Thymeleaf 3學習



Thymeleaf (麝香草葉子), /ˈtaɪmˌlɪːf/ 是一個服務端java模板引擎框架,它可以處理多種數據格式,包括HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS以及普通文本。css


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--聲明 th 名稱空間-->
<html xmlns:th="">
    <title>Good Thymes Virtual Grocery</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" 
          href="../../css/gtvg.css" th:href="@{/css/gtvg.css}" />
    <!-- 引用文本-->
    <p th:text="#{home.welcome}">Welcome to our grocery store!</p>

Thymeleaf使用th:* 給現有HTML標籤增長屬性,所以直接打開模板也能預覽效果,很方便 。使用時首先須要像在jsp中同樣,在html標籤內聲明th名稱空間,而後就可使用了。html

3.Standard Expression Syntax(標準表達式語法)

  • Variable Expressions(變量表達式): ${...}
  • Selection Variable Expressions(選擇變量表達式): *{...}
  • Message Expressions(消息表達式): #{...}
  • Link URL Expressions(連接url表達式): @{...}
  • Fragment Expressions(代碼片斷表達式): ~{...}
(1).Messages (信息)


  • /WEB-INF/templates/ 英文的翻譯.
  • /WEB-INF/templates/ 默認的文本
<p th:text="#{home.welcome}">Hello World</p> 

<!--unescaped text 不轉義文本-->
<p th:utext="#{home.welcome}">


home.welcome=hello, {0}!
<!-- Thymeleaf解析後會將p標籤中的Welcome User!替換爲th:text指定的文本 -->
<p th:text="#{home.welcome(${})}">
  Welcome User!
<!--消息的key也能夠經過動態去獲取  -->
<p th:utext="#{${welcomeMsgKey}(${})}">
  Welcome User!

Thymeleaf的 ${...}是OGNL (Object-Graph Navigation Language) expressions 語法格式,跟jsp中使用方法差很少,使用示例express

 * Access to properties using the point (.). Equivalent to calling property getters.

 * Access to properties can also be made by using brackets ([]) and writing 
 * the name of the property as a variable or between single quotes.

 * If the object is a map, both dot and bracket syntax will be equivalent to 
 * executing a call on its get(...) method.
${personsByName['Stephen Zucchini'].age}

 * Indexed access to arrays or collections is also performed with brackets, 
 * writing the index without quotes.

 * Methods can be called, even with arguments.
表達式基本對象(Expression Basic Objects),#開始
  • #ctx: the context object.api

  • #vars: the context variables.session

  • #locale: the context

  • #request: (only in Web Contexts) the HttpServletRequest object.框架

  • #response: (only in Web Contexts) the HttpServletResponse object.less

  • #session: (only in Web Contexts) the HttpSession object.

  • #servletContext: (only in Web Contexts) the ServletContext object.


  • #execInfo: information about the template being processed.
  • #messages: methods for obtaining externalized messages inside variables expressions, in the same way as they would be obtained using #{…} syntax.
  • #uris: methods for escaping parts of URLs/URIs
  • #conversions: methods for executing the configured conversion service (if any).
  • #dates: methods for java.util.Date objects: formatting, component extraction, etc.
  • #calendars: analogous to #dates, but for java.util.Calendar objects.
  • #numbers: methods for formatting numeric objects.
  • #strings: methods for String objects: contains, startsWith, prepending/appending, etc.
  • #objects: methods for objects in general.
  • #bools: methods for boolean evaluation.
  • #arrays: methods for arrays.
  • #lists: methods for lists.
  • #sets: methods for sets.
  • #maps: methods for maps.
  • #aggregates: methods for creating aggregates on arrays or collections.
  • #ids: methods for dealing with id attributes that might be repeated (for example, as a result of an iteration).
  Today is: <span th:text="${#calendars.format(today,'dd MMMM yyyy')}">13 May 2011</span>

(3).Expressions on selections (asterisk syntax)(選擇表達式 - 星號語法)

