1 function Papa(){}; 2 function Child(){ 3 Papa.apply(this,arguments); 4 }; 5 Child.prototype = new Papa(); 6 Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
咱們能夠對這個模式進行封裝 this
function classExtends(Class1,Class2){ Class2 = function(){ Class1.apply(this,arguments); } Class2.prototype = new Class1(); Class2.prototype.constructor = Class2; return Class2; }
以上的作法有些不足是 繼承後的子類在實例化時添加第三個參數會比較困難;spa
1 function classExtends(Class1,Class2,bHaveOwnArgs){ 2 Class2 = function(){ 3 Class1.apply(this,arguments); 4 if(bHaveOwnArgs && arguments[2]){ 5 for(var name in arguments[2]){ 6 this[name] = arguments[2][name]; 7 } 8 } 9 } 10 Class2.prototype = new Class1(); 11 Class2.prototype.constructor = Class2; 12
13 return Class2; 14 }
function Person(name,age){ this.name = name; this.age = age; } var Man = classExtends(Person,Man,true); var vidy = new Man('vidy',30,{bWillBeARichMan:true}); Man.prototype.haveBigHouse = function(){ if(this.bWillBeARichMan) { return 'bigHouse to '+this.name; } } console.log(vidy.haveBigHouse());//bighouse to vidy