jquery validate驗證規則重用


【1st way. addMethod+addClassRules】html





$.validator.addMethod("idCard", $.validator.methods.card, "身份證號不正確");
$.validator.addClassRules("idcard", {idCard : true});


Whenever you have multiple fields with the same rules and messages, refactoring those can reduce a lot of duplication. Using addMethod and addClassRules are most effective for that.code

Let's consider an example where you have ten customer fields, each required and with a minlength of 2. You need custom messages for both rules. To avoid having to specify those rules and messages again and again, we can alias existing methods with different messages and group them into a single class:orm

// alias required to cRequired with new message
$.validator.addMethod("cRequired", $.validator.methods.required, "Customer name required");

// alias minlength, too
$.validator.addMethod("cMinlength", $.validator.methods.minlength,

// leverage parameter replacement for minlength, {0} gets replaced with 2
$.validator.format("Customer name must have at least {0} characters"));

// combine them both, including the parameter for minlength
$.validator.addClassRules("customer", { cRequired: true, cMinlength: 2 });

With that in place, we can add a class customer to all customer fields and be done with it:

 <input name="customer1" class="customer">
 <input name="customer2" class="customer">
 <input name="customer3" class="customer">

You can also reuse existing methods inside other custom methods, to reuse certain implementations. For example, if you're writing a custom method for validating email addresses inside a single field, you could call the existing email method for each email:
jQuery.validator.methods.email.call(this, email, element)