mysql operations via terminal

1.install mysql

apt-get install -y mysql-server python-mysqldb

sed -i 's/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf

restart mysqlpython

service mysql restart

2.delete database

To delete a database from a MySQL server instance, we need to make a DROP DATABASE call against the server. mysql

First, fire up MySQL in your terminal and login as an administrator account with:sql

mysql -u root -p

You will be prompted for your root password before being granted access to the MySQL

Now to grab a list of available databases on the system. Running:ui

show databases;

Will result in quite a list of available databases being drawn on the screen (note, it only lists the databases your user account has privileges to see). Once you have located the database you wish to delete in this list we can proceed: this

drop database if exists mydatabase;

This will now delete the mydatabase database from the MySQL server if it exists. If not, the drop database statement is simply

3.delete an user account

To delete a user account from a MySQL server instance, we need to make use of a DROP USER call to the mysql.user table. code

First, fire up MySQL in your terminal and login as an administrator account with:server

mysql -u root -p

You will be prompted for your root password before being granted access to the MySQL monitor.rem

Now to grab a list of available user accounts on the system. Running:

select user,host from mysql.user;

Once you have spotted the account you wish to remove, run the following query:

drop user 'username'@'localhost';