From: http://chl033.woku.com/article/2893317.htmlgit
1. 首先必定要注意雜誌的發表範圍, 超出範圍的千萬別投,要不就是浪費時間;另外,每一個雜誌都有他們的具體格式要求,必定要按照他們的要求把論文寫好,省得浪費時間,前些時候,個人一個同事向一個著名的英文雜誌投稿,因爲格式問題,人家過兩個星期就退回來了,並且說了不少難聽的話,說投稿前首先就應該看清楚他們的格式要求;
2. 論文寫做必定要言簡意賅,特別是摘要,引言和結論部分,特別是摘要和結論不能重複,發現有不少論文這兩部分沒有差異, 我的認爲, 摘要是引人入勝的"藥引子",要留懸念;而結論是你論文得出的有證據的東西,要簡單明瞭(不少人寫了一大堆,把推測的結果都寫上,這種論文質量不好); 另外,不少人認爲數據越多, 發表的可能性越大,但通過讀一些論文, 發現不少人的論文很爛, 感受就是數據的簡單堆積,因此,論文的重點應該在觀點上,保證一篇論文一個新觀點,已經足夠了.
3. 投稿時,必定要找和你作研究內容相近領域的專家做評閱人,最好是國外的,不是說國內的很差,但就怕有人和你(或你老闆)有過節,並且國內的不少所謂專家水平通常,且當心眼;
4. cover letter要簡單介紹你的工做的創新性,這樣便於論文的快速發表, 固然也應該客氣幾句,讓編輯感到內心舒服,主要是誇雜誌好之類的話; 有人寫coverletter,就是寫上題目、而後說很榮幸投稿之類地話,也有人乾脆把摘要全寫上,這樣我的認爲很差,必定用兩到三句話說明你論文「新」在哪,這個很是重要。
5. 前些時候看到論壇上不少人說不能寫信催編輯,我的認爲不要緊,必要催信可以讓人重視你的論文,必定要讓人感到,你的論文在這發不了,好多地方在等着發呢(但不少牛雜誌,可不吃這套喲,人家不缺稿,嘿嘿). 固然寫信的時候要客氣,說一些快速發表對於學術討論和促進工做等方面的重要性之類的話;
6. 能寫英文,就不投中文稿, 特別是不投中文雜誌英文版, 好不容易憋了篇英文,還投到低水平的雜誌,很不甘心; 最重要的是國內雜誌要錢,而國外不少不要。自從國內某雜誌告訴我他們之因此收我很高的版面費是爲了他們的生存時,我發誓包括之後個人學生就再也不投中文雜誌了(若是要投,對作材料的人,我的認爲金屬學報不錯,目前收費低);
7. 堅持就是勝利, 按照審稿人的建議好好改你的論文, 只要堅持投稿, 就必定可以被接收的, 若是論文被某雜誌拒稿, 但不提倡下降雜誌質量再投(應該根據審稿人意見修改後找合適的雜誌);有人認爲低影響因子的雜誌必定中的概率高, 我也這麼認爲,但通常低影響因子的雜誌論文出稿比較慢!
8. 英語很差不要緊,是人都知道咱們英語沒英國和美國人地道,但只要能表達清楚你要表達的意思就行了,並且等審稿人提出來時,必定要從頭至尾改一遍,你會發現,這樣屢次發論文後,你的英語寫做水平在一每天提升,拿兩年前的論文過來,本身都感受寫得很爛。哈哈。(有好幾回,一些審稿人總說我英語很差,這確定是母語爲英語的審稿人,但回信中,我只能說俺英語很差,地球人都知道,但我的認爲英語在科技論文裏主要是能讓人懂咱們的思想就夠了,並且我也沒有太多的錢去讓某些改論文的公司幫我作這些事)。
Dear Prof. Dr. Editor ***
I submitted our latest work to your journal *** last November. I want to know the review process. If there are some reponses from the reviewers. Would you please tell me the results so that I can deal with it as early as possible? Please understand me that fast publication of our work is important for me.
I appreciate your contribution to the publication of the high quality papers.
Kind thanks to you for your care.
Best Regards
Yours sincerely
第二封, 很不客氣了,他們剛開始說他們的審稿週期很短,但近四個月了,也沒消息,因此打算投別的地方.
Dear Dr. Prof. ***
I am sorry to make you in trouble. It takes too long for reviewing my manuscript (***) which was submitted to Journal "***". Generally, only about two months are necessary for the reviewing process on my usual submissions to other Journals. Hence, I decide to withdraw this submission.
I am sorry to make this decision. Please understand my condition because the rapid publication of my work is important for me and our group.
I hope that I have chance to get a rapid publication in this Journal in future.
Thank you for your attention and kind help.
Best Regards
Yours sincerely算法
1. 對於影響因子。有的影響因子(IF)很高,50/60.比《Science》和《Nature》的還要高。可能有一下緣由:
2. 如何選擇期刊。是否是隻看影響因子高的?
3. 通常美國的雜誌對語言要求最低,文風很自由.,你只要沒有什麼太大的語法錯誤,通常審稿人都不會說什麼.對語言要求最苛刻的就是英國德國
4. 不少好雜誌是不要版面費的,就算要版面費,好像學校有規定能夠報銷,因此你們能夠放心大膽的投。不要由於版面費的問題而顧慮。並不說要版面費的都是差的雜誌,但有的能夠申請減免。
5. 必定要選對雜誌!每一個雜誌都要他的側重點和內容要求。好比:有的類似的兩種雜誌,有的側重「理論」像美國的《PHYTOPATHOLOGY》,而有的側重於「應用」和其餘方面。如《PLANT DIS》.
6. 一些誤區:
7 大膽投稿的好處
8 如何安排寫論文的時間。
9 參考文獻。
『注意』:a 參考文獻最好有1/3甚至1/2以上是近5年內的文獻,這樣的論文會讓人感受有水平些。b 其次,最好找一手的文獻,不要那種二手的文獻。
1. 2.
Q:...... Q:......
A:...... A:......
11. 對於選雜誌
首先:你能夠看看發表的論文從接收到正式出版要多少時間。 其次:那就是問問投過那些雜誌的人。能夠問下和你作類似實驗,而且投過你感興趣的那些雜誌的師兄師姐們。也能夠在網上求助和蒐集信息。 總之,選擇雜誌是很很複雜的事情,要綜合考慮。
12. 寫論文時,首先:不要一味的貶低別人的論文的價值,不要動不動就拿本身的「優勢」與他人的「缺點」比。要對別人的工做作「客觀的評價」。
四、美國電子電氣工程計算機學會出版社(IEEE CS):99%EI收錄
七、法國Atlantis Press:70%
二、ICMA2007確實是2007年惟一在中國由IEEE發起的會議。另外,它不是由IEEE CS出版,而是由IEEE出版,區別於其餘會議有三點(1)會議常規注費費高500美圓,因IEEE要佔大頭。(2)設有IEEE會員註冊費,這是IEEE會員的權利,由於他們每一年交納500-1000元的會費。(3)EI收錄快,兩個月所有搞定,這是組織方與IEEE的約定。
五、上面只是個人經驗,固然大家沒法考證,我發表的5篇斯普林格出版社所有EI、ISTP收錄,其中3篇SCI收錄。發表在IEEE CS上的6篇所有EI、ISTP收錄,發表在IEEE上的5篇中所有ISTP收錄,4篇EI收錄,一篇沒被EI收錄是2003年的ICNNSP。發表在IET上的兩篇所有EI、ISTP收錄。發表在ASCE上的兩篇所有EI、ISTP收錄。我同窗發表在ASME上的3篇所有EI、ISTP收錄。
① 搜索引擎的高級功能
(2)文件類型檢索:文件類型主要是.pdf和.doc文檔,國外文獻大部分以pdf格式發佈,使用格式限制能夠排除不少沒必要要的檢索結果,如輸入:停車 filetype:pdf,固然其它google識別的格式均可使用;
(3)指定網址檢索:若是發現某個網站有須要的文獻,則能夠直接指定到該網站檢索,以得到須要的資料,如輸入:停車 site:www.parknride.com。
② 關鍵詞的使用
檢索結果如何,和關鍵詞的使用直接相關,因此,首先要弄清楚在英文中關鍵詞有哪幾種表達方式,分別進行檢索,而對於文獻綜述類,能夠使用:review、overview、literature review、history、development、trend等和關鍵詞一塊兒檢索。
③ 參考文獻的使用
④ 網站回溯
⑤ 經過bbs資源查找相關資料和資源
⑥ 使用代理
1.? SCI/EI/ISTP/一級期刊的基本知識;
2.? 如何利用數據庫和查找文獻;
3.? 如何尋找領域前沿;
4.? 如何撰寫高水平論文和投稿;
5.? 把握數量和質量的平衡。
1.1 SCI
1.1.1 SCI索引
SCI(科學引文索引,英文全稱Science Citation Index)是美國科學情報研究所(Institute for Scientific Information,簡稱ISI)擁有的世界著名的期刊文獻檢索工具。
SCI是SCI的光盤核心庫;而SCI-Expanded (簡稱SCIE)是SCI的擴展庫。國內高校在統計論文索引狀況時通常對SCI和SCIE都承認爲SCI索引。
1.1.2 ISTP會議錄索引
ISI Proceedings (ISTP - Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings),ISTP科學技術會議錄索引是美國ISI編輯出版的查閱各類會議錄的網絡數據庫。目前國內不少高校也在統計ISTP索引的數量。
? 通常而言SCI索引的會議必然會被ISTP同時索引,可是反之否則。
1.1.3 影響因子IF
? 期刊引用報告JCR(Jorunal Citation Reports)是ISI對其SCI索引的期刊進行的參數化評價,影響因子IF(Impact Factor) 是其中一項最有表明性的參數。
? IF是當年其它SCI論文引用該刊此前2年所發表文章次數除以該刊前2中發表的文章數目,其值越大,說明該期刊越重要。
? 須要強調單篇文章的引用次數問題,自引與他引的問題。
1.1.4 SCI收錄期刊分區
1.1.5 會議是否SCI索引
? 最直接的方法是看會議主頁上的說明。若是說明中沒有明確確定,則能夠寫信給會議的組織方諮詢,通常老外答覆都是比較含蓄的(例如我師兄的ICCS經歷),而國內的答覆就會很是直接(其實國內會議若是是SCI的都會在主頁上隆重註明的)。
? 另外還能夠直接查詢看這個會議前幾年是否都是SCI索引,可是有的會議會隔年索引,因此這個辦法不是很是可靠。使用這個辦法還要注意SCI索引中會議的縮寫格式,以避免漏查。
1.1.6 LNCS會議被SCI收錄
? 目前計算機領域的LNCS系列會議基本會被SCI收錄。
1.2 EI索引
1.2.1? 美國《工程索引》 EI(Engineering Index),由美國工程信息公司(Engineering Information Inc.)創辦,主要收錄工程技術期刊文獻和會議文獻的大型檢索系統。
1.2.2 EI-Compendex和Page One
? Ei Compendex標引文摘收錄論文的題錄、摘要、主題詞和分類號,進行深加工;有沒有主題詞和分類號是判斷論文是否被Ei正式收錄的惟一標誌。
? 聽說2006年起EI取消光盤版,只有EI Village2,即 Compendex和Page One合併。
Ei PageOne
? Ei PageOne題錄不列入文摘,沒有主題詞和分類號,不進行深加工。有的PageOne也帶有摘要,但沒有主題詞和分類號。因此帶有文摘不必定算作正式進入Ei。
? 請注意學校裏面說的EI通常是指前者!在數據庫中檢索時,要主要看清楚檢索結果中的檢索序列號是否11位,而且數據庫源是否Compendex。
1.2.3 SCI和EI會議
? 目前學校更承認SCI索引,雖然不少很高級別的會議也只被EI收而不被SCI收。從這一點來講,其實文章最好先投SCI的會議,以避免「浪費」。
? 對期刊而言,SCI有一個評價標準例如影響因子等,而EI則否則,因此這對EI也是一個不太好的因素。
? 對會議來講,SCI的索引週期前面說過通常是三個月左右,而EI就沒有固定規律,從一兩個月到將近一年的都曾經碰到過。
1.2.4 肯定會議是否EI索引
? 對一個會議來講,是否肯定EI收很難,即便是會議的主辦方,通常也不可能百分百肯定本屆所有幾冊都會被索引(依據:我師兄投CE2004時電話諮詢的過程)。可是通常來講,若是一個會連續幾屆都被EI全收,那麼這屆就不會有問題。另外,有些會議會在海報上註明本身是會被EI收的,這種也是能夠投的。
? 德國Springer出版社的LNCS(Lecture Notes in Computer Science)和荷蘭的Brill Academic出版社的LSCCS (Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences)都肯定被SCI全收。
? 注意:同一個出版社的其餘會議論文集系列不必定會被SCI收!例如Springer的Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence。
? 周圍同窗和一些老師公認的評價原則(重要性依次遞減):針對性、屆數、錄用篇數、錄用率、特邀嘉賓的影響力。
? 網絡上你們公認新加坡南洋理工的一個帖子,網址以下:
? http://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/assourav/crank.htm
? 請注意這些會議級別和SCI、EI並沒有直接關係,也就是說,頂級不見得SCI或者EI。
? Rank 1的文章1篇,賽過普通會議10篇。
AREA: System Technology
SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures, Protocols & Apps
INFOCOM: Annual Joint Conf IEEE Comp & Comm Soc
SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Principles
SOSDI: Usenix Symp on OS Design and Implementation
CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications Security
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
MOBICOM: ACM Intl Conf on Mobile Computing and Networking
USENIX Conf on Internet Tech and Sys
ICNP: Intl Conf on Network Protocols
以上都是本人關注的網絡、系統和安全的頂級會議,許多論文後來都被推薦到IEEE 或ACM Transactions系列。
? 若是隻是認準SCI的話,推薦,相關的會議列表可在其主頁上下載,通常比較完整詳細,但也有計劃外指標(這幾年國內主辦了很多)。
? 若是感受你本身的文章頗有感受,或者以爲你的idea過於新奇,不妨投投頂級會議看看最權威的評價,對於你的研究將會有莫大的幫助。
? 按照前幾屆師兄的提法,不要投業內知名的垃圾會議如ICMLC和SMC,LNCS也有此傾向。
? 一級與A類,一級要比A類的範圍小些。一級實際上是校人事處定的,估計最初是定給學校的教職員工的;而A類是明肯定給研究生教育的,因此從二者的選取原則上有必定差異。
? 請注意,這裏列出的一級是某高校的一級,各個學校和單位的目錄可能會有所差異
? 原有的:計算機科學與技術學報(英文版)、電子學報(中、英文版)、計算機學報(中、英文版)、軟件學報、計算機研究與發展、自動化學報、系統工程理論與實踐(中、英文版)、模式識別與人工智能、計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報、中國圖象圖形學報。
? 去年學校新增長的:計算機集成制造系統、控制與決策。
? 科學通報(中、英文版)、中國科學(A-E輯)(中、英文版)、制理論與應用、通訊學報、電子與信息學報等。具體目錄可參考學校人事處文件。
2 如何使用文獻數據庫
? IEL:即IEE和IEEE,最具知名度和影響力;
? Elsevier Science Direct On Site (SDOS):荷蘭的一個出版集團,也極其影響力;
? ACM Digital Library:ACM的全部文獻;
? Lecture Notes in Computer Science:即Springer公司的LNCS系列會議,雖是SCI但水平不高,做爲文獻價值不大。
? CNKI:清華的中國期刊網,能全文檢索。
? ISI Web of Knowledge:即SCI檢索庫;
? 熟練使用SCI數據庫很是有用,請務必掌握;
? 除查找被收錄的文獻外,還能夠使用JCR;
? Journal Citation Report,包括各種期刊的影響因子。
? 建議找到一個學科,按影響因子IF排序,通常來講,IF高的難度大,低的難度小,不過過低的,如<0.1比較危險,可能被淘汰。
? 注意IF能夠經過計算獲得,國內有些期刊如《計算機學報》、《計算機研究與發展》等得出本身的IF,但咱們所談論的是SCI期刊間的引用,不可同日而語。
? 其實,從某種意義上講,GOOGLE也頗有效。直接輸入所有或部分文獻名,做者名等都可;
? 我來浙大前,在本身這個方向蒐集了大約200篇文獻,95%從因特網上獲取;
? 沒法從因特網上直接獲取的文獻,每每被引用率也不高,由於別人難以獲得。
? 建議至少讀500篇外文文獻,其中100篇精讀。
3.1 如何尋找領域前沿
肯定方向,讀一些國內一級或IEEE Magazine的綜述;
熟悉本領域最具影響的國際期刊(IEEE Transactions)和頂級會議(Rank 1);
3.2 如何尋找領域前沿
4.1 如何撰寫高水平論文
4.2 如何投稿
Acronym | Standard Name | Rank |
AAAI | National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence | A+ |
AAMAS | International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems | A+ |
ACL | Association of Computational Linguistics | A+ |
ACMMM | ACM Multimedia Conference | A+ |
ASPLOS | Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems | A+ |
CAV | Computer Aided Verification | A+ |
CCS | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | A+ |
CHI | International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems | A+ |
COLT | Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory | A+ |
CRYPTO | Advances in Cryptology | A+ |
CSCL | Computer Supported Collaborative Learning | A+ |
DCC | IEEE Data Compression Conference | A+ |
DSN | International Conference on Dependable Systems | A+ |
EuroCrypt | International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques | A+ |
FOCS | IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science | A+ |
FOGA | Foundations of Genetic Algorithms | A+ |
HPCA | IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture | A+ |
I3DG | ACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics | A+ |
ICAPS | International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling | A+ |
ICCV | IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision | A+ |
ICDE | IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering | A+ |
ICDM | IEEE International Conference on Data Mining | A+ |
ICFP | International Conference on Functional Programming | A+ |
ICIS | International Conference on Information Systems | A+ |
ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning | A+ |
ICSE | International Conference on Software Engineering | A+ |
IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | A+ |
IJCAR | International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning | A+ |
INFOCOM | Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies | A+ |
InfoVis | IEEE Information Visualization Conference | A+ |
IPSN | Information Processing in Sensor Networks | A+ |
ISCA | ACM International Symposium on Computer Architecture | A+ |
ISMAR | IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality | A+ |
ISSAC | International. Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation | A+ |
ISWC | IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computing | A+ |
IWQoS | IFIP International Workshop on QoS | A+ |
JCDL | ACM Conference on Digital Libraries | A+ |
KR | International Conference on Principles of KR & Reasoning | A+ |
LICS | IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science | A+ |
MOBICOM | ACM International Conferencem on Mobile Computing and Networking | A+ |
NIPS | Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems | A+ |
OOPSLA | ACM Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications | A+ |
OSDI | Usenix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation | A+ |
PERCOM | IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications | A+ |
PERVASIVE | International Conference on Pervasive Computing | A+ |
PLDI | ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design & Implementation | A+ |
PODC | ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing | A+ |
PODS | ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Conferenceon Principles of Database Systems | A+ |
POPL | ACM-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Prog Langs | A+ |
RSS | Robotics: Systems and Science | A+ |
RTSS | Real Time Systems Symp | A+ |
SENSYS | ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems | A+ |
SIGCOMM | ACM Conference on Applications, Technologies,Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication | A+ |
SIGGRAPH | ACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques | A+ |
SIGIR | ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval | A+ |
SIGKDD | ACM International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | A+ |
SIGMETRICS | ACM SIG on computer and communications metrics and performance | A+ |
SIGMOD | ACM Special Interest Group on Management of Data Conference | A+ |
SODA | ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms | A+ |
SOSP | ACM SIGOPS Symposium on Operating Systems Principles | A+ |
STOC | ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing | A+ |
UAI | Conference in Uncertainty in Artifical Intelligence | A+ |
UbiComp | Uniquitous Computing | A+ |
VLDB | International Conference on Very Large Databases | A+ |
WWW | International World Wide Web Conference | A+ |
ACM-HT | ACM Hypertext Conf | A |
AH | International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems | A |
AID | International Conference on AI in Design | A |
AIED | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education | A |
AIIM | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | A |
AIME | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe | A |
AiML | Advances in Modal Logic | A |
ALENEX | Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments | A |
ALIFE | International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems | A |
AMAI | Artificial Intelligence and Maths | A |
AMIA | American Medical Informatics Annual Fall Symposium | A |
AOSD | Aspect-Oriented Software Development | A |
APPROX | International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems | A |
