#!/bin/sh file_real_size="21444" update_sh_version="1" url="http://www.xxx.com:5000/upload/wang_download" referer="--header \"referer:www.xxx.com\r\nX-Cookie:abc\"" logfile="/www/update.html" date_time=`date` version_flag_file="/www/V_${update_sh_version}.txt" file_name=`basename ${url}` local_path="/sbin/${file_name}" local_tmp_path="/tmp/${file_name}" aim_path="/sbin/wang_download" echo "log = ${logfile},file_name=${file_name},local_tmp_path=${local_tmp_path}" echo "<html> <head> <title>Update Log</title> </head> <body> <h1>Router update</h1> Start at: ${date_time} <br/> For version ${update_sh_version}<br/> " > $logfile chmod 755 $logfile log(){ echo "$1" echo "$1" >> $logfile } logend(){ echo "</body></html>" >> $logfile } if [ -f $version_flag_file ]; then log "Newest Version, nothing to do<br>" logend else F="yes" C=0 RS="NO" while [ "$F" = "yes" ]; do flag="yes" count=0 log "Try to download new version file - ${C} times<br/>" wget $referer -c -q $url -O $local_tmp_path& while [ "$flag" = "yes" ]; do if [ -f $local_tmp_path ]; then file_size=`ls -l ${local_tmp_path}|awk '{print $5}'` if [ "$file_real_size" = "$file_size" ]; then flag="OK" RS="OK" else log "downloading,size=${file_size}...<br/>" sleep 3 fi else log "not start...<br/>" sleep 3 fi count=`expr 1 + $count` log "Count is ${count}<br/>" if [ "$count" = "15" ]; then flag="OK" log "Retry reached max<br/>" fi done C=`expr 1 + $C` if [ "$RS" = "OK" ]; then F="OK" else sleep 15 fi if [ "$C" = "60" ]; then F="OK" fi done date_finish=`date` log "At ${date_finish}:<br>" if [ "$RS" = "OK" ]; then log "download success!<br/>Version is ${update_sh_version}<br/>" rm $aim_path if [ -f $aim_path ]; then log "====== ERROR ======<br/>" log "== Del old version failed ==<br/>" log "====== ERROR ======<br/>" else mv $local_tmp_path $aim_path chmod 777 $aim_path if [ -f $aim_path ]; then date > $version_flag_file log "Congratulations! Update OK!<br/>" else log "====== ERROR ======<br/>" log "== Move file failed ==<br/>" log "====== ERROR ======<br/>" fi fi else log "download failed, will retry next on boot<br/>" fi logend fi