It’s no secret to the readers of this blog that I’ve been active in the configuration management space for some time. I owe most of my knowledge to what I’ve learned while working with Puppet and from other hackers working in and around various other communities.html
I’ve published, a number, of articles, in an, attempt, to push, the field, forwards, and to, share the, knowledge, that I’ve, learned, with others. I’ve spent many nights thinking about these problems, but it is not without some chagrin that I realized that the current state-of-the-art in configuration management cannot easily (or elegantly) solve all the problems for which I wish to write solutions.node
To that end, I’d like to formally present my idea (and code) for a next generation configuration management prototype. I’m calling my tool mgmt.react
Design triadios
Mgmt has three unique design elements which differentiate it from other tools. I’ll try to cover these three points, and explain why they’re important. The summary:git
1) Parallel executiongithub
Fundamentally, all configuration management systems represent the dependency relationships between their resources in a graph, typically one that is directed and acyclic.golang
Unfortunately, the execution of this graph typically has a single worker that runs through a linearized, topologically sorted version of it. There is no reason that a graph with a number of disconnected parts cannot run each separate section in parallel with each other.web
Typically, some nodes will have a common dependency, which once met will allow its children to all execute simultaneously.promise
This is the first major design improvement that the mgmt tool implements. It has obvious improvements for performance, in that a long running process in one part of the graph (eg: a package installation) will cause no delay on a separate disconnected part of the graph which is in the process of converging unrelated code. It also has other benefits which we will discuss below.bash
In practice this is particularly powerful since most servers under configuration management typically combine different modules, many of which have no inter-dependencies.
An example is the best way to show off this feature. Here we have a set of four long (10 second) running processes or exec resources. Three of them form a linear dependency chain, while the fourth has no dependencies or prerequisites. I’ve asked the system to exit after it has been converged for five seconds. As you can see in the example, it is finished five seconds after the limiting resource should be completed, which is the longest running delay to complete in the whole process. That limiting chain took 30 seconds, which we can see in the log as being from three 10 second executions. The logical total of about 35 seconds as expected is shown at the end:
$ time ./mgmt run --file graph8.yaml --converged-timeout=5 22:55:04 This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.1-29-gebc1c60 22:55:04 Main: Start: 1452398104100455639 22:55:04 Main: Running... 22:55:04 Graph: Vertices(4), Edges(2) 22:55:04 Graphviz: Successfully generated graph! 22:55:04 State: graphStarting 22:55:04 State: graphStarted 22:55:04 Exec[exec4]: Apply //exec4 start 22:55:04 Exec[exec1]: Apply //exec1 start 22:55:14 Exec[exec4]: Command output is empty! //exec4 end 22:55:14 Exec[exec1]: Command output is empty! //exec1 end 22:55:14 Exec[exec2]: Apply //exec2 start 22:55:24 Exec[exec2]: Command output is empty! //exec2 end 22:55:24 Exec[exec3]: Apply //exec3 start 22:55:34 Exec[exec3]: Command output is empty! //exec3 end 22:55:39 Converged for 5 seconds, exiting! //converged for 5s 22:55:39 Interrupted by exit signal 22:55:39 Exec[exec4]: Exited 22:55:39 Exec[exec1]: Exited 22:55:39 Exec[exec2]: Exited 22:55:39 Exec[exec3]: Exited 22:55:39 Goodbye! real 0m35.009s user 0m0.008s sys 0m0.008s $
Note that I’ve edited the example slightly to remove some unnecessary log entries for readability sake, and I have also added some comments and emphasis, but aside from that, this is actual output! The tool also generated graphvizoutput which may help you better understand the problem:
Hopefully you’ll be able to come up with more practical examples.
2) Event driven
All configuration management systems have some notion of idempotence. Put simply, an idempotent operation is one which can be applied multiple times without causing the result to diverge from the desired state. In practice, each individual resource will typically check the state of the element, and if different than what was requested, it will then apply the necessary transformation so that the element is brought to the desired state.
The current generation of configuration management tools, typically checks the state of each element once every 30 minutes. Some do it more or less often, and some do it only when manually requested. In all cases, this can be an expensive operation due to the size of the graph, and the cost of each check operation. This problem is compounded by the fact that the graph doesn’t run in parallel.
More importantly, if something diverges from the requested state you might wait 30 minutes before it is noticed and repaired by the system!
The mgmt system is unique, because I realized that an event based system could fulfill the same desired behaviour, and in fact it offers a more general and powerful solution. This is the second major design improvement that the mgmttool implements.
These events that we’re talking about are inotify events for file changes, systemd events (from dbus) for service changes, packagekit events (from dbus again) for package change events, and events from exec calls, timers, network operations and more! In the inotify example, on first run of the mgmt system, an inotify watch is taken on the file we want to manage, the state is checked and it is converged if need be. We don’t ever need to check the state again unless inotify tells us that something happened!