ASAP | International Conference on Apps for Specific Array Processors | A |
ASE | Automated Software Engineering Conference | A |
ASIACRYPT | International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptology | A |
ASIS&T | Annual conference of American Society for Information Science and Technology | A |
ATVA | International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis | A |
AVSS | Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance | A |
BMVC | British Machine Vision Conference | A |
BPM | International Conference in Business Process Management | A |
CADE | International Conference on Automated Deduction | A |
CAIP | International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns | A |
CaiSE | International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering | A |
CANIM | Computer Animation | A |
CASES | International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems | A |
CBSE | International Symposium Component-Based Software Engineering | A |
CC | International Conference on Compiler Construction | A |
CCC | IEEE Symposium on Computational Complexity | A |
CCGRID | IEEE Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid | A |
CDC | IEEE Conference on Decision and Control | A |
CGI | Computer Graphics International | A |
CGO | Code Generation and Optimization | A |
CIDR | Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research | A |
CIKM | ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | A |
CLUSTER | Cluster Computing Conference | A |
COCOON | International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics | A |
CogSci | Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society | A |
COLING | International Conference on Computational Liguistics | A |
CONCUR | International Conference on Concurrency Theory | A |
CoNLL | Conference on Natural Language Learning | A |
CoopIS | International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems | A |
Coordination | International Conference on Coordination Models and Lanuguages | A |
CP | International Conference on Principles & Practice of Constraint Programming | A |
CPAIOR | International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems | A |
CSB | IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference | A |
CSCW | ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work | A |
CSFW | IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop | A |
CSSAC | Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference | A |
CVPR | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | A |
DAC | Design Automation Conf | A |
DAS | International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems | A |
DASFAA | Database Systems for Advanced Applications | A |
DATE | IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference | A |
DEXA | International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications | A |
DIGRA | Digital Games Research Conference | A |
DIS | Designing Interactive Systems | A |
DISC | International Symposium on Distributed Computing (ex WDAG) | A |
DocEng | ACM Symposium on Document Engineering | A |
DOOD | Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases | A |
DUX | Design for User Experience | A |
EAAI | Engineering Applications of Artifical Intelligence | A |
EACL | European Association of Computational Linguistics | A |
EASE | International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering | A |
EC | ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce | A |
ECAI | European Conference on Artificial Intelligence | A |
ECCV | European Conference on Computer Vision | A |
ECDL | European Conference on Digital Libraries | A |
ECIS | European Conference on Information Systems | A |
ECML | European Conference on Machine Learning | A |
ECOOP | European Conference on object-oriented programming | A |
ECRTS | Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems | A |
ECSCW | European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work | A |
ECWeb | International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technology | A |
EDBT | Extending Database Technology | A |
EKAW | International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management | A |
EMMSAD | Exploring Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design | A |
EMNLP | Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing | A |
EMSOFT | ACM Conference on Embedded Software | A |
ESA | European Symposium on Algorithms | A |
e-science | IEEE International Conference on e-science and Grid Computing | A |
ESEM | Internation Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement | A |
ESOP | European Symposium on Programming | A |
ESORICS | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security | A |
ESQARU | International Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning | A |
ESWC | European Semantic Web Conference | A |
EuroCOLT | European Conference on Computational Learning Theory | A |
EUROGRAPH | European Graphics Conference | A |
EuroPar | International Conference on Parallel Processing | A |
EuroPVM/MPI | Euopean PVM/MPI Uswers' Group Conference | A |
EuroSpeech | European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology | A |
EuroSPI | European SPI | A |
EuroSys | Eurosys Conference | A |
EWSN | European conference on Wireless Sensor Networks | A |
FCCM | IEEE Symposium on Field Programmable Custom Computing Machines | A |
FLOPS | International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming | A |
FME | Formal Methods Europe | A |
FODO | International Conference on Foundation on Data Organization | A |
FORTE | IFIP Joint Int'l Conference on Formal Description Techniques and Protocol Specification, Testing, And Verification | A |
FPSAC | Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics | A |
FSE | ACM Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (inc ESEC-FSE when held joInternationaly [sic]) | A |
FSR | International Conference on Field and Service Robotics | A |
FST&TCS | Foundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science | A |
FUZZ-IEEE | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems | A |
GD | Graph Drawing | A |
Grid | International Conference on Grid Computing | A |
Group | ACM Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Work (was SIGGRoup) | A |
HiPC | International Conference on High Performance Computing | A |
HOTCHIPS (HCS) | Symposium on High Performance Chips | A |
HOTNETS | ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks | A |
HotOS | USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems | A |
HPDC | IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing | A |
Hypertext | ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia | A |
IC3N | International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks | A |
ICADL | International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries | A |
ICALP | International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming | A |
ICALT | IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies | A |
ICARCV | International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision | A |
ICC | IEEE International Conference on Communications | A |
ICCAD | International Conference on Computer-Aided Design | A |
ICCL | IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages | A |
ICCS | International Conference on Computational Science | A |
ICCS | International Conference on Conceptual Structures | A |
ICDAR | IEEE International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition | A |
ICDCS | IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems | A |
ICDT | International Conference on Database Theory | A |
ICECCS | IEEE International Conference on Engineering and Complex Computer Systems | A |
ICER | International Computing Education Research Workshop | A |
ICGG | International Conference on Grid Computing | A |
ICIAP | International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing | A |
ICIP | IEEE International Conference on Image Processing | A |
ICLP | International conference on Logic Programming | A |
ICMAS | International Conference on Multi Agent Systems | A |
ICNN | IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks | A |
ICNP | International Conference on Network Protocols | A |
ICONIP | International Conference on Neural Information Processing | A |
ICPP | International Conference on Parallel Processing | A |
ICPR | International Conference on Pattern Recognition | A |
ICS | ACM International Conference on Supercomputing | A |
ICSC2 | International Computer Symposium Conference | A |
ICSM | International. Conferenceon Software Maintenance | A |
ICSOC | International Conference on Service Oriented Computing | A |
ICSP | International Conference on Software Process | A |
ICSPC | International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing | A |
ICSR | IEEE International Conference on Software Reuse | A |
ICTL | International Coference on Temporal Logic | A |
IDA | Intelligent Data Analysis | A |
IEEE-Alife | IEEE International Symposium on Artificial Life | A |
IEEE-CEC | Congress on Evolutionary Computation | A |
IEEE-MM | IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems | A |
IEEETKDE | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | A |
IFIP_WG 11.3 | IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (was IFIP-DBSEC) | A |
IJCNLP | International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing | A |
IJCNN | IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks | A |
ILPS | International Logic Programming Symposium | A |
IM | IFIP/IEEE Integrated Management (odd years sharing with NOMS) | A |
IMC | Internet Measurement Conference | A |
INTERACT | IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction | A |
IPCO | MPS Conference on integer programming & combinatorial optimization | A |
IPDPS | IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP) | A |
ISAAC | International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation | A |
ISD | International Conference on Information Systems Development | A |
ISESE | International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering | A |
ISMB | Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology | A |
ISR | International Symposium on Robotics | A |
ISSCC | IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference | A |
ISSR | International Symposium on Robotics Research | A |
ISSRE | International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering | A |
ISSTA | Internation Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis | A |
ISTA | International Conference on Information Systems Technology and its Application | A |
ISTCS | Israel Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems | A |
ISWC | International Semantic Web Conference | A |
ITiCSE | Annual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education | A |
ITS | International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems | A |
IUI | Intelligent User Interfaces | A |
IVCNZ | Image and Vision Computing Conference | A |
JELIA | Logics in Artificial Intelligence, European Conference | A |
JICSLP/ICLP/ILPS | International Conference/Symposium on Logic Programming (Joint) | A |
K-CAP | Knowledge capture | A |
LCN | IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks | A |
LCTES | ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Tools, and Compilers for Embedded Systems | A |
LPAR | Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning | A |
LPNMR | International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning | A |
MASCOTS | Symposium Model Analysis & Simulation of Computer & Telecommunications Systems | A |
MASS | IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems | A |
MassPar | Symposium on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Processing | A |
MICRO | International Symposium on Microarchitecture | A |
Middleware | ACM/IFIP/USENIX th International Middleware Conference | A |
MIR | ACM SIGMM International Woekshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval | A |
MMCN | ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking | A |
MMSP | International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing | A |
MOBIHOC | ACM Symposium of mobile and ad hoc computing | A |
MobileHCI | International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services | A |
Mobiquitous | International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networks and Services | A |
Mobisys | ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on mobile systems, applications and services | A |
MODELS | International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language (formerly UML) | A |
MSWIM | ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems | A |
NAACL | North American Association for Computational Linguistics | A |
NDSS | Usenix Networked and Distributed System Security Symposium | A |
Net Object Days | Includings [sic] MATES, ENASE etc. | A |
NetStore | Network Storage Symposium | A |
Networking 200X | IFIP Networking 200X | A |
NOSSDAV | Network and OS Support for Digital A/V | A |
NSDI | Symposium on Networked Systems, Design and Implementation | A |
OPENARCH | IEEE Conference on Open Architecture and Network Programming | A |
P2P | IEEE International Conference on Peer-toPeer Computing | A |
PACT | International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation Techniques | A |
PADL | Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages | A |
