前面對處理細節的分析 http://my.oschina.net/u/572632/blog/289745
snort 規則中的IP介紹
/* Used by the "list" mode. A doubly linked list of sfip_t objects. */ typedef struct _ip_node { /*構成一個鏈表明一個IP集合,存放在sfip_var_t中的head或neg_head中*/ sfip_t *ip; #define ip_addr ip; /* To ease porting Snort */ struct _ip_node *next; int flags; // XXX int addr_flags; /* Flags used exlusively by Snort */ /* Keeping these variables seperate keeps * this from stepping on Snort's toes. */ /* Should merge them later */ } sfip_node_t; /* An IP variable onkect */ typedef struct _var_t { /**每個被解析的IP串對應該結構*/ /* Selects whether or not to use the list, the table, * or any other method added later */ MODES mode; /* Linked lists. Switch to something faster later */ sfip_node_t *head; /**解析出的通常IP*/ sfip_node_t *neg_head; /**被 !取反的IP*/ /* The mode above will select whether to use the sfip_node_t linked list * or the IP routing table */ // sfrt rt; /* Linked list of IP variables for the variable table */ struct _var_t *next; /**構成鏈表*/ uint32_t id; /**IP串的ID*/ char *name; /**IP串的名字*/ char *value; } sfip_var_t; /* A variable table for storing and looking up variables */ /* Expand later to use a faster data structure */ typedef struct _vartable_t { /**管理全部被解析出的IP串*/ sfip_var_t *head; uint32_t id; } vartable_t;
static int ProcessIP(SnortConfig *sc, char *addr, RuleTreeNode *rtn, int mode, int neg_list) { /**獲取存放全部IP信息的表*/ vartable_t *ip_vartable = sc->targeted_policies[getParserPolicy(sc)]->ip_vartable; DEBUG_WRAP(DebugMessage(DEBUG_CONFIGRULES,"Got address string: %s\n", addr);); assert(rtn); /* If a rule has a variable in it, we want to copy that variable's * contents to the IP variable (IP list) stored with the rtn. * This code tries to look up the variable, and if found, will copy it * to the rtn->{sip,dip} */ if(mode == SRC) /**區分解析對象是源IP仍是目地IP*/ { int ret; if (rtn->sip == NULL) /**源IP是否已解析*/ { /**查看是否解析過相同的IP結合*/ sfip_var_t *tmp = sfvt_lookup_var(ip_vartable, addr); if (tmp != NULL) { /**若是出現過相同的集合直接拷貝上次解析後的數據*/ rtn->sip = sfvar_create_alias(tmp, tmp->name); if (rtn->sip == NULL) ret = SFIP_FAILURE; else ret = SFIP_SUCCESS; } else { /**不然建立解析該串並放入ip_varTable中*/ rtn->sip = (sfip_var_t *)SnortAlloc(sizeof(sfip_var_t)); ret = sfvt_add_to_var(ip_vartable, rtn->sip, addr); } } else { /** 解析串,並將解析出的IP集合添加到rtn->sip中, 並放入ip_vartable中*/ ret = sfvt_add_to_var(ip_vartable, rtn->sip, addr); } /* The function sfvt_add_to_var adds 'addr' to the variable 'rtn->sip' */ if (ret != SFIP_SUCCESS) { if(ret == SFIP_LOOKUP_FAILURE) { ParseError("Undefined variable in the string: %s.", addr); } else if(ret == SFIP_CONFLICT) { ParseError("Negated IP ranges that are more general than " "non-negated ranges are not allowed. Consider " "inverting the logic: %s.", addr); } else if(ret == SFIP_NOT_ANY) { ParseError("!any is not allowed: %s.", addr); } else { ParseError("Unable to process the IP address: %s.", addr); } } /**該節點中出現一個any 標記,則將rtn中標註ANY*/ if(rtn->sip->head && rtn->sip->head->flags & SFIP_ANY) { rtn->flags |= ANY_SRC_IP; } } /* mode == DST */ /**與源IP相對*/ else { int ret; if (rtn->dip == NULL) { sfip_var_t *tmp = sfvt_lookup_var(ip_vartable, addr); if (tmp != NULL) { rtn->dip = sfvar_create_alias(tmp, tmp->name); if (rtn->dip == NULL) ret = SFIP_FAILURE; else ret = SFIP_SUCCESS; } else { rtn->dip = (sfip_var_t *)SnortAlloc(sizeof(sfip_var_t)); ret = sfvt_add_to_var(ip_vartable, rtn->dip, addr); } } else { ret = sfvt_add_to_var(ip_vartable, rtn->dip, addr); } if (ret != SFIP_SUCCESS) { if(ret == SFIP_LOOKUP_FAILURE) { ParseError("Undefined variable in the string: %s.", addr); } else if(ret == SFIP_CONFLICT) { ParseError("Negated IP ranges that are more general than " "non-negated ranges are not allowed. Consider " "inverting the logic: %s.", addr); } else if(ret == SFIP_NOT_ANY) { ParseError("!any is not allowed: %s.", addr); } else { ParseError("Unable to process the IP address: %s.", addr); } } if(rtn->dip->head && rtn->dip->head->flags & SFIP_ANY) { rtn->flags |= ANY_DST_IP; } } /* Make sure the IP lists provided by the user are valid */ if (mode == SRC) ValidateIPList(rtn->sip, addr); else ValidateIPList(rtn->dip, addr); return 0; }