<div th:object="${session.user}">
    <p>Name: <span th:text="*{firstName}">Sebastian</span>.</p>
    <p>Surname: <span th:text="*{lastName}">Pepper</span>.</p>
    <p>Nationality: <span th:text="*{nationality}">Saturn</span>.</p>

<!-- 等價於 -->
  <p>Name: <span th:text="${session.user.firstName}">Sebastian</span>.</p>
  <p>Surname: <span th:text="${session.user.lastName}">Pepper</span>.</p>
  <p>Nationality: <span th:text="${session.user.nationality}">Saturn</span>.</p>

<!-- 還能夠混合使用-->
<div th:object="${session.user}">
  <p>Name: <span th:text="*{firstName}">Sebastian</span>.</p>
  <p>Surname: <span th:text="${session.user.lastName}">Pepper</span>.</p>
  <p>Nationality: <span th:text="*{nationality}">Saturn</span>.</p>
<!-- #object 引用表達式的對象 -->
<div th:object="${session.user}">
  <p>Name: <span th:text="${#object.firstName}">Sebastian</span>.</p>
  <p>Surname: <span th:text="${session.user.lastName}">Pepper</span>.</p>
  <p>Nationality: <span th:text="*{nationality}">Saturn</span>.</p>


<!-- Will produce 'http://localhost:8080/gtvg/order/details?orderId=3' (plus rewriting) -->
<a href="details.html" 

<!-- Will produce '/gtvg/order/details?orderId=3' (plus rewriting) -->
<a href="details.html" th:href="@{/order/details(orderId=${})}">view</a>

<!-- Will produce '/gtvg/order/3/details' (plus rewriting) -->
<a href="details.html" th:href="@{/order/{orderId}/details(orderId=${})}">view</a>


<!-- 基本的使用-->
  Now you are looking at a <span th:text="'working web application'">template file</span>.

<p>The year is <span th:text="2013">1492</span>.</p> 

<!-- ==false 須要寫在{}外面才交由thymeleaf處理,寫在裏面時交由 OGNL/SpringEL處理 -->
<div th:if="${user.isAdmin()} == false"> </div>
<div th:if="${user.isAdmin() == false}"></div>
<div th:if="${variable.something} == null">
<!-- 文本連接 -->
<span th:text="'The name of the user is ' + ${}">
  <!-- 文本替換,(免去+號連接字符串),須要寫在 || 之間
        僅變量,信息表達式可使用${...}, *{...}, #{...}
  <span th:text="|Welcome to our application, ${}!|">

(6).Arithmetic operations(算術操做)

<!-- 也可使用文本 div (/), mod (%).-->
<div th:with="isEven=(${prodStat.count} % 2 == 0)">

(7).Comparators and Equality(比較)


gt (>), lt (<), ge (>=), le (<=), not (!) eq (==), neq/ne (!=).

<div th:if="${prodStat.count} &gt; 1">
<span th:text="'Execution mode is ' + ( (${execMode} == 'dev')? 'Development' : 'Production')"

(8).Conditional expressions(條件表達式)

<!--C中的三元運算符 -->
<tr th:class="${row.even}? 'even' : 'odd'">
<!-- 省略-->
<tr th:class="${row.even}? 'alt'">

(9). Default expressions (Elvis operator) 默認表達式

<div th:object="${session.user}">
  <p>Age: <span th:text="*{age}?: '(no age specified)'">27</span>.</p>
<!-- 等價於,省略表達式爲true時的語句 -->
<p>Age: <span th:text="*{age != null}? *{age} : '(no age specified)'">27</span>.</p>

(10). The No-Operation token(空操做符)

空操做符( No-Operation token)使用下劃線表示_,它容許原生頁面定義的文本爲默認值,便於模板的設計

<span th:text="${} ?: 'no user authenticated'">...</span>
<span th:text="${} ?: _">no user authenticated</span>

(11). Data Conversion / Formatting (數據轉換/格式化)

