1 <canvas canvas-id="shareBox"></canvas>
1 drawImage() { 2 //繪製canvas圖片 3 var that = this; 4 console.log(that.data.userInfo); 5 var qrPath = that.data.qrcode_temp; //小程序碼本地路徑 6 var imgLogo = that.data.photoTempath; //微信頭像本地路徑 7 var banner = that.data.banner_temp; //展會bannertu的本地路徑 8 var bgimg = "/images/bg4@2x.png"; //背景圖 9 10 //建立一個canvas對象 11 const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('shareBox', this); 12 13 ctx.setFillStyle("white"); 14 var canvasWidth = that.data.width; //自適應寬 15 var canvasHeight = that.data.height - that.data.footHeight; //自適應高 (減去底部高度) 16 17 console.log(canvasWidth + "--" + canvasHeight) 18 ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight); 19 ctx.drawImage(bgimg, 10, 10, canvasWidth-20, canvasHeight-20); 20 21 //繪製分享標題 22 23 ctx.setFontSize(15); 24 ctx.setFillStyle('#000'); 25 ctx.setTextAlign('left'); 26 ctx.fillText(that.data.userInfo.nickName+"邀請您一塊兒參加", 110, 50, canvasWidth-135); 27 var title = that.data.exhibitionDetail.ExName; 28 if (title.length > 17) { 29 var a = title.substr(0, 17); 30 var b = title.substr(17, title.length); 31 ctx.fillText(a, 110, 70, canvasWidth - 135); 32 ctx.fillText(b, 110, 90, canvasWidth - 135); 33 }else{ 34 ctx.fillText(title, 110, 70, canvasWidth - 135); 35 } 36 37 38 //繪製標題 39 ctx.setFontSize(15); 40 ctx.setTextAlign('left'); 41 ctx.setFillStyle('#000'); 42 ctx.fillText(title, 30, 250, canvasWidth - 60); 43 ctx.fillText(title, 30, 250, canvasWidth - 60); 44 45 //繪製時間 46 ctx.setFontSize(12); 47 ctx.setTextAlign('left'); 48 ctx.setFillStyle('#333'); 49 var time = that.data.exhibitionDetail.StartTime+"至"+ that.data.exhibitionDetail.EndTime; 50 ctx.fillText(time, 30, 270, canvasWidth - 60); 51 52 //繪製地點 53 ctx.setFontSize(12); 54 ctx.setTextAlign('left'); 55 ctx.setFillStyle('#333'); 56 var place = that.data.exhibitionDetail.Place; 57 ctx.fillText(place, 30, 290, canvasWidth - 60); 58 59 //繪製圓形頭像 60 ctx.save(); 61 ctx.beginPath(); 62 ctx.arc(65, 65, 35, 0, 2 * Math.PI,false); 63 ctx.setStrokeStyle('#eee') 64 ctx.stroke(); //畫了背景的話要先畫圓在裁剪纔能有圓形圖片 65 ctx.clip(); //裁剪 66 ctx.drawImage(imgLogo, 30, 30, 70, 70); 67 ctx.restore(); 68 69 70 //繪製banner圖 71 // ctx.drawImage(banner, 15, 120, 150, 315); 72 73 //繪製小程序碼圖 74 //ctx.drawImage(banner, 70, 310, 100, 100); 75 76 ctx.draw(); 77 78 }
這裏遇到的問題是: 繪製圓形圖片的時候須要裁剪,一開始我沒有繪製背景,直接裁剪的(就是沒有ctx.stroke()這一步也是能成功的畫出圓形圖片的)。api
1 var that = this; 2 wx.downloadFile({ 3 url: that.data.userInfo.avatarUrl, 4 success: function (res) { 5 console.log('圖片:' + res.tempFilePath); 6 that.setData({ 7 photoTempath: res.tempFilePath 8 }) 9 } 10 })
var that = this; wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { console.log(res) that.setData({ width: res.windowWidth, height: res.windowHeight }) }
var that = this; const query = wx.createSelectorQuery(); query.select('.share-box').boundingClientRect(); query.exec(function (res) { that.setData({ footHeight: res[0].height }) console.log(that.data.footHeight) })
1 canvasToImage() { 2 var that = this; 3 // canvas畫布轉成圖片 4 wx.canvasToTempFilePath({ 5 quality: 1, 6 fileType: 'jpg', 7 canvasId: 'shareBox', 8 success: function (res) { 9 wx.hideLoading(); 10 console.log('11' + res.tempFilePath); 11 that.setData({ 12 img_temp: res.tempFilePath 13 }) 14 // wx.previewImage({ 15 // current: res.tempFilePath, // 當前顯示圖片的http連接 16 // urls: [res.tempFilePath] // 須要預覽的圖片http連接列表 17 // }) 18 wx.saveImageToPhotosAlbum({ 19 filePath: res.tempFilePath, 20 success(res) { 21 console.log(res); 22 wx.showModal({ 23 title: '', 24 content: '圖片已保存到相冊,趕忙曬一下吧', 25 showCancel: false, 26 confirmText: '好的', 27 confirmColor: '#72B9C3', 28 success: function (res) { 29 if (res.confirm) { 30 console.log('用戶點擊肯定'); 31 } 32 that.setData({ 33 visible: false 34 }) 35 } 36 }) 37 }, 38 fail: function (res) { 39 if (res.errMsg === "saveImageToPhotosAlbum:fail auth deny") { 40 wx.openSetting({ 41 success(settingdata) { 42 console.log(settingdata) 43 if (settingdata.authSetting['scope.writePhotosAlbum']) { 44 that.saveImg(); //保存失敗嘗試再次保存 45 } else { 46 console.log('獲取權限失敗,給出不給權限就沒法正常使用的提示') 47 } 48 } 49 }) 50 } 51 } 52 }) 53 54 }, 55 fail: function (res) { 56 console.log(res) 57 } 58 }, this) 59 },