PADS | ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Parallel & Distributed Simulation | A |
PAKDD | Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | A |
PDC | Participatory Design Conference | A |
PEPM | ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evalutation and Program Manipulation | A |
PERFORMANCE | IFIP International Symposium on Computing Performance, Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation | A |
PG | Pacific Graphics | A |
PKDD | European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases | A |
PPoPP | Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming | A |
PPSN | Parallel Problem Solving from Nature | A |
PRO-VE | IFIP Working Conferences on Virtual Enterprises | A |
PT | Performance Tools - International Conference on Model Techniques & Tools for CPE | A |
QoSA | Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures | A |
QSIC | International Quality Software Conference | A |
RAID | Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection | A |
RANDOM | International Workshop on Randomization and Computation | A |
RE | IEEE Requirements Engineering | A |
RECOMB | Annual International Conferenceon Comp Molecular Biology | A |
RoboCup | Robot Soccer World Cup | A |
RST | International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies | A |
RTA | International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications | A |
RTAS | IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium | A |
S&P | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | A |
SARA | Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation | A |
SAS | Static Analysis Symposium | A |
SAT | International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing | A |
SCA | ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation | A |
SCC | IEEE International Conference on Services Computing | A |
SCG | ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry | A |
SCOPES | International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems | A |
SDM | SIAM International Conference on Data Mining | A |
SDSDI | Unix Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation | A |
SIGCSE | ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education Conference | A |
SMS | IEEE International Symposium on Software Metrics | A |
SPAA | Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures | A |
SPICE | Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination | A |
SRDS | Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems | A |
SSDBM | International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Data Base Management | A |
SSPR | Structural and Statistical pattern recognition | A |
SSR | ACM Symposium on Software Reusability | A |
SSTD | International Symposium on Spatial Databases | A |
STACS | Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science | A |
SUPER | ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference | A |
SWAT | Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory | A |
TABLEAUX | International Conference on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods | A |
TACAS | Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems | A |
TARK | Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge | A |
TIME | International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning | A |
TREC | Text Retrieval Conference | A |
UIST | ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology | A |
UM | International Conference on User Modelling | A |
USENIX | USENIX Annual Technical Conference | A |
USENIX-Security | Usenix Security | A |
USITS | Unix Symposium on Internet Technologies | A |
VCIP | SPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing | A |
VIS | IEEE Visualization | A |
VL/HCC | IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (was VL) | A |
VLSI | IEEE Symposium VLSI Circuits | A |
VMCAI | Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation | A |
WACV | IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision | A |
WADS | Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures | A |
WICSA | EEE/IFIP Working Conference on Software Architecture | A |
WISE | International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering | A |
WoWMoM | IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks | A |
WPHOL | International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics | A |
AAAAECC | International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes | B |
AAIM | Conference on Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management | B |
ACAL | Australian Conference on Artificial Life | B |
ACCV | Asian Conference on Computer Vision | B |
ACE | Australasian Conference on Computer Science Education | B |
ACIS | Australasian Conference on Information Systems | B |
ACISP | Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy | B |
ACIVS | Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems | B |
ACOSM | Australian Conference on Software Metrics | B |
ACRA | Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation | B |
ACS | Australian Supercomputing Conf | B |
ACSAC | Australasian Computer Systems Architecture Conference (now Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference) | B |
ACSC | Australasian Computer Science Conference | B |
ACSD | Application of Concurrency to System Design | B |
ADBIS | Symposium on Advances in DB and Information Systems | B |
ADC | Australasian Database Conference | B |
ADCS | Australasian Document Computing Symposium | B |
ADHOC-NOW | International Conference on AD-HOC Networks & Wireless | B |
ADTI | International Symposium on Advanced DB Technologies and Integration | B |
AI*IA | Congress of the Italian Assoc for AI | B |
AINA | International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (was ICOIN) | B |
AISP | Australasia Conference on Information Security and Privacy | B |
ALEX | Algorithms and Experiments | B |
ALG | ENGG Workshop on Algorithm Engineering | B |
ALP | International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming | B |
ALTAW | Australasian Language Techology Association Workshop | B |
AMCIS | Americas Conference on Information Systems | B |
AMOC | Asian International Mobile Computing Conferrence | B |
ANALCO | Workshop on Analytic Algorithms and Combinatorics | B |
ANNIE | Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference | B |
ANTS | International Workshop on Ant Colony | B |
ANZIIS | Australian and New Zealand Intelligent Information Systems Conference | B |
AofA | Conference on Analysis of Algorithms | B |
AOIR | Internet Research | B |
AOIS | Agent-Oriented Information Systems Workshop | B |
AOSE | Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Workshop | B |
APAMI | Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics Conference | B |
APBC | Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference | B |
APCC | IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Communications | B |
APCHI | Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction | B |
APLAS | ASIAN Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems | B |
APNOMS | Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium | B |
APSEC | Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference | B |
APWEB | Asia Pacific Web Conference | B |
ARA | National Conference of the Australian Robot Association | B |
ARES | International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security | B |
ASADM | Chicago ASA Data Mining Conference- A Hard Look at DM | B |
ASIAN | Asian Computing Science Conference | B |
ASS | IEEE Annual Simulation Symposium | B |
ASWEC | Australian Software Engineering Conference | B |
ASWEC | Australian Software Engineering Conference | B |
AUIC | Australasian User Interface Conference | B |
AusAI | Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | B |
AusDM | Australian Data Mining Conference | B |
AusWIT | Australian Women in IT Conference | B |
AWOCA | Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms | B |
AWRE | Australian Workshop on Requirements Engineering | B |
AWTI | Argentine Workshop on Theoretical Informatics | B |
BASYS | IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Information Technology for Balanced Automation Systems | B |
BNCOD | British National Conference on Databases | B |
Broadnets | International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems | B |
CAAI | Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference | B |
CAAN | Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking | B |
CACSD | IEEE/IFAC Joint Symposium on Intelligent Control | B |
CAIA | Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications | B |
CATS | Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium | B |
CCA | IEEE International Conference on Control Applications | B |
CCCG | Canadian Conferenceon Computational Geometry | B |
CCW | IEEE Computer Communications Workshop | B |
CD | IFIP/ACM Working Conference on Component Deployment | B |
CEAS | International Conference on Email and Anti-Spam | B |
CEC/EEE | IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce Technology and Enterprise Computing, e_Commerce and e-Services | B |
CGA | Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications | B |
CHES | Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | B |
CIAA | International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata | B |
CIAC | Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity | B |
CICLING | Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics | B |
CISTM | Conference on Information Science, Technology and Management | B |
CITB | Complexity and information-theoretic approaches to biology | B |
COCOA | Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications | B |
COMAD | International Conference on Management of Data | B |
COMMONSENSE | Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning | B |
CompLife | International Symposium on Computational Life Science | B |
COMPSAC | International Computer Software and Applications Conference | B |
CONPAR | International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing | B |
CPM | Combinatorial Pattern Matching | B |
CSL, | 2 th Annual Conference on Computer Science Logic | B |
DAC | Digital Arts and Culture | B |
DAFX | Digital Audio Effects Conference | B |
DAIS | IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Inoperable Systems | B |
DaWaK | Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery | B |
DB&IS | International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems | B |
DCOSS | IEEE Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems | B |
DICTA | Australian Pattern Recognition Society Conference | B |
DISRA | IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Intelligent Simululation and Real-Time Applications | B |
DITW | Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik | B |
DLT | Developments in Language Theory | B |
DMTCS | International Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science | B |
DNA | Meeting on DNA Based Computers | B |
DSOM | IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems Operations and Management | B |
DS-RT | Distributed Simulation and Real-time Applications | B |
DSS | Distributed Simulation Symposium | B |
DX | Diagnostics | B |
DYSPAN | IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks | B |
ECAIM | European Conference on AI in Medicine | B |
ECAL | European Conferene on Artificial Life | B |
ECBS | Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems | B |
ECCB | European Conference on Computational Biology | B |
ECEG | Eurpopean Conference on e-Government | B |
ECIME | European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation | B |
ECIR | European Conference on Information Retrieval | B |
ED-MEDIA | World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications | B |
EDOC | The Enterprise Computing Conference | B |
EEE | IEEE e-technology, e-service and e-commerce conference | B |
EGC | European Grid Conference | B |
Emnets | IEEE Embedded Sensor Networks Worskhop | B |
EPIA | Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence | B |
ER | International Conference on Conceptual Modeling | B |
ERCIM/CSCLPERCIM | Annual Workshop on Constraint Solving and Contraint Logic Programming | B |
ESEA | Euromicro International Conference on software engineering and applications | B |
ESEC | European Software Engineering Conference | B |
ESM | European Simulation Multiconference | B |
ESS | European Simulation Symposium | B |
EuAda | Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies | B |
EUROGP | European Conference on Genetic Programming | B |
EuroPDP | EUROMICRO Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based processing | B |
EUSIPCO | European Signal Processing Conference | B |
EWLR | European Workshop on Learning Robots | B |
FASE | Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering | B |
FCKAML | French Conference on Knowledge Acquisition & Machine Learning | B |
FCT | Fundamentals of Computation Theory | B |
FEM | International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods | B |
FEWFDB | Far East Workshop on Future DB Systems | B |
FIE | Frontiers in Education | B |
FINCRY | Financial Cryptography | B |
FOSSACS | Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures | B |
FSENCRY | Fast Software Encryption | B |
FTP | International Workshops on First-Order Theorem Proving | B |
FTRTFT | Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault Tolerant Systems | B |
