在使用spring事物一般會配置的Service層 ,當咱們調用 一個service成的方法的時候 ,這個方法在執行的過程當中對數據的操做會保存在一個事物中,在調用該方法時,要麼都成功,要麼都失敗。當在service中 還調用的其餘Service方法 ,那麼 其餘方法中的事物 應該如何處理呢 ,這就延伸出一個概念 事物的傳播特性java
以上 是spring 事物對應的的7總傳播特性 spring
PROPGATION_REQUIRED: 這個配置項的意思是說當我調用service層的方法的時候開啓一個事務(具體調用那一層的方法開始建立事務,要看你的aop的配置),那麼在調用這個service層裏面的其餘service的時候,若是當前方法產生了事務就用當前方法產生的事務,不然就建立一個新的事務。這個工做使由Spring來幫助咱們完成的。app
public enum Propagation {ui
* Support a current transaction, create a new one if none exists.
* Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name.
* <p>This is the default setting of a transaction annotation.
* Support a current transaction, execute non-transactionally if none exists.
* Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name.
* <p>Note: For transaction managers with transaction synchronization,
* PROPAGATION_SUPPORTS is slightly different from no transaction at all,
* as it defines a transaction scope that synchronization will apply for.
* As a consequence, the same resources (JDBC Connection, Hibernate Session, etc)
* will be shared for the entire specified scope. Note that this depends on
* the actual synchronization configuration of the transaction manager.
* @see org.springframework.transaction.support.AbstractPlatformTransactionManager#setTransactionSynchronization
* Support a current transaction, throw an exception if none exists.
* Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name.
* Create a new transaction, suspend the current transaction if one exists.
* Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name.
* <p>Note: Actual transaction suspension will not work on out-of-the-box
* on all transaction managers. This in particular applies to JtaTransactionManager,
* which requires the {@code javax.transaction.TransactionManager} to be
* made available it to it (which is server-specific in standard J2EE).
* @see org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager#setTransactionManager
* Execute non-transactionally, suspend the current transaction if one exists.
* Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name.
* <p>Note: Actual transaction suspension will not work on out-of-the-box
* on all transaction managers. This in particular applies to JtaTransactionManager,
* which requires the {@code javax.transaction.TransactionManager} to be
* made available it to it (which is server-specific in standard J2EE).
* @see org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager#setTransactionManager
* Execute non-transactionally, throw an exception if a transaction exists.
* Analogous to EJB transaction attribute of the same name.
* Execute within a nested transaction if a current transaction exists,
* behave like PROPAGATION_REQUIRED else. There is no analogous feature in EJB.
* <p>Note: Actual creation of a nested transaction will only work on specific
* transaction managers. Out of the box, this only applies to the JDBC
* DataSourceTransactionManager when working on a JDBC 3.0 driver.
* Some JTA providers might support nested transactions as well.
* @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager
private final int value;
Propagation(int value) { this.value = value; }
public int value() { return this.value; }