在檢測運動目標時,若是背景是靜止的,利用當前圖像與預存的背景圖像做差分,再利用閾值來檢測運動區域的一種動態目標識別技術。 背景差分算法適用於背景已知的狀況,但難點是如何自動得到長久的靜態背景模型。 matlab中單純的背景差分直接是函數imabsdiff(X,Y)就能夠。ios
利用視頻序列中連續的兩幀或幾幀圖像的差來進行目標檢測和提取。在運動的檢測過程當中,該方法利用時間信息,經過比較圖像中若干連續幀得到對應像素點的灰度差值,若是均大於必定的閾值T2,則能夠判斷該位置存在運動的目標。 較適合於動態變化場景。 算法
利用相鄰兩幀中對應像素的灰度保持原理來評估二維圖像的變化。可以較好的從背景中檢測到相關前景目標,甚至是運動屋裏中的部分運動目標,適用於攝像機運動過程當中相對運動目標的檢測。 開口問題、光流場約束方程的解的不惟一性問題。不能正確的表示實際的運動場。app
1 @brief Class for extracting blobs from an image. : 2 The class implements a simple algorithm for extracting blobs from an image: 3 4 1. Convert the source image to binary images by applying thresholding with several thresholds from 5 minThreshold (inclusive) to maxThreshold (exclusive) with distance thresholdStep between 6 neighboring thresholds. 7 2. Extract connected components from every binary image by findContours and calculate their 8 centers. 9 3. Group centers from several binary images by their coordinates. Close centers form one group that 10 corresponds to one blob, which is controlled by the minDistBetweenBlobs parameter. 11 4. From the groups, estimate final centers of blobs and their radiuses and return as locations and 12 sizes of keypoints. 13 14 This class performs several filtrations of returned blobs. You should set filterBy\* to true/false 15 to turn on/off corresponding filtration. Available filtrations: 16 17 - **By color**. This filter compares the intensity of a binary image at the center of a blob to 18 blobColor. If they differ, the blob is filtered out. Use blobColor = 0 to extract dark blobs 19 and blobColor = 255 to extract light blobs. 20 - **By area**. Extracted blobs have an area between minArea (inclusive) and maxArea (exclusive). 21 - **By circularity**. Extracted blobs have circularity 22 (\f$\frac{4*\pi*Area}{perimeter * perimeter}\f$) between minCircularity (inclusive) and 23 maxCircularity (exclusive). 24 - **By ratio of the minimum inertia to maximum inertia**. Extracted blobs have this ratio 25 between minInertiaRatio (inclusive) and maxInertiaRatio (exclusive). 26 - **By convexity**. Extracted blobs have convexity (area / area of blob convex hull) between 27 minConvexity (inclusive) and maxConvexity (exclusive). 28 29 Default values of parameters are tuned to extract dark circular blobs.
1 class CV_EXPORTS_W SimpleBlobDetector : public Feature2D 2 { 3 public: 4 struct CV_EXPORTS_W_SIMPLE Params 5 { 6 CV_WRAP Params(); 7 CV_PROP_RW float thresholdStep; 8 CV_PROP_RW float minThreshold; 9 CV_PROP_RW float maxThreshold; 10 CV_PROP_RW size_t minRepeatability; 11 CV_PROP_RW float minDistBetweenBlobs; 12 13 CV_PROP_RW bool filterByColor; 14 CV_PROP_RW uchar blobColor; 15 16 CV_PROP_RW bool filterByArea; 17 CV_PROP_RW float minArea, maxArea; 18 19 CV_PROP_RW bool filterByCircularity; 20 CV_PROP_RW float minCircularity, maxCircularity; 21 22 CV_PROP_RW bool filterByInertia; 23 CV_PROP_RW float minInertiaRatio, maxInertiaRatio; 24 25 CV_PROP_RW bool filterByConvexity; 26 CV_PROP_RW float minConvexity, maxConvexity; 27 28 void read( const FileNode& fn ); 29 void write( FileStorage& fs ) const; 30 };
