一直覺得梯度降低很簡單的,結果最近發現我寫的一個梯度降低特別慢,後來終於找到緣由:step size的選擇很關鍵,有一種叫backtracking line search的梯度降低法就很是高效,該算法描述見下圖:python
minimize y = (x-3)*(x-3)app
# -*- coding: cp936 -*- #optimization test, y = (x-3)^2 from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, hold, plot, show, xlabel, ylabel, legend def f(x): "The function we want to minimize" return (x-3)**2 def f_grad(x): "gradient of function f" return 2*(x-3) x = 0 y = f(x) err = 1.0 maxIter = 300 curve = [y] it = 0 step = 0.1 #下面展現的是我以前用的方法,看上去貌似還挺合理的,可是很慢 while err > 1e-4 and it < maxIter: it += 1 gradient = f_grad(x) new_x = x - gradient * step new_y = f(new_x) new_err = abs(new_y - y) if new_y > y: #若是出現divergence的跡象,就減少step size step *= 0.8 err, x, y = new_err, new_x, new_y print 'err:', err, ', y:', y curve.append(y) print 'iterations: ', it figure(); hold(True); plot(curve, 'r*-') xlabel('iterations'); ylabel('objective function value') #下面展現的是backtracking line search,速度很快 x = 0 y = f(x) err = 1.0 alpha = 0.25 beta = 0.8 curve2 = [y] it = 0 while err > 1e-4 and it < maxIter: it += 1 gradient = f_grad(x) step = 1.0 while f(x - step * gradient) > y - alpha * step * gradient**2: step *= beta x = x - step * gradient new_y = f(x) err = y - new_y y = new_y print 'err:', err, ', y:', y curve2.append(y) print 'iterations: ', it plot(curve2, 'bo-') legend(['gradient descent I used', 'backtracking line search']) show()
個人方法用了25次迭代,而backtracking line search只用了6次。(並且以前我用的方法不必定會收斂的,好比你把第一種方法的stepsize改爲1,就會發現,沒有收斂到最優解就中止了,這是一個bug,要注意)blog
這只是個toy example,在我真實使用的優化問題上,二者的效率差異更加顯著,估計有10倍的樣子it
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