mysql 統計sql


SELECT DATE_FORMAT(d.create_time,'%Y-%m') months,COUNT(id) AS scannum FROM detail d GROUP BY months;sql

select DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y%u') weeks,count(caseid) count from tc_case group by weeks; 
select DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y%m%d') days,count(caseid) count from tc_case group by days; 
select DATE_FORMAT(create_time,'%Y%m') months,count(caseid) count from tc_case group by months;

select sum(total_amount) as total, date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m')  from week_report WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-11-02' AND '2017-04-30' group by date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m');
select sum(total_amount) as total,date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m')   from week_report WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-12-11' AND '2016-12-22' group by date_format(stat_date, '%Y-%m');


-- month
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%m')) months ,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by months;

-- 季度
select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',quarter(stat_date)) qu,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by qu;

select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%U')) weeks,sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by weeks;

select CONCAT(YEAR(stat_date),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%m'),'_',DATE_FORMAT(stat_date,'%d')) days, sum(total_amount) as count_amount, sum(total_new_user) as count_new_user, sum(da_active_user) as count_active_user from xxx
WHERE `stat_date` BETWEEN '2016-01-02' AND '2017-05-30' group by days;


SELECT IFNULL(i.`summary`,'total') total,i.`summary`,COUNT(i.`id`)
FROM relation r LEFT JOIN info i ON r.`bug_id`=i.`id` LEFT _detail d ON d.`plan_id`=r.`planid`
WHERE r.`isnew`=1 AND (DATE_FORMAT(d.`create_time`,'%m')='04') GROUP BY i.`summary` WITH ROLLUP;code

mysql> select ifnull(ybbh,'total'),count(1) from jbxx group by ybbh with rollup;
| ifnull(ybbh,'total') | count(1) |
| 00                   |        1 |
| 12                   |        2 |
| 13                   |        3 |
| 31                   |        1 |
| 99                   |        2 |
| total                |        9 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)