1 #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> 2 #include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp> 3 #include <iostream> 4 5 using namespace std; 6 using namespace cv; 7 8 int main() { 9 Mat img = imread("D://Images/cut/2.jpg", 0); 10 11 /* 12 SimpleBlobDetector::Params params; 13 //閾值控制 14 params.minThreshold = 10; 15 params.maxThreshold = 200; 16 //像素面積大小控制 17 params.filterByArea = true; 18 params.minArea = 1000; 19 //形狀(凸) 20 params.filterByCircularity = false; 21 params.minCircularity = 0.7; 22 //形狀(凹) 23 params.filterByConvexity = true; 24 params.minConvexity = 0.9; 25 //形狀(圓) 26 params.filterByInertia = false; 27 params.minInertiaRatio = 0.5; 28 */ 29 30 Ptr<SimpleBlobDetector> detector = SimpleBlobDetector::create(); 31 vector<KeyPoint> keypoints; 32 detector->detect(img, keypoints); 33 Mat img_with_keypoints; 34 drawKeypoints(img, keypoints, img_with_keypoints, Scalar(0, 0, 255), DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS); 35 imshow("keypoints", img_with_keypoints); 36 waitKey(0); 37 return 0; 38 }
1 Mat dst=new Mat(); 2 //取單通道圖像 3 dst==Imgcodecs.imread("blob.jpg",0); 4 //存儲結果信息MatofKeyPoint 包含7個通道,分別對應7項信息 5 /** 6 buff[_channels*i+0] = (float); 7 buff[_channels*i+1] = (float); 8 buff[_channels*i+2] = kp.size; 9 buff[_channels*i+3] = kp.angle; 10 buff[_channels*i+4] = kp.response; 11 buff[_channels*i+5] = kp.octave; 12 buff[_channels*i+6] = kp.class_id; 13 **/ 14 MatOfKeyPoint keypoints = new MatOfKeyPoint(); 15 Mat keyMat = new Mat(); 16 //FeatureDetector 第九項檢測爲SimpleBolb 分析 17 /** 18 FAST = 1, 19 STAR = 2, 20 SIFT = 3, 21 SURF = 4, 22 ORB = 5, 23 MSER = 6, 24 GFTT = 7, 25 HARRIS = 8, 26 SIMPLEBLOB = 9, 27 DENSE = 10, 28 BRISK = 11, 29 AKAZE = 12, 30 GRID_FAST = GRIDDETECTOR + FAST, 31 GRID_STAR = GRIDDETECTOR + STAR, 32 GRID_SIFT = GRIDDETECTOR + SIFT, 33 GRID_SURF = GRIDDETECTOR + SURF, 34 GRID_ORB = GRIDDETECTOR + ORB, 35 GRID_MSER = GRIDDETECTOR + MSER, 36 GRID_GFTT = GRIDDETECTOR + GFTT, 37 GRID_HARRIS = GRIDDETECTOR + HARRIS, 38 GRID_SIMPLEBLOB = GRIDDETECTOR + SIMPLEBLOB, 39 GRID_DENSE = GRIDDETECTOR + DENSE, 40 GRID_BRISK = GRIDDETECTOR + BRISK, 41 GRID_AKAZE = GRIDDETECTOR + AKAZE, 42 PYRAMID_FAST = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + FAST, 43 PYRAMID_STAR = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + STAR, 44 PYRAMID_SIFT = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + SIFT, 45 PYRAMID_SURF = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + SURF, 46 PYRAMID_ORB = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + ORB, 47 PYRAMID_MSER = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + MSER, 48 PYRAMID_GFTT = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + GFTT, 49 PYRAMID_HARRIS = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + HARRIS, 50 PYRAMID_SIMPLEBLOB = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + SIMPLEBLOB, 51 PYRAMID_DENSE = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + DENSE, 52 PYRAMID_BRISK = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + BRISK, 53 PYRAMID_AKAZE = PYRAMIDDETECTOR + AKAZE, 54 DYNAMIC_FAST = DYNAMICDETECTOR + FAST, 55 DYNAMIC_STAR = DYNAMICDETECTOR + STAR, 56 DYNAMIC_SIFT = DYNAMICDETECTOR + SIFT, 57 DYNAMIC_SURF = DYNAMICDETECTOR + SURF, 58 DYNAMIC_ORB = DYNAMICDETECTOR + ORB, 59 DYNAMIC_MSER = DYNAMICDETECTOR + MSER, 60 DYNAMIC_GFTT = DYNAMICDETECTOR + GFTT, 61 DYNAMIC_HARRIS = DYNAMICDETECTOR + HARRIS, 62 DYNAMIC_SIMPLEBLOB = DYNAMICDETECTOR + SIMPLEBLOB, 63 DYNAMIC_DENSE = DYNAMICDETECTOR + DENSE, 64 DYNAMIC_BRISK = DYNAMICDETECTOR + BRISK, 65 DYNAMIC_AKAZE = DYNAMICDETECTOR + AKAZE; 66 */ 67 FeatureDetector featureDetector = FeatureDetector.create(9); 68 //配置爲xml文件,能夠先生成默認xml文件,再進行修改數值 69"params.xml"); 70 // 修改測試 71 featureDetector.detect(dst, keypoints);