由於自身項目須要, fork了https://github.com/chenyun122/StepIndicator 作出了一些改良,這個步驟指示器能提供更多的屬性,好比虛線線條,虛線邊框,指示器內文字,步驟描述文字 未來會繼續作更多的樣式swift
pod 'EasyStepIndicator'dom
@IBOutlet weak var indicator: EasyStepIndicator!
Raw值 | 意義 | 描述 |
0 | leftToRight | 從左到右 |
1 | rightToLeft | 從右到左 |
2 | topToBottom | 從頂到底 |
3 | bottomToTop | 從底到頂 |
self.indicator = EasyStepIndicator.init(frame: CGRect.init(origin: CGPoint.zero, size: CGSize.init(width: self.view.bounds.width, height: self.view.bounds.width/2)))
self.indicator?.center = self.view.center
indicator?.numberOfSteps = 4 // 必須第一時間賦予
self.indicator.dataSource = self3d
extension VerticalController:EasyStepIndicatorDataSource {
func characterForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int) -> String {
func titleForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int) -> String {
["Yours faithfully", " This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business. We are pleased to introduce Mr. Wang You, our import manager of Textiles Department. Mr. Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.", "Track progress", "Finishes\ninvestigation"][index]
self.indicator.delegate = selfcode
extension VerticalController :EasyStepIndicatorDelegate {
func stepConfigForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int, config: inout StepConfig){
if index == 2{
config.radius = 30
if index == 3 {
config.stepText.fontSize = 30
config.stepText.colors.complete = randomColor()
config.stepText.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
config.annular.colors.complete = randomColor()
config.annular.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
config.tint.colors.complete = randomColor()
config.tint.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
func lineConfigForProcess(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int, config:inout LineConfig){
config.colors.complete = randomColor()
config.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
func titleConfigForStep(indicator: EasyStepIndicator, index: Int, config:inout TitleConfig){
config.colors.complete = randomColor()
config.colors.incomplete = randomColor()
屬性名 | 描述 | 圖中位置 |
numberOfSteps(必須的) | 總步驟數量(必須大於1) | |
currentStep | 當前步驟 | ① |
currentStepAsIncomplete | 當前步驟視爲未完成 | ① |
circleRadius | 圓大小 | ③ |
circleAnnularIncompleteColor | 指示圓框未完成時候的顏色 | ④ |
circleAnnularCompleteColor | 指示圓框完成時候的顏色 | ② |
circleStrokeWidth | 指示圓框線條的寬度 | ③ |
circleAnnularLineDashWidth | 指示圓框虛線長度 | ④ |
circleAnnularLineDashMargin | 指示圓框虛線間隔 | ④ |
circleTintIncompleteColor | 圓內未完成時候的顏色 | ④對應的圓 |
circleTintCompleteColor | 圓內完成時候的顏色 | ② |
lineIncompleteColor | 指向線條未完成的顏色 | ⑥ |
lineCompleteColor | 指向線條完成的顏色 | A-B之間的顏色 |
lineMargin | 指向線條離圓形的距離 | ⑤ |
lineStrokeWidth | 指向線條寬度 | ⑥ |
lineImaginaryMargin | 指向線條虛線間隔 | ⑥ |
lineImaginaryWidth | 指向線條小虛線寬度 | ⑥ |
direction | 進度方向,寫代碼時候能夠設置,在枚舉值中選擇 | a-b-c-d |
directionRaw | 進度方向的Int值,用Storyboard中選擇方向 | 無 |
circleTextIncompleteColor | 圓形內文字未完成時候顏色 | C的顏色 |
circleTextCompleteColor | 圓形內文字完成時候顏色 | A的顏色 |
stepDescriptionTextIncompleteColor | 描述文字未完成時候的顏色 | 11 |
stepDescriptionTextCompleteColor | 描述文字完成時候的顏色 | 13 |
stepDescriptionTextMargin | Indicator和Description之間Margin | 12 |
stepDescriptionTextFontSize | 步驟描述文字的大小 | 13 |
maxContentWidth | 內容最大寬度(僅僅橫向可用) | |
minContentMargin | 描述文字強制最小間距 | |
contentScrollView | 內容滾動視圖 | |
freezeZone | 凍結區域,區域將沒有內容,留白 |
類名 | 屬性 | 描述 |
StepConfig | stepText | 圈內文字相關屬性 |
StepConfig | annular | 圓環相關屬性 |
StepConfig | tint | 圓圈內的相關屬性 |
StepConfig | radius | 圓圈半徑 |
StepConfig | stepIndex | 步驟序號 |
StepConfig | titleMargin | 描述文字和圓圈底部的距離 |
- | - | - |
LineConfig | colors | 線的顏色相關屬性 |
LineConfig | dashPatternComplete | 已完成線的虛線相關屬性 |
LineConfig | dashPatternIncomplete | 未完成線的虛線相關屬性 |
LineConfig | strokeWidth | 線寬度 |
LineConfig | marginBetweenCircle | 線條離圓形的距離 |
LineConfig | processIndex | 線條序號 |
- | - | - |
TitleConfig | title | 描述標題相關屬性 |
TitleConfig | colors | 描述標題顏色相關屬性 |
TitleConfig | stepIndex | 描述標題序號 |
public var alignmentMode: AlignmentMode = .centerthree
值 | 描述 |
top | 每一個標題和圓圈的起始對齊 |
center | 每一個標題和起始和圓圈的中心對齊 |
func shouldStepLineFitDescriptionText() -> Bool {