SELECT mon_id as staTime,SUM (CAST ( index_value AS INT )) AS totalCount FROM aidata.rep_index_values_m
SELECT ext_dim1 sex, sum(index_value::NUMERIC) total FROM aidata.rep_index_values_y Tspa
mybatis in 查詢:code
<if test="orgIdList != null"> <if test="orgIdList.size() > 0"> and org_id IN <foreach collection="orgIdList" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{item} </foreach> </if> </if>
SELECT temp1.count AS total, temp2.count AS num1, temp3.count AS num2 FROM ( SELECT count( 1 ) AS count FROM t_e_xiexiexie WHERE STATUS = '1' ) temp1, ( SELECT count( 1 ) AS count FROM t_e_xiexiexie WHERE true AND createtime >= '2019-06-13' AND createtime < '2019-06-14' ) temp2, ( SELECT count( 1 ) AS count FROM t_e_xiexiexie WHERE STATUS = '9' AND lastmodifytime >= '2019-06-13' AND lastmodifytime < '2019-06-14' ) temp3