To be able to run SUMO on Linux, just follow these four steps:html
Each of these steps is outlined below.python
"$ sudo apt-get install libgdal1h libgdal-dev g++ libxerces-c3.1 libxerces-c-dev libicu-dev libproj-dev libfox-1.6-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev python-dev"
Download sumo-src-0.31.0.tar.gz or
tar xzf sumo-src-<version>.tar.gz cd sumo-<version>/
To build from a checkout the GNU autotools are needed. The call to the autotools is hidden in Makefile.cvs.git
The following commands should be issued:bash
svn co cd sumo make -f Makefile.cvs
Before compiling is advisable (essential if you want to use Clang) to define the environment variable SUMO_HOME. Assuming that you placed SUMO in the folder "/home/<user>/sumo-<version>", if you want to define only for the current session, type in the consolesession
SUMO_HOME="/home/<user>/sumo-<version>"; export SUMO_HOME
If you want to define for all sessions (i.e. for every time that you run your Linux distribution), go to your HOME folder, and find one of the next tree files (depending of your Linux distribution): .bash_profile, .bash_login or .profile (Note that these files can be hidden). Then edit the file, add at the end and reboot your session.關機socket
export SUMO_HOME="/home/<user>/sumo-<version>"
You can check that SUMO_HOME was successfully set if you typeide
and console shows "/home/<user>/sumo-<version>"svn
./configure [options] make
If you built the required libraries manually, you may need to tell the configure script where you installed them (e.g. --with-xerces=...). Please see the above instructions on installing required tools and libraries to find out how to do that.ui
Other common options to ./configure include --prefix=$HOME (so installing SUMO means copying the files somewhere in your home directory), --enable-debug (to build a version of SUMO that's easier to debug), and --with-python which enables the direct linking of python.
For additional options please see
./configure --help
After doing make you will find all binaries in the bin subdir without the need for installation. You may of course do a make install to your intended destination as well, see below.
If you want to use a different compiler (just for the fun of it or because it has additional features) you can enable it at configure time. Our current clang configuration for additional static code checking looks like this:
./configure CXX=clang++ CXXFLAGS="-stdlib=libstdc++ -fsanitize=undefined,address,integer,unsigned-integer-overflow -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize-blacklist=$PWD/build/clang_sanitize_blacklist.txt"
You may of course leave out all the sanitizer-checks you don't want but the stdlib option has to be set. The blacklist filters out a known bug in the cstdlib. For details see the clang documentation.
At the moment GUI building is still troublesome. It depends whether you want to use the X-Server or native Windows GUI. We tried native Windows GUI only and had to change the installed such that it contains
dependency_libs=' -lgdi32 -lglaux -ldl -lcomctl32 -lwsock32 -lwinspool -lmpr -lpthread -lpng /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ -lz -lbz2 -lopengl32 -lglu32'
Your mileage may vary.
This (optional) step will copy the SUMO binaries to another path, so that you can delete all source and intermediate files afterwards. If you do not want (or need) to do that, you can simply skip this step and run SUMO from the bin subfolder (bin/sumo-gui and bin/sumo).
If you want to install the SUMO binaries, run
make install
# FIRST ONE: "$ sudo ./configure --with-fox-includes=/usr/include/fox-1.6 \ --with-gdal-includes=/usr/include/gdal --with-proj-libraries=/usr \ --with-gdal-libraries=/usr --with-proj-gdal" #SECOND ONE: "$ sudo make" #THIRD ONE: "$ sudo make install"