// With Promises: fs.emptyDir('/tmp/some/dir') .then(() => { console.log('success!') }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) }) // Async with promises: fs.copy('/tmp/myfile', '/tmp/mynewfile') .then(() => console.log('success!')) .catch(err => console.error(err))
backup() { this.backuping = true const backupFileName = moment(new Date()).format('YYYYMMDDHHMMSS') + 'Backup.json' // 若是沒有目錄則建立 fs.ensureDir(this.backupPath).then(() => { // 複製文件 fs.copy(this.userDataPath + '/' + this.dbFileName, this.backupPath + '/' + backupFileName) .then(() => { this.backuping = false this.snackbar = true this.submitResult = true this.snackbarMsg = 'Backup succeeded' }) .catch(err => { this.backuping = false this.snackbar = true this.submitResult = false this.snackbarMsg = 'Backup failed' }) }).catch(err => { this.backuping = false this.snackbar = true this.submitResult = false this.snackbarMsg = 'Failed to create folder' }) },
原理同備份同樣,都是直接操做文件便可。恢復至關於刪除和移動文件,函數使用remove和move,copy等方法。固然還有彈出文件選擇框等操做。恢復完必定記得重啓程序,使用relaunch、和 exist方法。數據庫
recovery() { this.recovering = true // 彈出文件選擇框 remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({ // title: '請選擇須要導入的文件', defaultPath: this.backupPath, // buttonLabel: '確認', // 過濾 filters: [ {name: 'json', extensions: ['json']} ], // 包含功能 properties: ['openFile'] }, (filepaths, bookmarks) => { if (filepaths) { // 移除舊文件 fs.remove(this.userDataPath + '/' + this.dbFileName).then(() => { // 複製文件 fs.copy(filepaths[0], this.userDataPath + '/' + this.dbFileName) .then(() => { this.recovering = false this.snackbar = true this.submitResult = true this.snackbarMsg = 'Recovering succeeded' // 重啓應用 remote.app.relaunch() // remote.app.quit() remote.app.exit() }) .catch(err => { this.recovering = false this.snackbar = true this.submitResult = false this.snackbarMsg = 'Recovering failed' }) }).catch(err => { this.recovering = false this.snackbar = true this.submitResult = false this.snackbarMsg = 'Error deleting old files' }) } else { this.recovering = false } }) },
exportLocalFile() { // 日期範圍判斷 if (this.search.dateStart && this.search.dateEnd) { if (moment(this.search.dateStart).isAfter(moment(this.search.dateEnd))) { this.snackbar = true this.snackbarMsg = 'Please select the correct date range' return } } this.exporting = true // 建立一個文件 const workbook = new Excel.Workbook() workbook.creator = 'test' workbook.lastModifiedBy = 'test' workbook.created = new Date() workbook.modified = new Date() // 建立一個工做組 let sheet = workbook.addWorksheet('test') // 設置默認行高 sheet.properties.defaultRowHeight = 20; // 建立列 sheet.getRow(1).values = ['Detail', , 'AssetsName', 'CategoryName', 'CreatedAt', 'Remark'] sheet.getRow(2).values = ['Type', 'AmountOfMoney', 'AssetsName', 'CategoryName', 'CreatedAt', 'Remark'] // 設置表頭樣式 const colorHeader = 'FFDB8B89' const rowHeader1 = sheet.getRow(2) rowHeader1.eachCell((cell, rowNumber) => { sheet.getColumn(rowNumber).alignment = {vertical: 'middle', horizontal: 'center'} sheet.getColumn(rowNumber).font = {size: 12, family: 2, bold: true} sheet.getColumn(rowNumber).fill = { type: 'pattern', pattern: 'solid', fgColor: {argb: colorHeader} } sheet.getColumn(rowNumber).border = { top: {style: 'thin'}, left: {style: 'thin'}, bottom: {style: 'thin'}, right: {style: 'thin'} } }) // 凍結行 sheet.views = [{ state: 'frozen', ySplit: 2, activeCell: 'A1' }] // 合併單元格 sheet.mergeCells('A1:B1') sheet.mergeCells('C1:C2') sheet.mergeCells('D1:D2') sheet.mergeCells('E1:E2') sheet.mergeCells('F1:F2') // 添加數據項定義 sheet.columns = [ {key: 'type', width: 30}, {key: 'amountOfMoney', width: 30}, {key: 'assetsName', width: 30}, {key: 'categoryName', width: 30}, {key: 'createdAt', width: 30}, {key: 'remark', width: 60}, ] // 獲取數據 this._getModelExport().then(result => { console.log(result) // 建立行 sheet.addRows(result.data) // 建立文件及文件夾 const APP = process.type === 'renderer' ? remote.app : app // 獲取electron應用的用戶目錄 const STORE_PATH = APP.getPath('userData') const dir = STORE_PATH + '/export' const fileName = moment(new Date()).format('YYYYMMDDHHMMSS') + 'Export.xlsx' const fullPath = dir + '/' + fileName // 若是沒有目錄則建立 fs.ensureDir(dir).then(() => { // 寫文件 workbook.xlsx.writeFile(fullPath).then(() => { this.exporting = false // 在文件管理器中顯示給定的文件,若是能夠,'選中'該文件 shell.showItemInFolder(dir) // 播放嗶嗶的聲音 shell.beep() // 打開文件 shell.openItem(fullPath) }) }).catch(err => { this.snackbar = true this.snackbarMsg = 'Failed to create folder' }) }).catch(err => { this.snackbar = true this.snackbarMsg = err.message }) },
importLocalFile() { this.importing = true // 彈出文件選擇框 remote.dialog.showOpenDialog({ // title: '請選擇須要導入的文件', defaultPath: this.exportPath, // buttonLabel: '確認', // 過濾 filters: [ {name: 'xlsx', extensions: ['xlsx']} ], // 包含功能 properties: ['openFile'] }, (filepaths, bookmarks) => { if (filepaths) { // 讀取文件 const workbook = new Excel.Workbook() workbook.xlsx.readFile(filepaths[0]).then(() => { // 從新結構化數據 let data = [] // 獲取工做表 const worksheet = workbook.getWorksheet(1) // 迭代工做表中具備值的全部行 worksheet.eachRow(function (row, rowNumber) { console.log('Row ' + rowNumber + ' = ' + JSON.stringify(row.values)) // 去掉兩行表頭 if (rowNumber > 2) { // 從新組織數據,excel不管單元格仍是行都是從1開始的 const model = { type: row.values[1], amountOfMoney: row.values[2], assetsName: row.values[3], categoryName: row.values[4], createdAt: row.values[5], remark: row.values[6], } data.push(model) } }) // 業務處理 // console.log(data) this._importData(data).then(result => { if (result.code === 200) { this.submitResult = true this.importing = false this.snackbar = true this.snackbarMsg = 'Successfully imported' } }).catch(err => { this.submitResult = false this.importing = false this.snackbar = true this.snackbarMsg = err.message }) }) } }) },