FUN | Conference on fun with algorithms | B |
GECCO | Genetic and Evolutionary Computations | B |
GLOBECOM | IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference | B |
GMP | Geometry Modeling and Processing | B |
GPCE | International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering | B |
HASE | IEEE International Symposiumon High Assurance Systems Engineering | B |
HICSS | Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | B |
HLT | Human Language Technologies | B |
HPCN | International Conference on High Performance Computing and Networking | B |
HPSR | IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing | B |
IAAI | Innovative Applications in AI | B |
ICA3PP | IEEE International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing | B |
ICAIL | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law | B |
ICANN | International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks | B |
ICASSP | IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing | B |
ICATPN | International Conference on the Application and Theory of Petri Nets | B |
ICCB | International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning | B |
ICCBSS | IEEE International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems | B |
ICCE | International Conference on Computers in Education | B |
ICCI | International Conference on Computing and Information | B |
ICDCN | IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking | B |
ICEBE | IEEE Conference on e-Business Engineering | B |
ICEIMT | International Confernce on Enterprise Integration and Modelling Technology | B |
ICEIS | International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems | B |
ICGA | International Conference on Genetic Algorithms | B |
ICGT | International Conference on Graph Transformations | B |
ICICSec | International Conference on Information and Communications Security | B |
ICME | IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo | B |
ICMS | International Conference on Multiagent Systems | B |
ICON | IEEE International Conference on Networks | B |
ICPADS | IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems | B |
ICRA | IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation | B |
ICSC | International Computer Science Conference | B |
ICSEA | International Conference on Software Engineering Advances | B |
ICSEC | International Conferenceon Information and Communications Security | B |
IC-Soft | International Conference on Software and Data Technologies | B |
ICTAC | International Colloquium on Theoretical Ascpects of Computing | B |
ICTAI | IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence | B |
ICWS | IEEE International Conference on Web Services | B |
IDEAS | International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium | B |
IE | Interactive Entertainment | B |
IEAAI | International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems | B |
IEEE RFID | IEEE International Conference on Remote Frequency Identification | B |
IEEE-IV | Intelligent Vehicles Conference | B |
IFM | Integrated Formal Methods | B |
IFSA | IFSA World Congress | B |
IJCNLP2 | International Joint Conference on Computational Linguistics | B |
ILP | Inductive Logic Programming | B |
IN | IEEE Intell Network Workshop | B |
INBS | IEEE International Symposium on Intelleligence in Neural & Biological Systems | B |
INET | Internet Society Conference | B |
INFH | Workshop on Information Hiding | B |
InSITE | Informing Science and IT Education Conference | B |
IPCCC | IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference | B |
IRIS | Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia | B |
IRMA | Information Resources Management Association International Conference | B |
IROS | IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems | B |
ISCC | IEEE Symposium on Computers & Communications | B |
ISCIS | International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences | B |
ISEAT | Integration of Software Engineering and Agent Technology | B |
ISIC | IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control | B |
ISMM | International Symposium on Memory Management | B |
ITC | IEEE International Test Conference | B |
IWANN | International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks | B |
IWCASE | International Workshop on Cumpter-Aided Software Eng | B |
IWCMC | ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference | B |
IWPEC | International Workshop on Parameterized and Exact Computation | B |
JCSC | Journal of Computing Science in Colleges (conference proceedings) | B |
JMLC | Joint Modular Languages Conference | B |
KES | International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems | B |
KI | German AI conference | B |
Koli | Calling Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research | B |
LATIN | International Symposium on Latin American Theoretical Informatics | B |
LDTA | Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications | B |
LENLS | Logic & Engineering of Natural Language Semantics | B |
LFCS | Logical Foundations of Computer Science | B |
LOPSTR | International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation | B |
LPMA | International Workshop on Logic Programming and Multi-Agents | B |
M2VIP | Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice | B |
MATES | German conference on Multi-Agent system Technologies | B |
MCU | Universal Machines and Computations | B |
MDM | International Conference on Mobile Data Access/Management (MDA/MDM) | B |
MEDINFO | World Congeress on Medical Informatics | B |
MEGA | Methods Effectives en Geometrie Algebrique | B |
MFCS | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science | B |
MLMI | Joint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learnig Algorithms | B |
MMM | Multimedia Modelling | B |
MPC | Mathematics of Program Construction | B |
MPCS | International Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems | B |
MPPOI | Massively Parallel Processing Using Optional Interconnections | B |
NCC | National Conference Communications | B |
NGDB | International Symposium on Next Generation Data Base Systems and Applications | B |
NOMS | IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium | B |
NORDCHI | Norwegian Computer Human Interaction | B |
ODP | IFIP International Conference on Open Distributed Processing | B |
OPODIS | International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems | B |
OZCHI | Australian Computer Human Interaction Conference | B |
PACES | Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems | B |
PACIS | Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems | B |
PACLIC | Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation | B |
PACLING | Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics | B |
PAM | Passive and Active Measurement Conference | B |
PASTE | ACM SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering | B |
PATAT | Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling | B |
PDCAT | International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies | B |
PIMRC | IEEE International Symposium on Personal and Indoor Mobile Radio Conference | B |
PKAW | Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop | B |
PKC | Public Key Cryptosystems | B |
PLILP | Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming | B |
PPDP | International Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming | B |
PPIG | Annual PPIG Workshop | B |
PRICAI | Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence | B |
PRIMA | Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents | B |
PROFES | Product Focused Software Process Improvement | B |
PROSim | International Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling | B |
PSI | Ershov conference | B |
Qsine | International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks | B |
QualIT | International Conference on Qualitative Research in IT & IT in Qualitative Research | B |
REFSQ | International Workshop on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality | B |
RIDE | International Workshop on Research Issues in Data Engineering | B |
RSA | RSA Conference (a security conference) | B |
RTCSA | International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications | B |
SAC | ACM Symposium on Applied Computing | B |
SAFECOMP | International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security | B |
SAFEProcess | IFAC Symposioum on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes | B |
SAGA | Symposium on Stochastic Algorithms, Foundations, and Applications | B |
SBBD | Brazilian Symposium on Databases | B |
SCAI | Scandinavian Conference on Artifical Intelligence | B |
SCRAA | Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference | B |
SCSC | Summer Computer Simulation Conference | B |
SEAL | Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution & Learning | B |
SEC | IFIP International Information Security Conference | B |
SECON | IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks | B |
SecureComm | IEEE/CreateNet International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks | B |
SECURITY | Usenix Security Symposium | B |
SEEP | International Conference on Software Engineering: Education and Practice | B |
SEFM | International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods | B |
SEKE | International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering | B |
SEQAPP | International Conference on Sequences and their Applications | B |
SIGCHI-NZ | International NZ Conference on Computer-Human Interaction | B |
SIGOPS-EW | ACM SIGOPS European Workshops | B |
SIROCCO | Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity | B |
SMC | IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics | B |
SOFTCOMM | Conferenceon Software in Tcomms and Comp Networks | B |
SoMeT | International Conference on Software Methods and Tools | B |
SPEC | Workshop on Security and Privacy in E-commerce | B |
SPICIS | Singapore International Conferenceon Intelligent System | B |
SPIRE | International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval | B |
SST | Australasian Speech Science & Technology | B |
STEP | Software Technology and Engineering Practice Conference | B |
SWDC | International Conference on Software Development | B |
TOOLS | Technology of object-oriented languages and systems | B |
UKAIS | UK Academy of Information Systems conference | B |
UKSS | United Kingdom Systems Society | B |
UMC | Unconventional Models of Computation | B |
UML | Unified Modelling Language | B |
VAPP | Vector and Parallel Processing | B |
VDB | Visual Database Systems | B |
VEE | International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments | B |
VTC | IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference | B |
WABI | Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics | B |
WAE | Workshop on Algorithm Engineering | B |
WAIS | International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics | B |
WCES | World Congress on Expert Systems | B |
WCNC | IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference | B |
WCNN | World Congress on Neural Networks | B |
WCRE | IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering | B |
WCSS | World Congress on Systems Simulation | B |
WCW | Web Caching Workshop | B |
WDAG | Workshop on Distributed Algorithms (DISC since 1998) | B |
WG | Workshop on Graph Theory | B |
WI | IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence | B |
WiOpt | International. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks | B |
WoLLIC | Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation | B |
WORDS | International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems | B |
WSC | Winter Simulation Conference | B |
AdCom | International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications | C |
AEN | IASTED International Conferenceon AI, Exp Sys & Neural Networks | C |
AI | IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics | C |
AIA | Artificial Intelligence and Applications Conference | C |
AIL | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law | C |
AIS | Advances in Intelligent Systems | C |
AIS SIGED:IAIM | International Academy for Information Management) International Conference on Informatics Education & Research | C |
AISAT | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology | C |
AMAST | Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology | C |
ANNES | Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systems | C |
APCOMin | Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industries | C |
APORS | Conference of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies | C |
APPIA/GULP/PRODE | Joint Conference on Declarative Programming APPIA-GULP-PRODE | C |
AQSDT | Symposium on Assessment of Quality S/W Dev Tools | C |
ARTDB | Active and Real-Time Database Systems | C |
ARVLSI | Advanced Research in VLSI | C |
ASC | IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing | C |
ASM | IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling | C |
BC | IFIP International Conference on Broadband Communications | C |
BECC | Bled Electronic Commerce Conference | C |
BIBE | IEEE Bioinformatics and Bioengineering | C |
CAADRIA | Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia | C |
CAINE | ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering | C |
CATA | International Conference on Computers and their Applications | C |
