pip install xmltodict
xmltodict.parse() 方法能夠將xml數據轉爲python中的dict字典數據
xmltodict.unparse() 將字典轉換爲xml數據
<mydocument has="an attribute"> <and> <many>elements</many> <many>more elements</many> </and> <plus a="complex"> element as well </plus> </mydocument>
# 將xml讀出 with open('file.xml') as fd: doc = xmltodict.parse(fd.read()) print(doc['mydocument']['@has']) # == u'an attribute' print(doc['mydocument']['and']['many']) # == [u'elements', u'more elements'] print(doc['mydocument']['plus']['@a']) # == u'complex' print(doc['mydocument']['plus']['#text']) # == u'element as well' # 將字典轉換成xml with open('out.xml', 'w') as f: mydict = { 'text': { '@color': 'red', '@stroke': '2', '#text': 'This is a test' } } f.write(xmltodict.unparse(mydict)) """ 生成的xml文件結果以下 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <text stroke="2" color="red">This is a test</text> """