#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use MIME::Lite; use MIME::Base64; use Getopt::Long; my $debug ||= 0; my $result = GetOptions( "debug" => \$debug, ); my $num_hash; my $sms_hash; my $not_sms_hash; my $total_num_hash; my $start_time = `date -d "-1 month" "+%Y-%m-01"`; my $end_time = `date -d "\`date -d "now" "+%Y-%m-01"\` - 1days" "+%Y-%m-%d"`; chomp $start_time; chomp $end_time; my $output = ''; my $database = "xxxxx"; my $hostname = "xxxxxx"; my $port = "3306"; my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port"; my $user = "xxxxxx"; my $password = "xxxxxx"; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password); my $sth = $dbh->prepare("set names utf8"); $sth->execute; my $sql = sprintf("select contact_name,phone from contact where phone!=''"); $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $contact_name = $ref->{'contact_name'}; my $num = $ref->{'phone'}; $num_hash->{$contact_name} = $num; } print Dumper $num_hash if $debug; $database = "sms"; $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$hostname;port=$port"; $user = "xxxxx"; $password = "xxxxxx"; $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password); $sth = $dbh->prepare("set names utf8"); $sth->execute; $sql = sprintf("select number,is_send,service from sms_info where send_time>'$start_time' and send_time<'$end_time' order by send_time DESC"); $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { my $is_send = $ref->{'is_send'}; my $num = $ref->{'number'}; my $service = $ref->{'service'}; if (! defined $sms_hash->{$num}->{$service}) { $sms_hash->{$num}->{$service} = 0; } if (! defined $not_sms_hash->{$num}) { $not_sms_hash->{$num}->{$service} = 0; } if ($is_send eq 'y') { $sms_hash->{$num}->{$service} ++; } else { $not_sms_hash->{$num}->{$service} ++; } } print Dumper $sms_hash if $debug; foreach my $num( keys %{$sms_hash} ){ if(! defined $total_num_hash->{$num}){ $total_num_hash->{$num} = 0; } foreach my $service(keys %{$sms_hash->{$num}}){ foreach my $service_num($sms_hash->{$num}->{$service}){ $total_num_hash->{$num} += $service_num; } } } print Dumper $total_num_hash if $debug; my ($personal_succeed,$personal_failed); foreach my $num (sort { $total_num_hash->{$b} <=> $total_num_hash->{$a} } keys %{$total_num_hash} ) { foreach my $name (keys %{$num_hash}) { my $control = 0; if ($num == $num_hash->{$name}) { $personal_succeed = &personal_succeed($num); $personal_failed = &personal_failed($num); my @array = &sort_sms($num); foreach my $hashref (@array) { my ($service, $value) = each %$hashref; #print "$key =>; $value\n"; if($value == 0){ last; }else{ if ( $control == 0){ $output .= "<tr><td>" . $name . "</td><td>" . $num . "</td><td>" . $personal_failed . "</td><td>" . $personal_succeed . "</td><td>" .$service ." : ". $value . "</td></tr>"; }else{ $output .= "<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>" .$service ." : ". $value. "</td></tr>"; } $control ++; } } } } } my $output_top = "<html><body><table border=1><tr><th>姓名</th><th>電話</th><th>發送失敗</th><th>發送成功</th><th>對應服務發送的條數</th>"; my $output_bottom = "</table></body></html>"; my $output_all = $output_top . $output . $output_bottom; my $subject = "[$start_time - $end_time]監控告警短信發送統計"; &send_mail($subject); sub send_mail{ my $subject = shift; my $msg=MIME::Lite->new( From => "xxxx\@xxx.com", To => 'xxx@xxx.com', Cc => 'xxx@xxx.com', # Subject => "=?UTF-8?B?" . encode_base64("監控告警短信發送統計","") . "?=", Subject => "=?UTF-8?B?" . encode_base64("$subject","") . "?=", Encoding => "base64", Type => 'text/html;charset=UTF-8', Data => "$output_all", ); MIME::Lite->send('smtp', 'mail.xxxx.com', AuthUser => 'xxxx@xxxx.com', AuthPass => 'xxxxxxxxxxx', debug => 0, ); $msg->send() or die "Send mail fail: $!\n"; } ##每一個人發送成功的短信條數統計## sub personal_succeed{ my $num = shift; my $succeed = 0; foreach my $service (keys %{$sms_hash->{$num}}){ foreach my $service_num($sms_hash->{$num}->{$service}){ $succeed += $service_num; } } return $succeed; } ##每一個人發送失敗的短信條數統計## sub personal_failed{ my $num = shift; my $failed = 0; foreach my $service (keys %{$not_sms_hash->{$num}}){ foreach my $service_num($not_sms_hash->{$num}->{$service}){ $failed += $service_num; } } return $failed; } ##發送成功的短信條數統計## sub send_succeed{ my $succeed = 0; foreach my $num (keys %{$sms_hash} ) { foreach my $name (keys %{$num_hash}) { if ($num == $num_hash->{$name}) { foreach my $service (keys %{$sms_hash->{$num}}){ foreach my $service_num ($sms_hash->{$num}->{$service}){ $succeed += $service_num; } } } } } return $succeed; } ##發送失敗的短信條數統計## sub send_failed{ my $failed = 0; foreach my $num (keys %{$not_sms_hash} ) { foreach my $name (keys %{$num_hash}) { if ($num == $num_hash->{$name}) { foreach my $service (keys %{$not_sms_hash->{$num}}){ foreach my $service_num($not_sms_hash->{$num}->{$service}){ $failed += $service_num; } } } } } return $failed; } ##對每一個人所屬服務告警短信條數哈希的值進行排序## sub sort_sms{ my $num = shift; my @array; print "---------------------------------------------------------------\n" if $debug; @array = map {{($_ => $sms_hash->{$num}->{$_})}} sort {$sms_hash->{$num}->{$b} <=> $sms_hash->{$num}->{$a} or $b cmp $a} keys %{$sms_hash->{$num}}; print Dumper @array if $debug; return @array; }
$VAR1 = {運維
'張三' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',ide
'李四' => 'xxxxxxxxxxx',fetch
$VAR1 = {code
'xxxxxxxxxxx' => {
'mfs_metadata' => 1
'xxxxxxxxxxx' => {
'news_substriber3_log' => 1