"軟件"一詞,最先於1953年,在Richard R. Carhart
Carhart, Richard (1953). A survey of the current status of the electronic reliability problem (PDF). Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation. p. 69. It will be recalled from Sec. 1.6 that the term personnel was defined to include people who come into direct contact with the hardware, from production to field use, i.e., people who assemble, inspect, pack, ship, handle, install, operate and maintain electronic equipment. In any of these phases personnel failures may result in unoperational gear. As with the hardware factors, there is almost no quantitative data concerning these software or human factors in reliability: How many faults are caused by personnel, why they occur, and what can be done to remove the errors.github
"軟件工程"一詞,則是由Margaret Hamilton
Git是一個開源的分佈式版本控制系統,用以有效、高速的處理從很小到很是大的項目版本管理。分佈式相比於集中式的最大區別在於開發者能夠提交到本地,每一個開發者經過克隆(git clone),在本地機器上拷貝一個完整的Git倉庫。electron
Mercurial 是一種輕量級分佈式版本控制系統,採用 Python 語言實現,易於學習和使用,擴展性強。其是基於 GNU General Public License (GPL) 受權的開源項目。分佈式
BitBucket 是一家源代碼託管網站,採用Mercurial和Git做爲分佈式版本控制系統,同時提供商業計劃和免費帳戶。它和github的一個區別就是能夠無限制的建立免費私有團隊(固然有人數限制)。學習