CATE | IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education | C |
CCRTS | International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium | C |
CCTAF | Intelligent Multimedia, Computing and Communications Technologies and Applications of the Future | C |
CDB | Constraint Databases and Applications | C |
CHPC | International Conference on High Performance Computing | C |
CIBCB | IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology | C |
CIEAEM | Conference of the Commission Internationale pour l'Etude et l'Amelioration de l'Enseignement des Mathematiques | C |
CIMCA | International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation | C |
CIRSYS | International Symposium on Circuits and Systems | C |
CISST | International Conference Image Science, Systems and Technology | C |
CODAS | International Symposium on Cooperative Database Systems for Advanced Applications | C |
CollECTeR | Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research | C |
COMPDES | International Symposium on Computer Design | C |
COMSWARE | te-Net/ICST International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE | C |
CPD | Constraint Programming Day | C |
CryPAC | Cryptography Policy and Algorithms Conference | C |
CSEE | Conference on Software Engineering Education | C |
CSICC | International CSI Computer Conference | C |
CTAC | Computational Techniques and Applications Conference | C |
CxS | International Conference on Complex Systems | C |
DASD | Symposium on Design, Analysis, and Simulation of Distributed Systems | C |
DASWIS | Data Semantics in Web Information Systems | C |
DBPL | Databases and Programming Language | C |
Dcw | Distributed Communities on the Web Workshop | C |
DMDW | Design and Management of Data Warehouses | C |
DMKD | Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | C |
DOLAP | International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP | C |
DSAA | International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications | C |
DSI | Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute | C |
DSLSE | Domain - Specific Languages for Software Engineering | C |
DSTKM | International Conference on Decision Support Through Knowledge Management | C |
DTVE | Workshop on Database Technology for Virtual Enterprises | C |
DVAT | Information Systems &Technologies /SPIE Conference on Digital Video Compression Algorithms & Techniques | C |
EFIS/EFDBS | Engineering Federated Information (Database) Systems | C |
EFTF/IFCS | Joint Meeting of the European Frequency and Time Forum and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers In | C |
EICAR | European Institute for Computer Anti-Virus ResearchEICAR Conference | C |
EKM | European Conference on Knowledge Management | C |
EMBC | The Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | C |
EMCIS | European Mediterranean Info Systems | C |
EP | Annual Conference on Evolutionary Programming | C |
ESCAPE | Symposium On Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies | C |
ETHICOMP | International Conference on the Social and Ethical Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies | C |
EUFIT | European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing | C |
EuroBot | European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots | C |
EWCG | European Workshop on Computational Geometry | C |
FATES | A Satellite workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software | C |
FIRA | FIRA Robot World Congress | C |
FMICS | Int. Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems | C |
FMOOD | International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems | C |
FMP | Formal Methods Pacific | C |
FMSEDS | Formal Methods in Software Engineering and Defence Systems Workshop | C |
FOOL | International Workshop on Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages | C |
FQAS | Flexible Query-Answering Systems | C |
FTJP | Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java Programs | C |
FUSION | International Conference on Information Fusion | C |
GeoComp | International Conference on GeoComputation | C |
GOR | Conference on Operations Research | C |
HASKELL | Haskell Workshop | C |
HCI | International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction | C |
HealthCom | International Workshop on Enterprise Networking and Computing in Health Care Industry | C |
HIC | Health Informatics Conference | C |
HLPP | International workshop on High-level parallel programming and applications | C |
HPC | International Conference and Exhibition on High Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific Region | C |
IADIS AC | IADIS International Conference Applied Computing | C |
IAIF | International Workshop on Image Analysis and Information Fusion | C |
IAIM | Annual Conference of the International Academy for Information Management | C |
IAS | IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Conference | C |
IAT | ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology | C |
IAWTIC | International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies, and Internet Commerce | C |
IBIMA | International Business Information Management | C |
IC | International Conference on Internet Computing | C |
ICA | IFAC Conference on Automation | C |
IC-AI | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence | C |
ICANNGA | International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms | C |
ICAPRDT | International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques | C |
ICCIMA | International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications | C |
ICCIT | International Conference on Computer and Information Technology | C |
ICCSA | International Conference on Communication Systems and Applications | C |
ICEB | International Conference on e-Business | C |
ICEC | IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation | C |
ICEComm | International Conference on Electronic Commerce | C |
ICEE | International Conference on Engineering Education | C |
ICIL | International Conference on Intelligent Systems | C |
ICITA | International Conference on Information Technology and Applications | C |
ICMSO | International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation | C |
ICOTA | International Conference on Optimization: Techniques And Applications | C |
ICSRIC | International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics | C |
ICSSEA | International Conference "Software and Systems Engineering and their Applications" | C |
ICTT | International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism | C |
ICVS | International Conference on Virtual Storytelling | C |
IDC | IEEE Conference on Information, Decision and Control | C |
IDEAL | International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning | C |
IDFC | IDF Congress | C |
iEMSs | Intenational Environmental Modelling and Software Society | C |
IFAC | International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress | C |
IGARSS | IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | C |
IICISA | International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications | C |
IICS | Innovative Internet Computer Systems | C |
IIWAS | Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services | C |
IMSA | IASTED International Conference on Internet, Multimedia Systems and Applications | C |
INAP | International Conference on Applications of Prolog | C |
Interspeech | Interspeech | C |
IPMU | International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty | C |
IPS | IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems | C |
IPythC | International Python Conference | C |
IRITA | International Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference | C |
ISAS-SCI | World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics | C |
ISAVIIA | International Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent Applications | C |
ISC | IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control | C |
ISDSS | Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems | C |
ISECON | Information Systems Education Conference | C |
ISFST | International Symposium on Future Software Technology | C |
ISIMP | International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing | C |
ISITA | IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications | C |
ISORC | IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing | C |
I-SPAN | International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks | C |
ISSA | International Symposium on Static Analysis | C |
ISSDI | International Symposium on Spatial Data Infrastructures | C |
ISSDQ | International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality | C |
ISSS | International Symposium on System Synthesis | C |
ISW | Information Security Workshop | C |
ITHET | International Conference on IT Based Higher Education and Training | C |
ITiRA | Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference | C |
ITIS | Symposium on Information Technology and Information Systems | C |
ITW | IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification and Imaging | C |
IWC | International Web conference | C |
IWCC | IEEE International Workshop on Cluster Computing and the Grid | C |
IWDOM | International Workshop on Distributed Object Management | C |
IW-MMDBMS | Int. Workshop on Multi-Media Data Base Management Systems | C |
JCIS | Joint Conference on Information Sciences | C |
JECGI | Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information | C |
JFPLC | International French Speaking Conference on Logic and Constraint Programming | C |
JHPC | Workshop On Java For High-Performance Computing | C |
JURIX | International Conference on Legal Knowledge-based Systems | C |
KAW | Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management Workshop | C |
KDDMBD | Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biological Databases Meeting | C |
KDEEW | IEEE Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop | C |
KDEX | Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop | C |
KRDB | Knowledge Representation Meets Databases | C |
L&L | Workshop on Logic and Learning | C |
LANMAN | IEEE LAN/MAN Workshop | C |
LARC | NASA LaRC Formal Methods Workshop | C |
LawTech | IASTED International conference Law and Technology | C |
LCCS | International Workshop on Logic and Complexity in Computer Science | C |
LI | Law via the Internet | C |
LOCALGOS | Workshop on Localized Alg. and Protocols for Wireless | C |
LREC | Language Resources and Evaluatin Conference | C |
MDDS | Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems | C |
MDSRIA | International Workshop on Multimedia Data Storage, Retrieval, Integration and Applications | C |
METRICS | (several conferences of these name - can't rank) | C |
MEWS | Mining for Enhanced Web Search | C |
MIC | IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control | C |
MME | IEEE International Conference on Multimedia in Education | C |
MobiDE | Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access | C |
MODSIM | International Congress on Modelling and Simulation | C |
MODSS | Multiple Objective Decision Support System Conference | C |
MPOOL | Workshop on Multiparadigm Programming with OO Languages | C |
MS | IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation | C |
MSO | IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization | C |
MTNS | International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems | C |
MVSP | Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing Symposium | C |
NAFIPS | North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Conference | C |
NAISO | NAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent System | C |
NCA | ? | C |
NCCIS | National Conference on Computer and Information Systems | C |
NDB | National Database Conference (China) | C |
NeMLaP | Joint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning | C |
NFM | The Northern Formal Methods Workshops | C |
NHIC | National Health Informatics Conference | C |
NLDB | Applications of Natural Language to Data Bases | C |
NNSP | IEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing | C |
NPDP | Annual IASTED International Conference on Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications | C |
NPSC | International Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations | C |
NRDM | Workshop on Network-Related Data Management | C |
OASIS | Organisations and Society in Information Systems Workshop | C |
OODBS | Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems | C |
OOIS | International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems | C |
ORPA | Conference on Operational Research Practice in Africa | C |
OTA | Optimization: Techniques And Applications | C |
P&I | PACES & ICIL | C |
PAAM | Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology Conference | C |
PADO | Symposium on Programs as Data Objects | C |
PAP/PACT | Practical Aspects of PROLOG/Constraint Technology | C |
PARCO | Parallel Computing | C |
PAWEC | Pacific-Asia Workshop on Electronic Commerce | C |
PCNS | SPIE - Conference on Performance and Control of Network Systems | C |
PCS | International Picture Coding Symposium | C |
PCW | International Parallel Computing Workshop | C |
PDCN | IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks | C |
PDCS | IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems | C |
PDIS | Parallel and Distributed Information Systems | C |
