how to add the dynamic link library in vs2005

there are many advantages to use the dynamic link library when we develop the software by C plus plus, here i just say something about how to generate a dll and how to use it in a project. c++

Though windows via c/c++ and vc++ deeply programming by sun xin had describe more about this, here I just want to highlight one point. Meanwhile, I will use the exmple of the book written by Sunxin. windows

1, create the Dill project: ui

Dill.h file: this

#ifdef DLL1_API spa

#else orm

#define DLL1_API extern "C" _declspec (dllimport) it

#endif io

DLL1_API int add(int a, int b); test

DLL1_API int substract(int a, int b); import


2, create dill.cpp :

#define DLL1_API extern "C" _declspec (dllexport)

 #include "Dill.h"

 int add(int a, int b)


return a + b;



int substract( int a, int b)


return a - b;


3, create dill test project with MFC fram



hInst = LoadLibrary("Dill.dll");

typedef int (*ADDPROC)(int a, int b);

ADDPROC Add = (ADDPROC)GetProcAddress(hInst, "add");






CString str;

str.Format("5+3= %d", Add(5,3));



4,move the Dill.h file to the dilltest project.

5, move the dill.dll and dill.lib file to the dilltest project.

5,build the dilltest project, if no exception, I think the build can pass.