Astute config mgmt hackers might end up realizing three interesting consequences:
, flag. This effectively offers the same behaviour that current generation systems do for the administrators who do not want to experiment with a newer model. Thus, the current systems are a special, simplified model of mgmt!james@computer:/tmp/mgmt$ ls f1 f2 f3 james@computer:/tmp/mgmt$ cat * i am f1 i am f2 i am f3 james@computer:/tmp/mgmt$ rm -f f2 && cat f2 i am f2 james@computer:/tmp/mgmt$ echo blah blah > f2 && cat f2 i am f2 james@computer:/tmp/mgmt$ touch f4 && file f4 f4: cannot open `f4' (No such file or directory) james@computer:/tmp/mgmt$ ls f1 f2 f3 james@computer:/tmp/mgmt$
That’s fast!
3) Distributed topology
All software typically runs with some sort of topology. Puppet and Chef normally run in a client server topology, where you typically have one server with many clients, each running an agent. They also both offer a standalone mode, but in general this is not more interesting than running a fancy bash script. In this context, I define interesting as 「relating to clustered, multiple machine architectures」.
This traditional model of computing is well-known, and fairly easy to reason about. You typically put all of your code in one place (on the server) and the clients or agents need very little personalized configuration to get working. However, it can suffer from performance and scalability issues, and it can also be a single point of failure for your infrastructure. Make no mistake: if you manage your infrastructure properly, then when your configuration management infrastructure is down, you will be unable to bring up new machines or modify existing ones! This can be a disastrous type of failure, and is one which is seldom planned for in disaster recovery scenarios!
Other systems such as Ansible are actually orchestrators, and are not technically configuration management in my opinion. That doesn’t mean they don’t share much of the same problem space, and in fact they are usually idempotent and share many of the same properties of traditional configuration management systems. They are useful and important tools!
The key difference about an orchestrator, is that it typically operates with a push model, where the server (or the sysadmin laptop) initiates a connection to the machines that it wants to manage. One advantage is that this is sometimes very easy to reason about for multi machine architectures, however it shares the usual downsides around having a single point of failure. Additionally there are some very real performance considerations when running large clusters of machines. In practice these clusters are typically segmented or divided in some logical manner so as to lessen the impact of this, which unfortunately detracts from the aforementioned simplicity of the solution.
Unfortunately with either of these two topologies, we can’t immediately detect when an issue has occurred and respond immediately without sufficiently advanced third party monitoring. By itself, a machine that is being managed by orchestration, cannot detect an issue and communicate back to its operator, or tell the cluster of servers it peers with to react accordingly.
The good news about current and future generation topologies is that algorithms such as the Paxos family and Raftare now gaining wider acceptance and good implementations now exist as Free Software. Mgmt depends on these algorithms to create a mesh of agents. There are no clients and servers, only peers! Each peer can choose to both export and collect data from a distributed data store which lives as part of the cluster of peers. The software that currently implements this data store is a marvellous piece of engineering called etcd.
In practice the number of connections required for each peer to connect to each other peer would be too great, so instead the cluster first achieves distributed consensus, and then the elected leader picks a certain number of machines to run etcd masters. All other agents then connect through one of these masters. The distributed data store can easily handle failures, and agents can reconnect seamlessly to a different temporary master should they need to. If there is a lack or an abundance of transient masters, then the cluster promotes or demotes an agent automatically by asking it to start or stop an etcd process on its host.
By allowing hosts to export and collect data from the distributed store, we actually end up with a mechanism that is quite similar to what Puppet calls exported resources. In my opinion, the mechanism and data interchange is actually a brilliant idea, but with some obvious shortcomings in its implementation. This is because for a cluster of N nodes, each wishing to exchange data with one another, puppet must run N times (once on each node) and then N-1 times for the entire cluster to see all of the exchanged data. Each of these runs requires an entire sequential run through every resource, and an expensive check of each resource, each time.
In contrast, with mgmt, the graph is redrawn only when an etcd event notifies us of a change in the data store, and when the new graph is applied, only members who are affected either by a change in definition or dependency need to be re-run. In practice this means that a small cluster where the resources themselves have a negligible apply time, can converge a complete connected exchange of data in less than one second.