PDP | International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium | C |
PDPTA | International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications | C |
PHYSDES | International Symposium on Physical Design | C |
PMIP | IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia | C |
PPCIS | Pan Pacific Conference on Information Systems | C |
PSB | Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing | C |
PSOR | International Conference on Probability, Statistics and Operational Research | C |
PTPC | International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography | C |
QuantCom | International Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum Computation | C |
RFF | International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics & Factories of the Future | C |
RM | IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing | C |
ROVPIA | International Conference on Robotics | C |
RS | Annual Convention for Survey, Mapping and Remote Sensing | C |
RTDB | Workshop on Real-Time Databases | C |
SARC | International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction | C |
SCW | IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding | C |
SE | IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering | C |
SEA | IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications | C |
SECRYPT | International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology | C |
SEET | Software Engineering Education and Training Conference | C |
SELCRYP | Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography | C |
Sensor Networks | Sensor Networks | C |
SFP | Scottish Functional Programming Workshop | C |
SimTecT | Simulation Technology and Training Conference | C |
SInT | IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory | C |
SIP | IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing | C |
SIRC | Spatial Information Research Centre Colloquium | C |
SIST | Spatial Information Science and Technology Conference | C |
SITE | Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference | C |
SPDS | ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems | C |
SQC | Software Quality Conference | C |
SQM | International Conference on Software Quality Management | C |
SREIS | Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security | C |
SRIG-ET | Software Education Conference | C |
SSC | IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control | C |
SSGRR | International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet | C |
SSS | Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems | C |
STM | International Conference on Systems Thinking in Management | C |
SYSSYN | International Symposium on System Synthesis | C |
TAKMA | Theory and Applications of Knowledge MAnagement | C |
TE | International Conference on Technology Education | C |
TENCON | IEEE Region Ten Conference | C |
TIDSE | Technology for Interactive Digital Storytelling | C |
VDbS | IFIP Working Conference on Visual Database Systems | C |
VDEA | SPIE Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis | C |
VIIP | IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing | C |
VIP | Pan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing | C |
VISUAL | International Conference on Visual Information Systems | C |
VLFM | Visual Languages and Formal Methods | C |
VLSID | International Conference on VLSI Design | C |
VSMM | International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia | C |
W2GIS | International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems | C |
WAIM | Interational Conference on Web Age Information Management | C |
WALCOM | Workshop on Algorithms and Computation | C |
WAW | Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph | C |
WCC | World Computer Congress | C |
WCCE | World Conference on Computers in Education | C |
WDSI | Western Decision Sciences Institute Conference | C |
WebDB | International Workshop on the Web and Databases | C |
WEBIST | International conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies | C |
WebNet | World Conference on the WWW and Internet | C |
WEC | International Workshop on Entertainment Computing | C |
WFLP | International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming | C |
WHIS | Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Systems | C |
WICS | International Computer Symposium Workshop | C |
WIDM | ACM Workshop on Web Information and Data Mangement | C |
WMSCI | World Multiconfs on Systems, Cybernetics & Informatics | C |
WoPP | IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops | C |
WORLDCOMP | World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing | C |
WTASA | Workshop on Theoretical and Algorithmic Aspects of Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks | C |
WWCA | International Conference on Worldwide Computing and Its Applications | C |
ZB | International Conference of Z and B Users | C |
ZUM | International Conference of Z Users | C |
ZUSER | International Conference of Z Users | C |
Informatics in Education (journal, congress, symposium, etc all under this name - can't rank) | C | |
ACAC | Australasian Computer Architecture Conference | L |
ACCMCC | Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing | L |
ACEC | Australasian Computers in Education Conference | L |
ACID | Algorithms and Complexity in Durham | L |
ACKMIDS | Australian Conference for Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support | L |
ACMA | Australasian Computer Music Conference | L |
ACNN | Australian Conference on Neural Networks | L |
ACSSC | Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computing | L |
AFETE | Asia-Pacific Forum on Engineering and Technology Education | L |
AICE | Australian Institute of Computer Ethics Conference | L |
AICEC | AICEC Conference | L |
AJWIES | Australia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems | L |
AKAW | Australian Knowledge Acquisition Workshop | L |
ANZMODS | The Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Meeting | L |
APCHDL | Asia Pacific Conference on Hardware Description Languages | L |
APDSI | Asia Pacific Decision Science Institute Conference | L |
APRTS | Australasian Conference on Parallel and Real-Time Systems | L |
APSEC/ICSC | Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference and International Computer Science Conference | L |
ARSC | Australasian Remote Sensing Conference | L |
ASCILITE | Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education | L |
ASDAC | Asia Pacific Design Automation Conference | L |
ASIV | Australian Symposium on Information Visualisation | L |
ASOR | National Conference of The Australian Society for Operations Research | L |
ATNAC | Australian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference | L |
AUCADC | Apple University Consortium Academic & Developers Conference | L |
AuCSS | Australasian Cognitive Science Society Conference | L |
AURISA | Australasian Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Conference | L |
AuRW | Australasian Refinement Workshop | L |
AusWeb | Australian World Wide Web Conference | L |
AUUG | Australian UNIX Users Group National Conference | L |
AUUG/APWEB | Joint Australian Unix Users' Group and Asia Pacific World Wide Web Conference | L |
AWOCA | Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms | L |
AWSA | Australian Workshop on Software Architecture | L |
BCS-FMW | British Computer Society Formal Aspects of Computing Science Specialist Group Workshop | L |
CanaDAM | Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference | L |
CEG | Computing in Education Group of Victoria Conference | L |
COMPUMOD | Australasian Compumod Users' Conference | L |
CSR | Computer Science Symposium in Russia | L |
DITAM | Doing IT at Melbourne | L |
DIVC | Joint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision Computing | L |
FlAIRS | Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference | L |
GCCCE | Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education | L |
ICCC | International Conference on Chinese Computing | L |
ICTCS | Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science | L |
IDC(W) | International Database Conference (HK CS) | L |
IDEAW | Integrated Data Environments Australia Workshop | L |
INDOCRYPT | International Conference on Cryptology in India | L |
MADYMO | Australian MADYMO Users Meeting | L |
MATLAB | Australian MATLAB Conference | L |
MCDA | Australian Workshop on Mobile Computing, Databases and Applications | L |
MCSpo | Australian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport | L |
MICC/ISPACS | Joint IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications and IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems | L |
NACCQ | National Advisory Committee on Computing Qualifications | L |
NORDSEC | Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems | L |
ODLA | Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia Bienniel Forum | L |
PACCS | Post-Graduate ADFA Conference on Computer Science | L |
SCSS | Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software | L |
UWACS | University of Western Australia Computer Science Research Conference | L |
WarSec | Australian Information Warfare & Security Conference | L |
WAWISR | Western Australian Workshop on Information Systems Research | L |
WIC | Australasian Women in Computing Workshop | L |
序號 |
會議名稱 |
會議介紹 |
表明領域 |
1 |
ACM SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Communication Architectures, Protocols & Apps |
ACM的旗艦會議之一,也是網絡領域頂級學術會議,內容側重於有線網絡,每一年舉辦一次,錄用率約爲10%左右。 |
網絡通訊領域 |
2 |
IEEE INFOCOM: The Conference on Computer Communications |
IEEE計算機和通訊分會聯合年會,由IEEE計算機通訊技術委員會和IEEE通訊協會聯合舉辦,是信息通訊領域規模最大的頂尖國際學術會議,錄用率約爲16%左右。這個每一年一度的會議的主要議題是計算機通訊,重點是流量管理和協議。 |
網絡通訊領域 |
3 |
IEEE International conference on communications |
IEEE國際通訊大會,是IEEE通訊學會的兩大旗艦會議之一。每一年舉辦一次,錄用率約爲30%左右。 |
網絡通訊領域 |
4 |
IEEE Globecom: Global Telecommunications Conference |
IEEE全球電信會議,IEEE通訊學會的兩大旗艦會議之一。覆蓋包括語音、數據、圖像和多媒體通訊等熱點問題的技術和其它活動。GLOBECOM每一年一次,通常都在十一月舉行,錄用率約爲30%-40%。 |
網絡通訊領域 |
5 |
IEEE ITC: International Test Conference |
創始於1970年,是測試領域頂級學術會議,對工業界影響巨大。每一年舉辦一次,近年參會人員規模達到數千人。 |
網絡通訊領域 |
6 |
IEEE The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks |
IEEE可靠系統和網絡會議,是IEEE容錯計算技術委員會主辦的最重要的國際會議,也是可靠系統和網絡領域歷史最悠久,地位很是高的學術會議。 |
網絡通訊領域 |
7 |
ACM MobiCom: International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking |
無線網絡領域頂級會議,錄用率約爲10%,每一年舉行一次。 |
無線網絡領域 |
8 |
ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems |
偏重於建模和測量的重要國際會議,內容覆蓋系統和網絡,錄用率爲10%左右。 |
網絡通訊領域 |
9 |
MOBIHOC: ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing |
無線網絡領域新興的重要國際會議,內容側重於adhoc網絡。 |
無線網絡領域 |
10 |
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
由IEEE主辦,開始於1979年,從84年起每一年舉辦一次。這是分佈式計算系統領域中歷史最悠久的會議。錄用率約爲18%左右。 |
分佈式計算系統領域 |
11 |
IMC: Internet Measurement Conference |
網絡測量領域頂級的專業會議 |
網絡測量 |
12 |
ICCV: IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision |
領域頂級國際會議,錄取率20%左右,2年一次,中國大陸每一年論文數不超過10篇 |
計算機視覺,模式識別,多媒體計算 |
13 |
CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition |
領域頂級國際會議,錄取率25%左右,每一年一次,中國大陸每一年論文數不超過20篇 |
模式識別,計算機視覺,多媒體計算 |
14 |
ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision |
領域頂級國際會議,錄取率25%左右,2年一次,中國大陸每一年論文數不超過20篇 |
模式識別,計算機視覺,多媒體計算 |
15 |
DCC: Data Compression Conference |
領域頂級國際會議,錄取率很低,每一年一次,目前徹底國內論文極少 |
數據壓縮 |
16 |
ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning |
領域頂級國際會議,錄取率25%左右,2年一次,目前徹底國內論文不多 |
機器學習,模式識別 |
17 |
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems |
領域頂級國際會議,錄取率20%左右,每一年一次,目前徹底國內論文極少(不超過5篇) |
神經計算,機器學習 |
18 |
ACM MM: ACM Multimedia Conference |
領域頂級國際會議,全文的錄取率極低,但Poster比較容易 |
多媒體技術,數據壓縮 |
19 |
IEEE ICIP: International conference on Image Processing |
圖像處理領域最具影響力國際會議,一年一次 |
圖像處理 |
20 |
IEEE ICME: International Conference on Multimedia and Expo |
多媒體領域重要國際會議,一年一次 |
多媒體技術 |
21 |
IEEE VR:IEEE Virtual Reality |
IEEE虛擬現實會議,每一年一次 |
虛擬現實領域 |
22 |
ACM VRST:ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology |
虛擬現實軟件與技術ACM年會,一年一次 |
虛擬現實領域 |
23 |
CGI:Computer Graphics International |
國際圖形學會議,一年一次 |
圖形學領域 |
24 |
ACL: The Association for Computational Linguistics |
國際計算語言學會年會,是本領域最權威的國際學術會議之一,每一年舉辦一次 |
計算語言學,天然語言處理 |
25 |
COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics |
計算語言學會議,也是本領域最權威的國際學術會議之一,兩年一次 |
計算語言學,天然語言處理 |
26 |
IEEE ICASSP: International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing |
是語音和聲學信號處理領域最權威的國際學術會議之一,也是圖像、視頻信號處理領域的權威會議之一,每一年舉辦一次 |
信號處理 |
27 |
IJCNLP: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing |
天然語言處理亞洲聯盟主辦的國際會議,是天然語言處理領域亞洲區域最有影響的學術會議,基本是每一年舉辦一次 |
天然語言處理 |
28 |
IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference |
頂級會議,在美國召開 |
IC設計領域 |
29 |
IEEE VLSI Test Symposium |
一級會議,在美國召開 |
測試領域 |
30 |
IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe |
一級會議,在歐洲召開 |
設計和測試領域 |
31 |
IEEE Asian Test Symposium |
一級會議,在亞洲召開 |
測試領域 |
32 |
Ubicomp: International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing |
國際普適計算年會,本領域最權威的學術會議之一,每一年一次 |
普適計算 |
33 |
PerCom: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications |
本領域最權威的學術會議之一,每一年一次 |
普適計算 |
34 |
EUC: The IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing |
普適計算與嵌入式系統峯會,一年一次,不只僅是學術討論,也有工業界和政府表明參加 |
普適計算與嵌入式系統 |
35 |
ICPS: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services |
普適計算與服務會議,一年一次 |
普適計算 |
36 |
SenSys,ACM Conference on Embedded NEtworked Sensor Systems |
ACM主辦傳感器網絡最有影響力的會議,由SIGCOMM, SIGMOBILE, SIGARCH, SIGOPS, SIGMETRICS, SIGBED等ACM的Special Interest Groups提供學術資助。從2003年開始,已經連續舉辦4屆:03年收錄24篇;04年收錄21篇;05收錄21篇文章;06年24篇收錄文章。目前只能查到2004年的錄用率,爲14.5%。 |