Thymeleaf 定義了雙花括號語法用於變量${...}和選擇表達式*{...}

<td th:text="${{user.lastAccessDate}}">...</td>


    <th>IN STOCK</th>
  <tr th:each="prod,iterStat : ${prods}" th:class="${iterStat.odd}? 'odd'">
    <td th:text="${}">Onions</td>
    <td th:text="${prod.price}">2.41</td>
    <td th:text="${prod.inStock}? #{true} : #{false}">yes</td>


  • The current iteration index, starting with 0. This is the index property. 遍歷索引,從0開始
  • The current iteration index, starting with 1. This is the count property. 遍歷計數,從1開始
  • The total amount of elements in the iterated variable. This is the size property. 被遍歷對象的大小
  • The iter variable for each iteration. This is the current property. 當前遍歷的對象
  • Whether the current iteration is even or odd. These are the even/odd boolean properties. 奇偶布爾值
  • Whether the current iteration is the first one. This is the first boolean property. 是不是遍歷第一個
  • Whether the current iteration is the last one. This is the last boolean property. 是不是遍歷最後一個
  • Any object implementing java.util.Iterable
  • Any object implementing java.util.Enumeration.
  • Any object implementing java.util.Iterator, whose values will be used as they are returned by the iterator, without the need to cache all values in memory.
  • Any object implementing java.util.Map. When iterating maps, iter variables will be of class java.util.Map.Entry.
  • Any array.
  • Any other object will be treated as if it were a single-valued list containing the object itself.

5.Conditional Evaluation(條件表達式)


<!-- 若是if表達式成立則顯示該標籤-->
<a href="comments.html"
   th:if="${not #lists.isEmpty(prod.comments)}">view</a>

<!--還可使用相反的表達式unless -->
<a href="comments.html"


  • If value is not null:
    • If value is a boolean and is true.
    • If value is a number and is non-zero
    • If value is a character and is non-zero
    • If value is a String and is not 「false」, 「off」 or 「no」
    • If value is not a boolean, a number, a character or a String.
  • (If value is null, th:if will evaluate to false).


<div th:switch="${user.role}">
  <p th:case="'admin'">User is an administrator</p>
  <p th:case="#{roles.manager}">User is a manager</p>
  <p th:case="*">User is some other thing</p> <!--默認值-->

6.Template Layout (模板佈局)


~{templatename::selector} 引用片斷



<!--定義代碼片斷 -->
<html xmlns:th="">
    <div th:fragment="copy">
      &copy; 2011 The Good Thymes Virtual Grocery

<!-- 引用代碼片 -->
  <div th:insert="footer :: copy"></div>

<!-- 根據條件引用-->
<div th:insert="footer :: (${user.isAdmin}? #{footer.admin} : #{footer.normaluser})"></div>

<!-- 根據id引用 css選擇器語法相似-->
<div id="copy-section">
  &copy; 2011 The Good Thymes Virtual Grocery
<div th:insert="~{footer :: #copy-section}"></div>

th:insert , th:replace ,th:include

  • th:insert is the simplest: it will simply insert the specified fragment as the body of its host tag. (在定義的標籤體內引用代碼片斷)

  • th:replace actually replaces its host tag with the specified fragment.(將定義標籤替換爲引用的代碼片斷)

  • th:include is similar to th:insert, but instead of inserting the fragment it only inserts the contents of this fragment.(Thymeleaf 3.0後不推薦使用)

    參數化方式引用代碼片斷(Parameterizable fragment signatures)

    <div th:fragment="frag (onevar,twovar)">
        <p th:text="${onevar} + ' - ' + ${twovar}">...</p>
    <!--使用 使用參數名時順序不重要 -->
    <div th:replace="::frag (${value1},${value2})">...</div>
    <div th:replace="::frag (onevar=${value1},twovar=${value2})">...</div>
    <div th:replace="::frag (twovar=${value2},onevar=${value1})">...</div>

7.Local Variables(局部變量)

<!-- 使用th:with定義,能夠再標籤體中使用-->
<div th:with="firstPer=${persons[0]}">
    The name of the first person is <span th:text="${}">Julius Caesar</span>.


1.Thymleaf Document(