An example demonstrates this best.
james@computer:/tmp$ rm -rf /tmp/mgmt* # clean out everything james@computer:/tmp$ mkdir /tmp/mgmt{A..C} # make the example dirs james@computer:/tmp$ tree /tmp/mgmt* # they're indeed empty /tmp/mgmtA /tmp/mgmtB /tmp/mgmtC 0 directories, 0 files james@computer:/tmp$ # run node A, it converges almost instantly james@computer:/tmp$ tree /tmp/mgmt* /tmp/mgmtA ├── f1a ├── f2a ├── f3a └── f4a /tmp/mgmtB /tmp/mgmtC 0 directories, 4 files james@computer:/tmp$ # run node B, it converges almost instantly james@computer:/tmp$ tree /tmp/mgmt* /tmp/mgmtA ├── f1a ├── f2a ├── f3a ├── f3b ├── f4a └── f4b /tmp/mgmtB ├── f1b ├── f2b ├── f3a ├── f3b ├── f4a └── f4b /tmp/mgmtC 0 directories, 12 files james@computer:/tmp$ # run node C, exit 5 sec after converged, output: james@computer:/tmp$ time ./mgmt run --file examples/graph3c.yaml --hostname c --converged-timeout=5 01:52:33 main.go:65: This is: mgmt, version: 0.0.1-29-gebc1c60 01:52:33 main.go:66: Main: Start: 1452408753004161269 01:52:33 main.go:203: Main: Running... 01:52:33 main.go:103: Etcd: Starting... 01:52:33 config.go:175: Collect: file; Pattern: /tmp/mgmtC/ 01:52:33 main.go:148: Graph: Vertices(8), Edges(0) 01:52:38 main.go:192: Converged for 5 seconds, exiting! 01:52:38 main.go:56: Interrupted by exit signal 01:52:38 main.go:219: Goodbye! real 0m5.084s user 0m0.034s sys 0m0.031s james@computer:/tmp$ tree /tmp/mgmt* /tmp/mgmtA ├── f1a ├── f2a ├── f3a ├── f3b ├── f3c ├── f4a ├── f4b └── f4c /tmp/mgmtB ├── f1b ├── f2b ├── f3a ├── f3b ├── f3c ├── f4a ├── f4b └── f4c /tmp/mgmtC ├── f1c ├── f2c ├── f3a ├── f3b ├── f3c ├── f4a ├── f4b └── f4c 0 directories, 24 files james@computer:/tmp$
Amazingly, the cluster converges in less than one second. Admittedly it didn’t have large amounts of IO to do, but since those are fixed constants, it still shows how fast this approach should be. Feel free to do your own tests to verify.
The code is publicly available and has been for some time. I wanted to release it early, but I didn’t want to blog about it until I felt I had the initial design triad completed. It is written entirely in golang, which I felt was a good match for the design requirements that I had. It is my first major public golang project, so I’m certain there are many things I could be doing better. As a result, I welcome your criticism and patches, just please try and keep them constructive and respectful! The project is entirely Free Software, and I plan to keep it that way. As long as Red Hat is involved, I’m pretty sure you won’t have to deal with any open core compromises!
There’s an IRC channel going. It’s #mgmtconfig on Freenode. Please come hangout! If we get bigger, we’ll add a mailing list.
There are a few caveats that I’d like to mention. Please try to keep these in mind.
It is with great honour, that my first public talk about this project will be at Config Management Camp 2016. I am thrilled to be speaking at such an excellent conference, where I am sure the subject matter will be a great fit for all the respected domain experts who will be present. Find me on the schedule, and please come to my session.
I’m also fortunate enough to be speaking about the same topic, just four days later in Brno, at DevConf.CZ. It’s a free conference, in an excellent city, and you’ll be sure to find many excellent technical sessions and hackers!
I hope to see you at one of these events or at a future conference. If you’d like to have me speak at your conference or event, please contact me!
Thank you for reading this far! I hope you appreciate my work, and I promise to tell you more about some of the novel designs and properties that I have planned for the future of mgmt. Please leave me your comments, even if they’re just +1’s.
Happy hacking!
Post scriptum
There seems to be a new trend about calling certain types of management systems or designs 「choreography」. Since this term is sufficiently overloaded and without a clear definition, I choose to avoid it, however it’s worth mentioning that some of the ideas from some of the definitions of this word as pertaining to the configuration management field match what I’m trying to do with this design. Instead of using the term 「choreography」, I prefer to refer to what I’m doing as 「configuration management」.
Some early peer reviews suggested this might be a 「puppet-killer」. In fact, I actually see it as an opportunity to engage with the puppet community and to share my design and engine, which I hope some will see as a more novel solution. Existing puppet code could be fed through a cross compiler to output a graph that actually runs on my engine. While I plan to offer an easier to use and more powerful DSL language, the 80% of existing puppet code isn’t more than plumbing, package installation, and simple templating, so a gradual migration would be possible, where the multi-system configuration management parts are implemented using my new patterns instead of with slowly converging puppet. The same things could probably also be done with other languages like Chef. Anyone from Puppet Labs, Chef Software Inc., or the greater hacker community is welcome to contact me personally if they’d like to work on this.
Lastly, but most importantly, thanks to everyone who has discussed these ideas with me, reviewed this article, and contributed in so many ways. You’re awesome!