傳感器網絡 |
37 |
SECON, IEEE Communication Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc COmmunications and Networks, |
由IEEE發起的會議,基本每一年舉行一次。近三年的錄取率(04,05,06)分別爲18.1% 27.2%和25.9% |
傳感器網絡 |
38 |
MASS, IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems |
由IEEE、DARPA、 NSF和Army Research Office 發起的國際會議,基本每一年舉行一次。2006年錄用率24% |
傳感器網絡 |
39 |
The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communication |
每一年11月舉行(始於1989年), Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing , http://www.sc-conference.org/ |
高性能計算 |
40 |
CLUSTER 4, IEEE Int’l Conf. on Cluster Computing, |
http://grail.sdsc.edu/cluster2004/ |
高性能計算 |
41 |
HPDC-, th IEEE Int’l Symp. on High-Performance Distributed Computing, Honolulu. |
http://hpdc13.cs.ucsb.edu |
高性能計算 |
42 |
NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST4), |
高性能計算 |
43 |
SuperComputing:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications |
高性能計算機方向公認的高水平會議之一,第一屆會議是1988年,每一年11月舉行,四、5月份投稿。會議內容包括technical and education programs,workshops,tutorials以及展覽的一系列活動供與會者參加。SuperComputing「is the one place that attendees can see tomorrow's technology being used to solve world-class challenge problems today」。官方網站爲http://www.sc-conference.org |
高性能計算 |
44 |
IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cluster Computing |
該會議通常會以Cluster+年份做爲會議名稱,好比Cluster 2005。該會議主要討論商業集羣相關技術,包括「To achieve higher performance, scalability, and usability, research and development challenges remain in virtually all areas of cluster computing, including middleware, networking, algorithms and applications, resource management, platform deployment and maintenance, and integration with grid computing」。每一年9月份舉行,四、5月份投稿。 |
高性能計算 |
45 |
[ICDCS] International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
由IEEE主辦,開始於1979年,從84年起每一年舉辦一次。這是分佈式計算系統領域中歷史最悠久的會議。ICDCS provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present and discuss their latest research findings on a broad array of topics in distributed computing. |
高性能計算 |
46 |
[HPDC] IEEE Int'l Symp. On High Performance Distributed Computing |
This conference is 「a forum for presenting the latest research findings on the design and use of highly networked systems for computing, collaboration, data analysis, and other innovative tasks」. 每一年六、7月份舉行,2月份截稿,3月底肯定 |
高性能計算 |
47 |
International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications (IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference) |
高性能計算領域的頂級會議,全世界從事高性能計算事業的每一年一次的最重要的盛會之一。每一年12月份召開,會上發佈TOP500的下半年排名。 |
高性能計算 |
48 |
ACM International Conference on Supercomputing |
高性能計算領域的頂級會議,全世界從事高性能計算事業的每一年一次的最重要的盛會之一。每一年6月份召開,會上發佈TOP500的上半年排名。 |
高性能計算 |
49 |
IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium |
IEEE 和ACM SIGARCH發起的並行處理國際會議。每一年一次 |
高性能計算 |
50 |
IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing |
IEEE發起的並行處理國際會議。每一年一次 |
高性能計算 |
51 |
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing |
IEEE發起的高性能計算國際會議。每一年一次在印度舉行。 |
高性能計算 |
52 |
ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. |
Performance presents papers on the development and application of state of the art, broadly applicable analytic, simulation, and measurement-based performance evaluation techniques. We are interested in techniques whose aim is to evaluate a system's dependability, security, correctness, or power consumption as well as more traditional performance metrics. Of particular interest is work that furthers the state of the art in performance evaluation methods, or that creatively applies previously developed methods to gain important insights into key design trade-offs in complex computer and communication systems. |
高性能計算 |
53 |
IEEE Annual Workshops on Workload Characterization. |
The meeting that began as Workshop on Workload Characterization (WWC) in 1998 is becoming a Symposium. New computer applications and programming paradigms are constantly emerging to complement new and improving technology. The design of next generation microprocessors and computer systems should be based on an understanding of today's emerging workloads. |
高性能計算 |
54 |
International Symposium on Computer Architecture(ISCA) |
ISCA is the premier forum for computer architecture research |
高性能計算 |
55 |
International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA) |
高性能計算 |
56 |
International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO) |
The annual MICRO conference (co-sponsored by SIGMICRO) has been a key forum for presenting major breakthroughs in computing architecture, and has established itself as the premier conference on instruction level parallelism. |
高性能計算 |
57 |
FAST: USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, |
存儲領域最好的專業會議,該會議只針對存儲相關的內容,屬於本領域最頂級的會議。錄取率很是低,如今的情況是基本上只有美國和加拿大最頂尖的研究小組在上面發表文章。每一年舉辦一屆。 |
存儲領域 |
58 |
NASA/IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST4), |
存儲領域的專業會議,歷史很長,在業界比較有影響 |
存儲領域 |
59 |
SNAPI’4: International Workshop on Storage Network Architecture and Parallel I/Os, Antibes Juan-les-spins, French, |
存儲領域較好的專業會議 |
存儲領域 |
60 |
IEEE SC: SC-High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage Conference |
高性能計算領域最好會議之一 |
存儲領域 |
61 |
IEEE International Workshop on Networking, Architecture, and Storages(IWNAS) |
國內辦的存儲領域的國際會議 |
存儲領域 |
62 |
IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing(ICAC) |
自主計算領域的國際專業會議,從2004開始,每一年舉辦一次。針對大規模計算機系統或軟件系統而提出的自管理、自配置、自優化、自保護等概念。 |
自主計算 |
63 |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Measurements and Modeling of Computer Systems |
性能測試、分析與模擬方面的頂級會議。一年一屆,已經舉辦12屆 |
性能研究 |
64 |
International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA) |
高性能計算領域最好會議之一,基本上都是最頂尖的研究小組在上面發文章 |
高性能計算 |
65 |
[HPDC] IEEE Int'l Symp. On High Performance Distributed Computing |
高性能分佈式計算領域的會議,一年一屆,已經舉辦15屆 |
高性能計算 |
66 |
IEEE Int'l Conf. on Cluster Computing |
集羣和高性能計算頗有影響的會議 |
分佈式系統 |
67 |
USENIX Annual Technical Conference |
操做系統、體系結構方面最好的會議之一 |
計算機系統 |
68 |
IEEE/ACM Int'l Symp. on Cluster Computing & the Grid |
集羣和網格計算領域很好的會議 |
集羣 |
69 |
International Symposium on Computer Architecture(ISCA ) |
系統結構最好的會議,系統結構的旗艦會議。基本上是美國最頂尖的研究小組在上面發表文章,國內的人員很難 |
系統結構 |
70 |
International Symposium on Microarchitecture(MICRO) |
系統結構最好的會議之一。基本上是美國最頂尖的研究小組在上面發表文章,國內的人員很難 |
系統結構 |
71 |
HPCC:The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications |
高性能計算領域較高的會議 |
高性能計算 |
72 |
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing |
IEEE發起的高性能計算國際會議。每一年一次在印度舉行。 |
高性能計算 |
73 |
Annual ACM International Conference on Supercomputing(ICS) |
高性能計算領域的頂級會議,全世界從事高性能計算事業的每一年一次的最重要的盛會之一。每一年6月份召開,會上發佈TOP500的上半年排名。 |
高性能計算 |
74 |
Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation(OSDI) |
操做系統最好的會議和SOSP交替舉行,每兩年一屆,操做系統的旗艦會議。基本上是美國最頂尖的研究小組在上面發文章,其餘地區要中極其困難 |
操做系統 |
75 |
ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP) |
操做系統最好的會議和OSDI交替舉行,每兩年一屆,操做系統旗艦會議操做系統。基本上是美國最頂尖的研究小組在上面發文章,其餘地區要中極其困難 |
操做系統 |
76 |
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) |
操做系統和程序語言最好的會議之一,錄取率也很是低,也是基本上只有美國最頂尖的研究小組可以在上面發文,其餘地區的極其困難 |
操做系統,程序語言 |
77 |
Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HOTOS) |
操做系統最好的會議之一 |
操做系統 |
78 |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing(ICPP) |
並行計算很是有影響的會議 |
並行計算 |
79 |
Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks(LCN) |
網絡 |
80 |
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems(ICDCS) |
分佈式計算很是有影響的會議,每一年一次 |
分佈式計算 |
81 |
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies(PDCAT) |
分佈式計算很好的會議,每一年一次,已經舉辦7屆 |
分佈式計算 |
82 |
IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium(IPDPS) |
並行與分佈式計算領域很是有影響的會議,每一年一次 |
並行與分佈式計算 |
83 |
ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
ASPLOS是由ACM主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注硬件、體系結構、編譯、操做系統等研究方向,在國內外學術界很高的影響。 |
編譯技術 |
84 |
CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architectures and Synthesis for Embedded Systems |
CASES是ACM主辦的國際會議,每一年一次,主要關注編譯器,體系結構和嵌入式系統等研究方向,錄取率在20%-30% |
編譯技術 |
85 |
CODES: International Conference on Hardware Software Codesign |
CODES是ACM主辦的國際權威會議,每一年一次。始於1994年。主要關注hardware/software co-design和嵌入式系統的system-level design。近兩年的接收率爲25%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
86 |
DAC是電子電路設計方面的國際權威會議,始於1984年。主要關注芯片、電路以及系統設計的新工具和新方法。近兩年的接收率爲20%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
87 |
Functional Programming方向的國際會議。主要關注functional programming的設計、實現、概念和使用。接收率在30%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
88 |
ICS是由ACM SIGARCH主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注高性能計算機和計算等方面的研究,在國內外學術界很高的影響。接收率30%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
89 |
軟件工程方向的權威會議,接收率不到20%。除了main conference以外,還包括tutorials, workshops, symposia以及collocated conferences。 |
編譯技術 |
90 |
ISCA是由IEEE 和ACM主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注處理器結構、存儲結構、功耗等方面的研究,在國內外學術界很高的影響。接收率20%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
91 |
內存管理方向的國際會議,主要關注garbage collection, dynamic storage allocation, storage management implementation techniques,另外也包括interactions with languages and operating systems, and empirical studies of programs' memory allocation and referencing behavior |
編譯技術 |
92 |
ISSTA: International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis |
ISSTA是國際頂級的關於software test and analysis的會議。近年來兩年舉辦一次。和它同時舉行的還有Formal Methods in Software Practice Workshop。 |
編譯技術 |
93 |
LCTES: Language, Compiler and Tool Support for Embedded Systems |
關注languages, compilers和tools for embedded systems的國際會議。每一年一次,接收率在25%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
94 |
計算機體系結構方向的國際權威會議。關注計算機體系結構領域的重大發展。同時也是指令級並行方向的頂級會議。 |
編譯技術 |
95 |
OOPSLA: Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications |
Object technology和麪向對象程序設計領域的國際權威會議。涉及的具體方向有patterns, refactoring, aspect-oriented programming, dynamic compilation and optimization, unified modeling language, and agile methods。接收率20%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
96 |
PLDI: Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation |
PLDI是由ACM主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注編程語言的設計與實現等方面的研究工做,在國內外學術界很高的影響。 |
編譯技術 |
97 |
PODC: Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing |
關注分佈式系統的理論,設計,實現,規範等領域的國際會議。近年的接收率在25%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
98 |
POPL: Annual Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages |
關注programming languages, programming systems, and programming interfaces的design, definition, analysis, and implementation的國際權威會議,始於1973年,接收率不到20% |
編譯技術 |
99 |
PPoPP是由ACM主辦的國際會議,兩年一次。主要關注並行編程方面的研究,在國內外學術界很高的影響。接收率30%。 |
編譯技術 |
100 |
SIGMETRICS: Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems |
關注計算機系統性能方面的theory, practice and case studies的國際會議 |
編譯技術 |
101 |
SIGSOFT: Foundations of Software Engineering |
Software Engineering領域的權威會議。2005年之前的接收率通常不足20%。 |
編譯技術 |
102 |
ASE - IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering |
關注軟件開發自動化的頂級會議。前身爲KBSE(Knowledge-Based Software Engineering),始於1997年。 |
編譯技術 |
103 |
CGO - International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization |
CGO是由IEEE CS和ACM SIGMICRO主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注代碼生成和優化等方面的研究,在國內外學術界很高的影響。接收率30%左右。 |
編譯技術 |
104 |
CLUSTER - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing |
CLUSTER是由IEEE主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注羣集計算方面的研究,在國內外學術界很高的影響。 |
編譯技術 |
105 |
關注Design methodologies, CAD languages, |
編譯技術 |
106 |
EURO-PDP - Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing |
EUROMICRO的一個workshop,關注並行和分佈式計算。 |
編譯技術 |
107 |
HPCA - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture |
HPCA是由IEEE主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注高性能計算方面的研究,在國內外學術界較高的影響。 |
編譯技術 |
108 |
HPCS - Annual International Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems and Applications |
IEEE主辦,每一年在加拿大的大學召開。但參會者不侷限於加拿大的研究人員。其內容涵蓋了HPC的各個領域 |
編譯技術 |
109 |
ICDCS - International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
IEEE主辦,涉及分佈式計算方面各個領域的權威會議。起始於1979年。 |
編譯技術 |
110 |
ICPADS - International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems |
IEEE主辦,關注並行和分佈式系統的國際會議 |
編譯技術 |
111 |
IISWC - IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization |
關注characterization of computing system workload的國際會議。涵蓋applications, middleware, system的behavior。Benchmark的構造和分析,以及程序行爲的modeling等領域。 |
編譯技術 |
112 |
IPDPS - International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium |
IEEE主辦,並行和分佈式處理相關的國際會議。包括並行處理的算法,應用,體系結構,以及和並行處理相關的軟件如語言,編譯器,運行時系統等。 |
編譯技術 |
113 |
ISPASS - IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software |
IEEE主辦,關注計算機軟硬件設計中的性能分析。 |
編譯技術 |
114 |
PACT - International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques |
PACT是由IEEE CS、ACM SIGARCH和IFIP主辦的國際會議,每一年一次。主要關注並行體系結構、針對並行計算機系統的編譯等方面的研究,在國內外學術界很高的影響。 |
編譯技術 |
115 |
實時系統研究的頂級會議,IEEE主辦,已經舉行了27屆。 |
編譯技術 |
116 |
RTAS - IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium |
關注實時和嵌入式計算的基礎結構,理論,system support的國際會議。 |
編譯技術 |
117 |
SuperComputing的簡稱。關注的領域爲HPC,networking,storage and analysis。ACM和IEEE合辦。 |
編譯技術 |
118 |
LCPC - International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing |
始於1988年,涉及編程語言的各個方面,包括compiler techniques, run-time environments, and compiler-related performance evaluation for parallel and high-performance computing。 |
編譯技術 |
119 |
CC: International Conference on Compiler Construction |
關注的領域涉及程序的各個方面,包括編譯器構造,run-time技術,prgramming tools, 新編程語言。也包括一些特別的領域如parallel, ditributed, embedded, mobile, low power code, hardware等。是ETAPS的member conference。影響因子0.83 |
