如何在Git中提交僅區分大小寫的文件名更改? - How do I commit case-sensitive only filename changes in Git?


I have changed a few files name by de-capitalize the first letter, as in Name.jpg to name.jpg . 我已經改變了一些文件名去首字母大寫,如Name.jpgname.jpg Git does not recognize this changes and I had to delete the files and upload them again. Git沒法識別此更改,所以我不得不刪除文件並再次上傳。 Is there a way that Git can be case-sensitive when checking for changes in file names? 檢查文件名的更改時,Git是否能夠區分大小寫? I have not made any changes to the file itself. 我還沒有對文件自己進行任何更改。 api


參考一: https://stackoom.com/question/1CCH4/如何在Git中提交僅區分大小寫的文件名更改
參考二: https://oldbug.net/q/1CCH4/How-do-I-commit-case-sensitive-only-filename-changes-in-Git