWI引腳在不一樣板子上的位置。
Board I2C / TWI pins
Uno, Ethernet A4 (SDA), A5 (SCL)
Mega2560 20 (SDA), 21 (SCL)
Leonardo 2 (SDA), 3 (SCL)
Due 20 (SDA), 21 (SCL), SDA1, SCL1
As of Arduino 1.0, the library inherits from the Stream functions, making it consistent with other read/write libraries. Because of this, send() and receive() have been replaced with read() and write().
There are both 7- and 8-bit versions of I2C addresses. 7 bits identify the device, and the eighth bit determines if it's being written to or read from. The Wire library uses 7 bit addresses throughout. If you have a datasheet or sample code that uses 8 bit address, you'll want to drop the low bit (i.e. shift the value one bit to the right), yielding an address between 0 and 127. However the addresses from 0 to 7 are not used because are reserved so the first address that can be used is 8. Please note that a pull-up resistor is needed when connecting SDA/SCL pins. Please refer to the examples for more informations. MEGA 2560 board has pull-up resistors on pins 20 - 21 onboard.
begin() 初始化總線,做爲主機或從機加入總線,帶地址參數就是從機,不帶就是主機
requestFrom() 主機向從機請求字節/數據
beginTransmission() 主機向從機傳送數據開始
endTransmission() 主機向從機傳送數據中止
write() 寫數據,從機向主機或主機向從機
available() 返回經過read()函數獲得的字節數
read() 讀取一個傳送的字節
SetClock() 修改I2C通訊的頻率,標準值是100KHz
onReceive() 註冊一個函數,當從機接收到主機的數據時此函數被調用
onRequest() 註冊一個函數,當主機向從機請求數據時此函數 被調用
Wire.begin() 初始化總線,做爲主機或從機加入總線,帶地址參數就是從機,不帶就是主機
Description 描述
Initiate the Wire library and join the I2C bus as a master or slave. This should normally be called only once.
Syntax 語法
Parameters 參數
address: the 7-bit slave address (optional); if not specified, join the bus as a master.
Returns 返回
Wire.requestFrom() 主機向從機請求字節/數據
Used by the master to request bytes from a slave device. The bytes may then be retrieved with the available() and read() functions.
As of Arduino 1.0.1, requestFrom() accepts a boolean argument changing its behavior for compatibility with certain I2C devices.
If true, requestFrom() sends a stop message after the request, releasing the I2C bus.
If false, requestFrom() sends a restart message after the request. The bus will not be released, which prevents another master device from requesting between messages. This allows one master device to send multiple requests while in control.
The default value is true.
Syntax 語法
Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity)
Wire.requestFrom(address, quantity, stop)
address: the 7-bit address of the device to request bytes from
quantity: the number of bytes to request
stop : boolean. true will send a stop message after the request, releasing the bus. false will continually send a restart after the request, keeping the connection active.
byte : the number of bytes returned from the slave device
Wire.beginTransmission(address) 主機向從機傳送數據開始
Begin a transmission to the I2C slave device with the given address. Subsequently, queue bytes for transmission with the write() function and transmit them by calling endTransmission().
address: the 7-bit address of the device to transmit to
Wire.endTransmission() 主機向從機傳送數據中止
Ends a transmission to a slave device that was begun by beginTransmission() and transmits the bytes that were queued by write().
As of Arduino 1.0.1, endTransmission() accepts a boolean argument changing its behavior for compatibility with certain I2C devices.
If true, endTransmission() sends a stop message after transmission, releasing the I2C bus.
If false, endTransmission() sends a restart message after transmission. The bus will not be released, which prevents another master device from transmitting between messages. This allows one master device to send multiple transmissions while in control.
The default value is true.
stop : boolean. true will send a stop message, releasing the bus after transmission. false will send a restart, keeping the connection active.
byte, which indicates the status of the transmission:
1:data too long to fit in transmit buffer
2:received NACK on transmit of address
3:received NACK on transmit of data
4:other error
write() 寫數據,從機向主機或主機向從機
Writes data from a slave device in response to a request from a master, or queues bytes for transmission from a master to slave device (in-between calls to beginTransmission() and endTransmission()).
Wire.write(data, length)
value: a value to send as a single byte
string: a string to send as a series of bytes
data: an array of data to send as bytes
length: the number of bytes to transmit
byte: write() will return the number of bytes written, though reading that number is optional
Example 舉例
#include <Wire.h>
byte val = 0;
void setup()
{ Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus }
void loop()
Wire.beginTransmission(44); // transmit to device #44 (0x2c)
// device address is specified in datasheet
Wire.write(val); // sends value byte
Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting
val++; // increment value
if(val == 64) // if reached 64th position (max)
{ val = 0; // start over from lowest value }
Wire.available() 返回經過read()函數獲得的字節數
Returns the number of bytes available for retrieval with read(). This should be called on a master device after a call to requestFrom() or on a slave inside the onReceive() handler.
available() inherits from the Stream utility class.
The number of bytes available for reading.
Wire.read() 讀取一個傳送的字節
Reads a byte that was transmitted from a slave device to a master after a call to requestFrom() or was transmitted from a master to a slave. read() inherits from the Stream utility class.
The next byte received
#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial for output
void loop()
Wire.requestFrom(2, 6); // request 6 bytes from slave device #2
while(Wire.available()) // slave may send less than requested
char c = Wire.read(); // receive a byte as character
Serial.print(c); // print the character
Wire.setClock() 修改I2C通訊的頻率,標準值是100KHz
This function modifies the clock frequency for I2C communication. I2C slave devices have no minimum working clock frequency, however 100KHz is usually the baseline.
clockFrequency: the value (in Hertz) of desired communication clock. Accepted values are 100000 (standard mode) and 400000 (fast mode). Some processors also support 10000 (low speed mode), 1000000 (fast mode plus) and 3400000 (high speed mode). Please refer to the specific processor documentation to make sure the desired mode is supported.
Wire.onReceive(handler) 註冊一個函數,當從機接收到主機的數據時,此函數被調用
Registers a function to be called when a slave device receives a transmission from a master.
handler: the function to be called when the slave receives data; this should take a single int parameter (the number of bytes read from the master) and return nothing, e.g.: void myHandler(int numBytes)
Wire.onRequest(handler) 註冊一個函數,當主機向從機請求數據時,此函數被調用
Register a function to be called when a master requests data from this slave device.
handler: the function to be called, takes no parameters and returns nothing, e.g.: void myHandler()