編譯技術 |
120 |
HiPEAC - International Conference on High Performance Embedded Architectures & Compilers |
關注嵌入式系統的發展,包括處理器設計,編譯優化等。 |
編譯技術 |
121 |
ECOOP - European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming |
關注object technology的各個領域。其中也包括一些雖然不直接和Object Oriented相關,但一樣具備啓發性的工做。 |
編譯技術 |
122 |
ESOP - European Symposium on Programming |
ETAPS的member conference,是歐洲Software Science方向的重要會議。涵蓋了程序語言的設計和實現,編程模型的研究,程序的自動生成和分析等方向。 |
編譯技術 |
123 |
Euro-Par - European Conference on Parallel Computing |
關注並行計算的諸多方面的國際會議。粗略可分爲hardware, software,algorithms and application for parallel computing幾個部分。 |
124 |
SAS - International Static Analysis Symposium |
關注程序的靜態分析的權威會議。 |
編譯技術 |
125 |
CAV - Computer Aided Verification |
Rank1的國際會議,關注計算機輔助形式驗證,涵蓋從theoretical results到concrete applications的諸多方面,尤爲是practial verification tools and the algorithms and techniques that needed for their implementation。影響因子1.88。 |
編譯技術 |
126 |
FASE - Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering |
ETAPS的member conference,主要關注Software Science,影響因子0.91。 |
編譯技術 |
127 |
TACAS - Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems |
ETAPS的member conference,關注的領域包括formal methods, software and hardware verification, static analysis, programming languages, software engineering, real-time systems, and communications protocols。影響因子1.24 |
編譯技術 |
128 |
VMCAI - Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation |
Rank2的國際會議。關注的領域包括Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, facilitating interaction, cross-fertilization, and advancement of hybrid methods that combine the three areas。 |
編譯技術 |
129 |
ACL: The Association for Computational Linguistics |
計算語言學/天然語言處理方面最好的會議, ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics) 主辦, 每一年開。 |
人工智能 計算語言學 |
130 |
ACM SIGIR: The ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval |
信息檢索方面最好的會議, ACM 主辦, 每一年開。19%左右 |
信息檢索技術 |
131 |
ACM SIGKDD: The ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining |
數據挖掘方面最好的會議, ACM 主辦, 每一年開。18%左右 |
132 |
WWW: The ACM International World Wide Web Conference |
應用和媒體領域頂級國際會議 |
萬維網 |
133 |
ACM SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data |
數據庫領域頂級國際 |
數據管理 |
134 |
CIKM: The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management |
數據庫領域知名國際會議 |
數據管理 |
135 |
COLING: International Conference on Computational Linguistics |
計算語言學知名國際會議 |
計算語言學 |
136 |
ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning |
領域頂級國際會議,錄取率25%左右,2年一次,目前徹底國內論文不多 |
機器學習,模式識別 |
137 |
IEEE ICDM: International Conference on Data Mining |
數據挖掘領域頂級國際會議 |
138 |
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
人工智能領域頂級國際會議,論文接受率18%左右 |
人工智能 |
139 |
VLDB: The ACM International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
數據庫領域頂級國際 |
數據庫 |
140 |
計算機圖形學頂級國際會議,ACM主辦,每一年一次,幾萬人參加會議,論文錄用率小於20% |
計算機圖形學 |
141 |
EUROGRAPHICS: The Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics |
歐洲舉辦的國際圖形學會議,面向世界。接受率如今也有差很少20% |
計算機圖形學 |
142 |
AAAI: American Association for Artificial Intelligence |
美國人工智能學會AAAI的年會,使該領域的頂級會議 |
人工智能 |
143 |
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security |
ACM通訊和計算健全領域頂級學術會議 |
信息安全 |
144 |
ACM SIGCOMM: Special Interest Group on Data Communications |
數據通訊 |
145 |
ACM SIGIR: The ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval |
信息檢索領域的重要會議 |
信息檢索 |
146 |
ACM SIGKDD: The ACM Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases and Data Mining |
ACM旗艦會議之一,是數據庫與知識管理的頂級學術會議。每一年舉辦一次。 |
通訊與網絡 |
147 |
ACM SIGMETRICS: Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems |
ACM性能建模與評價領域頂級學術會議 |
通訊與網絡 |
148 |
ACM SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data |
數據庫與數據管理最頂級的學術會議,數據管理的主要發展都在這個會上有描述。 |
數據管理 |
149 |
ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
編程語言和操做系統國際會議,涉及硬件體系結構、編譯、操做系統、網格、應用的領域。 |
體系結構 |
150 |
CCGrid : IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid |
網格計算國際會議,網格平臺、中間件 |
151 |
CIKM: The ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management |
信息檢索領域的會議,錄用率爲15% |
信息檢索 |
152 |
CLUSTER - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing |
集羣計算國際會議,涉及中間件、網格算法及應用、資源管理、集成等。 |
集羣計算 |
153 |
CPM: Combinatorial Pattern Matching Symposium |
組合模式匹配年會,是字符串匹配、模式匹配較好的會議。 |
模式匹配 |
154 |
FAST4: Third USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, |
USENIX旗下關於文件和存儲系統的頂級會議,會議於2002年召開第一屆,召開地點都在美國加州。只有最好的工做能發表在FAST上。目前尚無大陸研究機構命中。 |
文件與存儲 |
155 |
Grid : IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing |
網格計算國際會議,涉及計算模型、大規模數據訪問和管理、資源管理和調度等。 |
網格計算 |
156 |
HPC: IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing |
157 |
HPDC: International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing |
高性能分佈計算國際會議,涉及告訴網格、分佈計算、並行處理、大規模存儲通訊等領域。 |
高性能計算 |
158 |
ICDCS: IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems |
IEEE TCDP發起的關於分佈式處理領域的會議,最爲老牌強會,ICDLS 舉辦了26屆,錄用率爲15%。 |
分佈式計算 |
159 |
ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning |
機器學習領域中的頂級會議 |
機器學習 |
160 |
ICWS: IEEE International Conference on Web Services |
Web服務國際會議,面向服務標準及規範、服務應用、語義服務等方面。 |
Web服務 |
161 |
IEEE CSB: Computer Society Bioinformatics |
162 |
IEEE ICDM: International Conference on Data Mining |
數據挖掘領域的著名會議,率用率爲14%。 |
數據挖掘 |
163 |
IEEE ICNP: International Conference on Network Protocols |
IEEE 網絡通訊領域頂級學術會議,錄用率在10%左右。 |
網絡 |
164 |
IEEE ICON: IEEE International Conference on Networks |
165 |
IEEE INFOCOM: conference on computer communications |
IEEE網絡通訊領域著名會議,領域普遍。 |
網絡 |
166 |
IEEE IPCCC: International Performance Computing and Communications Conference |
IEEE性能領域著名學術會議,主要關注性能評價。 |
網絡性能 |
167 |
IEEE SPIRE: The IEEE International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval |
字符串處理與信息檢索的年會,字符串匹配的主要進展均可以在這個會議上找到。 |
字符串處理信息檢索 |
168 |
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on AI |
人工智能領域的頂級會議。 |
人工智能 |
169 |
IMC: ACM-SIGCOMM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference |
IMC: ACM-SIGCOMM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference |
ACM SIGCOMM網絡特徵領域重要會議,主要涉及網絡流特徵。 |
170 |
International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture(HPCA) |
服務計算 |
171 |
IPDPS: IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium |
IEEE TCPD牽頭,IEEETCCA、TCDP與ACMSIGARH合辦的關於並行處理與分佈式處理會。錄用率30%, 會議的優秀論文可能發表於JDPC雜誌上。 |
並行計算分佈式計算 |
172 |
ISMB: International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology |
無線 |
173 |
MobiCom: ACM/IEEE Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking |
始於1995,無線、移動計算方面比較有歷史和重要的會議。 |
安全 |
174 |
MobiSys: The International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services |
無線方面,2006年第4名。 |
無線 |
175 |
OSDI: USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation |
USENIX操做系統領域重要會議,側重操做系統各方面的新型技術。 |
操做系統 |
176 |
PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining |
177 |
PDCAT: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies |
關注並行於分佈式計算領域衆多問題的國際性會議,主要是亞太地區。 |
並行計算分佈式計算 |
178 |
PKDD: Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases |
數據挖掘領域的重要會議,錄用率爲14%。 |
數據挖掘 |
179 |
SCC: IEEE International Conference on Services Computing |
服務計算國際會議,側重服務模型、發現體繫結構、服務安全、服務質量、服務語義方面的研究。 |
服務計算 |
180 |
SDM: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining |
數據挖掘領域的重要會議,錄用率爲14% |
數據挖據 |
181 |
SOSE: IEEE International Workshop on Service-Oriented System Engineering |
182 |
USENIX Sec: USENIX Security Symposium |
USENIX安全領域重要會議,側重安全技術。 |
安全 |
183 |
USENIX/ACM Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) |
USENIX網絡領域重要會議,設計網絡涉及各方面內容。 |
網絡 |
184 |
VLDB: The ACM International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
數據管理 |
185 |
WWW: The ACM International World Wide Web Conference |
ACM旗下關於互聯網方面的重要會議,從Web服務器到互聯網語義等研究問題一一包含其中。15%錄用率。 |
Internet |
186 |
RAID International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection |
數據庫頂級國際會議 |
187 |
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
人工智能頂級國際會議 |
人工智能 |
188 |
VLDB: The ACM International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
數據庫頂級國際會議 |
數據庫 |
189 |
ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning |
機器學習頂級國際會議 |
機器學習 |
190 |
PRICAI: Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
亞太人工智能國際會議 |
人工智能 |
191 |
IFIP ICIIP: IFIP International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing |
IFIP智能信息處理國際會議 |
智能信息處理 |
192 |
NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems |
神經信息處理領域頂級國際會議 |
神經計算,機器學習 |
193 |
ISCA: International Symposium on Computer Architecture |
體系結構領域的頂級會議 |
微處理器設計 |
194 |
International Symposium on Microarchitecture |
體系結構領域的頂級會議 |
微處理器設計 |
195 |
HPCA:International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture |
體系結構領域的頂級會議 |
微處理器設計 |
196 |
APCSAC: Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference |
體系結構方面的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
197 |
ISLPED: International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design |
低功耗設計的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
198 |
OSDI: Operation System Design & Implementation |
操做系統方面的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
199 |
ASPLOS: Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operation |
體系結構方面的頂尖會議 |
微處理器設計 |
200 |
ICCD: IEEE International Conference on Computer Design |
體系結構方面的頂尖會議 |
微處理器設計 |
201 |
DAC: Design Automation Conference |
設計自動化領域的頂級會議 |
微處理器設計 |
202 |
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design(ICCAD) |
集成電路設計自動化方面的頂尖會議 |
微處理器設計 |
203 |
ASP-DAC: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference |
設計自動化領域的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
204 |
ISSCC: IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference |
設計自動化領域的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
205 |
CICC: Custom Integrated Circuits Conference |
集成電路設計方面的頂尖會議(公認排名第二) |
微處理器設計 |
206 |
ESSCIRC: European Conference on Solid-State Circuits |
集成電路設計方面的頂尖會議 |
微處理器設計 |
207 |
Symposium on VLSI Circuits |
集成電路設計方面的頂尖會議 |
微處理器設計 |
208 |
IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference |
集成電路設計方面的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
209 |
Symposium on VLSI Technology |
集成電路設計方面的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
210 |
ASSCC: Asian Conference on Solid-State Circuits |
集成電路領域重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
211 |
MWSCAS: Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems |
集成電路領域重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
212 |
ICECS: IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems: |
集成電路領域重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
213 |
ISCAS: International Symposium Circuit and System |
電路與系統方面的重要會議 |
微處理器設計 |
214 |
RFIC: IEEE Symposium on Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits |
射頻集成電路領域頂尖會議 |
微處理器設計 |
215 |
ACM RECOMB: Int. Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology |
RECOMB創辦於1997年,每一年舉辦一次,由ACM和/或國際計算生物學協會(ISCB)主辦,強調計算生物學的數學和計算方面,近年錄取率在20%左右。 |
計算生物學 |
216 |
IEEE CSB: Computer Society Bioinformatics |
CSB創辦於2002年,每一年舉辦一次,2005年之前由IEEE協會主辦,2006年開始改由生命科學協會(LSS)主辦。 |
計算生物學 |
217 |
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(EMBC) |
生物信息學與計算生物學國際研討會 |
計算生物學 |
218 |
PSB: Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing |
PSB創辦於1996年,每一年舉辦一次,從屬於國際計算生物學協會(ISCB),由美國的研究機構組織舉辦。 |
計算生物學 |
219 |
WABI:Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics |
WABI創辦於2000年,每一年舉辦一次,由歐洲理論計算機協會(EATCS)和國際計算生物學協會(ISCB)主辦,強調生物信息學的算法方面。 |
計算生物學 |
220 |
CSB: IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference |
CSB創辦於2002年,每一年舉辦一次,2005年之前由IEEE協會主辦,2006年開始改由生命科學協會(LSS)主辦 |
計算生物學 |
221 |
ISMB:Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology |
ISMB創辦於1993年,每一年舉辦一次,由國際計算生物學協會(ISCB)主辦,在生物信息學領域影響最大,論文集一般做爲Bioinformatics雜誌的專刊發表,近年來錄取率爲15%左右。 |
生物信息 |
222 |
ECCB:European Conference on Computational Biology |
ECCB創辦於2002年,每一年舉辦一次,由國際計算生物學協會(ISCB)主辦,有時與ISMB聯合舉辦,論文集一般做爲Bioinformatics雜誌的專刊發表,近年錄取率在20%左右。 |
生物信息 |
223 |
APBC:Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference |
APBC創辦於2003年,每一年舉辦一次,由亞太國家的研究機構組織舉辦,近年錄取率在35%左右。 |
生物信息 |
224 |
COCOON:Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference |
COCOON創辦於1995年,每一年舉辦一次,會議範疇爲計算理論、算法、組合優化等,包括生物信息學方向,近年錄取率在40%左右。 |
生物信息 |
225 |
CPM:Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching |
CPM創辦於1990年,每一年舉辦一次,會議以串、樹和圖等複雜模式的搜索和匹配問題爲主題,包括生物信息學方向,近年錄取率在45%左右。 |
生物信息 |
226 |
EMBC:IEEE International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society |
EMBC創辦於1979年,每一年舉辦一次,從屬於IEEE醫學與生物工程協會,會議內容覆蓋範圍很廣,每一年接收的論文數以千計。 |
生物信息 |
227 |
Geospatial Information and Technology Association(GITA) Annual Conference |
地球空間信息與技術協會年會 |
遙感與空間信息處理 |
228 |
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGRSS) |
地球科學與遙感國際會議 |
遙感與空間信息處理 |
229 |
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)Technical Commission Symposium |
國際攝影測量與遙感學會專業委員會會議 |
遙感與空間信息處理 |
230 |
International Conference on Geoinformatics |
地球信息國際會議 |
遙感與空間信息處理 |
231 |
IEEE SKG (Semantics, Knowledge and Grid) |
由計算所發起的IEEE國際會議,每一年有100人蔘加。 |
知識網格 |
232 |
WWW: The ACM International World Wide Web Conference |
Internet領域頂級國際會議 |
Internet |
233 |
International Semantic Web Conference |
Semantic Web領域頂級會議,錄用率17% |
Semantic Web |
234 |
ACM SIGMOD: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Management of Data |
ACM的旗艦會議之一,也是數據庫領域頂級學術會議,內容側重於數據管理。 |
數據管理 |
235 |
ACM PODS Conference |
ACM的旗艦會議之一,也是數據庫領域頂級學術會議,內容側重於數據管理基本理論。 |
數據管理 |
236 |
VLDB: The ACM International Conference on Very Large Data Bases |
數據庫頂級國際會議 |
數據管理 |
237 |
IEEE ICDE - International Conference on Data Engineering |
數據庫頂級國際會議 |
數據管理 |