Nodogsplash offers a simple way to provide restricted access to an internet connection. It is derived from the codebase of the Wifi Guard Dog project. Nodogsplash is released under the GNU General Public License.( Github)
mynetwork="lan1" myip="XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" mynetmask="" uci set network.${mynetwork}=interface uci set network.${mynetwork}.proto=static uci set network.${mynetwork}.ipaddr=$myip uci set network.${mynetwork}.netmask=$mynetmask uci set network.${mynetwork}.ifname=$mynetwork uci set network.${mynetwork}.type=bridge uci set network.${mynetwork}.force_link=1 uci set network.${mynetwork}.ip6assign=60
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].network="${mynetwork}"
uci add_list firewall.@zone[0].network=${mynetwork}
uci set dhcp.${mynetwork}=dhcp uci set dhcp.${mynetwork}.interface=${mynetwork} uci set dhcp.${mynetwork}.start=100 uci set dhcp.${mynetwork}.limit=150 uci set dhcp.${mynetwork}.leasetime=12h
uci commit
GatewayInterface br-lan1