PHP 在 Laravel 中動態隱藏 API 字段

我最近在 Laravel Brasil 社區看到一個問題,結果比看起來更有趣。想象一下你有一個 UsersResource 用下面的實現:php

 1 <?php
 2 namespace App\Http\Resources;
 3 use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\Resource;
 4 class UsersResource extends Resource
 5 {
 6 /**
 7 * Transform the resource into an array.
 8 *
 9 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request
10 * @return array
11 */
12 public function toArray($request)
13 {
14 return [
15 'id' => $this->id,
16 'name' => $this->name,
17 'email' => $this->email
18 ];
19 }
20 }

出於某種緣由,您可能但願在另外一個端點上從新使用該資源類,但隱藏email 字段。這篇文章就是告訴你如何實現這一點的。 若是你不知道 API Resources 是什麼,請查看我以前關於這個的文章。laravel

First Impression on API Resources
API Resources with Nested Relationship
1- 初始化項目

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel api-fields
cd api-fields
touch database/database.sqlite

編輯.env文件,刪除數據庫設置並使用 SQLite數據庫


1 php artisan migrate
2 php artisan make:resource UsersResource
3 php artisan make:resource --collection UsersResourceCollection 
4 php artisan make:controller UsersController
5 php artisan tinker
6 factory(App\User::class)->times(20)->create();
7 quit


2- 路由
確保在 api.php 文件中建立一個路由。數組

Route::apiResource('/users', 'UsersController');


3- 控制器

 1 <?php
 2 namespace App\Http\Controllers;
 3 use App\Http\Resources\UsersResource;
 4 use App\User;
 5 class UsersController extends Controller
 6 {
 7 /**
 8 * Display a listing of the resource.
 9 *
10 * @param User $user
11 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
12 */
13 public function index(User $user)
14 {
15 return UsersResource::collection($user->paginate())->hide(['id', 'email']);
16 }
17 /**
18 * Display a user.
19 *
20 * @param User $user
21 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
22 */
23 public function show(User $user)
24 {
25 return UsersResource::make($user)->hide(['id']);
26 }
27 }


爲了達到這個目的,咱們須要 UsersResourceCollection 和UsersResource 同時知道如何處理 hide 調用。composer

4- UsersResource 類
讓咱們從 show 方法開始. UsersResource::make 將會返回 UsersResource 的對象. 所以,咱們應該揭開 hide 的神祕面紗,它能夠存儲咱們指望從響應中移除的鍵.ide

 1 <?php
 2 namespace App\Http\Resources;
 3 use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\Resource;
 4 class UsersResource extends Resource
 5 {
 6 /**
 7 * @var array
 8 */
 9 protected $withoutFields = [];
11 /**
12 * Transform the resource into an array.
13 *
14 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request
15 * @return array
16 */
17 public function toArray($request)
18 {
19 return $this->filterFields([
20 'id' => $this->id,
21 'name' => $this->name,
22 'email' => $this->email
23 ]);
24 }
25 /**
26 * Set the keys that are supposed to be filtered out.
27 *
28 * @param array $fields
29 * @return $this
30 */
31 public function hide(array $fields)
32 {
33 $this->withoutFields = $fields;
34 return $this;
35 }
36 /**
37 * Remove the filtered keys.
38 *
39 * @param $array
40 * @return array
41 */
42 protected function filterFields($array)
43 {
44 return collect($array)->forget($this->withoutFields)->toArray();
45 }
46 }


大功告成! 如今咱們能夠訪問 ,你會發現響應中已經沒有id 字段了。ui

1 {
2 "data": {
3 "name": "Mr. Frederik Morar",
4 "email": ""
5 }
6 }


5- UsersResourceCollection 類
執行項目集合中的 index 方法, 咱們須要做出以下修改:

(1) 確保 UsersResource::collection 返回 UsersResourceCollection 實例
(2) 在 UsersResourceCollection 上公開 hide 方法
(3) 將隱藏的字段傳遞給 UsersResource
關於 (1), 咱們只須要重寫 UsersResource 中的 collection 方法

 1 <?php
 2 namespace App\Http\Resources;
 3 use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\Resource;
 4 class UsersResource extends Resource
 5 {
 6 public static function collection($resource)
 7 {
 8 return tap(new UsersResourceCollection($resource), function ($collection) {
 9 $collection->collects = __CLASS__;
10 });
11 }
13 /**
14 * @var array
15 */
16 protected $withoutFields = [];
17 /**
18 * Transform the resource into an array.
19 * 將資源轉換爲一個數組
20 * 
21 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request
22 * @return array
23 */
24 public function toArray($request)
25 {
26 return $this->filterFields([
27 'id' => $this->id,
28 'name' => $this->name,
29 'email' => $this->email
30 ]);
31 }
32 /**
33 * Set the keys that are supposed to be filtered out.
34 * 設置須要隱藏過濾掉的鍵
35 * 
36 * @param array $fields
37 * @return $this
38 */
39 public function hide(array $fields)
40 {
41 $this->withoutFields = $fields;
42 return $this;
43 }
44 /**
45 * Remove the filtered keys.
46 * 刪除隱藏的鍵
47 * 
48 * @param $array
49 * @return array
50 */
51 protected function filterFields($array)
52 {
53 return collect($array)->forget($this->withoutFields)->toArray();
54 }
55 }


關於 (2) 和 (3) 咱們須要修改 UsersResourceCollection 文件. 讓咱們公開 hide 方法並使用隱藏字段處理集合。.

 1 <?php
 2 namespace App\Http\Resources;
 3 use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;
 4 class UsersResourceCollection extends ResourceCollection
 5 {
 6 /**
 7 * @var array
 8 */
 9 protected $withoutFields = [];
10 /**
11 * Transform the resource collection into an array.
12 *
13 * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request
14 * @return array
15 */
16 public function toArray($request)
17 {
18 return $this->processCollection($request);
19 }
20 public function hide(array $fields)
21 {
22 $this->withoutFields = $fields;
23 return $this;
24 }
25 /**
26 * Send fields to hide to UsersResource while processing the collection.
27 * 將隱藏字段經過 UsersResource 處理集合
28 * 
29 * @param $request
30 * @return array
31 */
32 protected function processCollection($request)
33 {
34 return $this->collection->map(function (UsersResource $resource) use ($request) {
35 return $resource->hide($this->withoutFields)->toArray($request);
36 })->all();
37 }
38 }


就是這麼簡單! 如今咱們訪問 看到返回結果中沒有了 id 和 email 字段瞭如在 UsersController 中的指定方法 .

 1 {
 2 "data": [{
 3 "name": "Mr. Frederik Morar"
 4 }, {
 5 "name": "Angel Daniel"
 6 }, {
 7 "name": "Brianne Mueller"
 8 }],
 9 "links": {
10 "first": "http://lab.php71/api-fields-2/public/api/users?page=1",
11 "last": "http://lab.php71/api-fields-2/public/api/users?page=7",
12 "prev": null,
13 "next": "http://lab.php71/api-fields-2/public/api/users?page=2"
14 },
15 "meta": {
16 "current_page": 1,
17 "from": 1,
18 "last_page": 7,
19 "path": "http://api-fields.lab.php71/api/users",
20 "per_page": 3,
21 "to": 3,
22 "total": 20
23 }
24 }


6- 總結

