






連接:SVG 圖像入門教程svg




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<style> @keyframes eyeballAni { from { transform: translateY(-10px); } to { transform: translateY(5px); } } .eyeball { animation: eyeballAni ease 2s infinite; } </style>
<!-- 頭 -->
<g id="head">
  <circle cx="150" cy="115" r="105" style="fill: #06B6E1; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
  <circle cx="150" cy="130" r="80" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
  <!-- 眼睛 -->
  <g id="eye">
    <ellipse cx="120" cy="70" rx="30" ry="35" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <circle class="eyeball" cx="135" cy="85" r="5" />
    <ellipse cx="180" cy="70" rx="30" ry="35" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <circle class="eyeball" cx="165" cy="85" r="5" />
  <!-- 鼻子 -->
  <circle id="nose" cx="150" cy="110" r="15" style="fill: #C93E01; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
  <!-- 嘴巴 -->
  <g id="mouth">
    <line x1="150" y1="125" x2="150" y2="180" style="fill: #333333; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
    <path d=" M 100 157, A 80 100 0 0 0 200 157 " style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
  <!-- 鬍鬚 -->
  <g id="moustache">
      <line x1="90" y1="110" x2="130" y2="125" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <line x1="90" y1="130" x2="130" y2="130" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <line x1="90" y1="150" x2="130" y2="135" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <line x1="170" y1="125" x2="210" y2="110" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <line x1="170" y1="130" x2="210" y2="130" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <line x1="170" y1="135" x2="210" y2="150" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />




<!-- 身體 -->
<g id="body">
  <!-- 身體輪廓 -->
  <path d=" M 80 215, L 30 245, L 45 285, L 85 265, L 85 340, L 140 340, A 15 50 0 0 1 160 340, L 215, 340, L 215 265, L 255 285, L 270 245, L 220 215, Z " style="fill: #06B6E1; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
  <!-- 手 -->
  <g id="hand">
    <circle cx="40" cy="265" r="25" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px" />
    <circle cx="260" cy="265" r="25" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px" />
  <!-- 腳 -->
  <g id="foot">
    <path d=" M 85 340, A 2 2 0 0 0 80 360, L 140 360, A 1.5 2 0 0 0 140 340, Z " style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
    <path d=" M 215 340, A 2 2 0 0 1 220 360, L 160 360, A 1.5 2 0 0 1 160 340, Z " style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
  <!-- 肚子 -->
  <g id="tummy">
    <circle cx="150" cy="255" r="58" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <path d=" M 110 250, A 40 50 0 0 0 190 250, Z " style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />




<!-- 脖子 -->
<g id="neck">
  <rect x="75" y="195" width="150" height="20" rx="8" ry="8" style="fill: #C13901; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
  <!-- 鈴鐺 -->
  <g id="ring">
    <circle cx="150" cy="218" r="15" style="fill: #F5ED27; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <line x1="138" y1="208" x2="162" y2="208" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
    <line x1="135" y1="212" x2="165" y2="212" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
    <circle cx="150" cy="220" r="5" />
    <line x1="150" y1="225" x2="150" y2="233" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />


<svg width="300" height="400" version="1.1" xmlns="">
  <style> @keyframes eyeballAni { from { transform: translateY(-10px); } to { transform: translateY(5px); } } .eyeball { animation: eyeballAni ease 2s infinite; } </style>
  <!-- 頭 -->
  <g id="head">
    <circle cx="150" cy="115" r="105" style="fill: #06B6E1; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <circle cx="150" cy="130" r="80" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <!-- 眼睛 -->
    <g id="eye">
      <ellipse cx="120" cy="70" rx="30" ry="35" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
      <circle class="eyeball" cx="135" cy="85" r="5" />
      <ellipse cx="180" cy="70" rx="30" ry="35" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
      <circle class="eyeball" cx="165" cy="85" r="5" />
    <!-- 鼻子 -->
    <circle id="nose" cx="150" cy="110" r="15" style="fill: #C93E01; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <!-- 嘴巴 -->
    <g id="mouth">
      <line x1="150" y1="125" x2="150" y2="180" style="fill: #333333; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <path d=" M 100 157, A 80 100 0 0 0 200 157 " style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
    <!-- 鬍鬚 -->
    <g id="moustache">
        <line x1="90" y1="110" x2="130" y2="125" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
        <line x1="90" y1="130" x2="130" y2="130" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
        <line x1="90" y1="150" x2="130" y2="135" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
        <line x1="170" y1="125" x2="210" y2="110" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
        <line x1="170" y1="130" x2="210" y2="130" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
        <line x1="170" y1="135" x2="210" y2="150" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
  <!-- 身體 -->
  <g id="body">
    <!-- 身體輪廓 -->
    <path d=" M 80 215, L 30 245, L 45 285, L 85 265, L 85 340, L 140 340, A 15 50 0 0 1 160 340, L 215, 340, L 215 265, L 255 285, L 270 245, L 220 215, Z " style="fill: #06B6E1; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
    <!-- 手 -->
    <g id="hand">
      <circle cx="40" cy="265" r="25" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px" />
      <circle cx="260" cy="265" r="25" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px" />
    <!-- 腳 -->
    <g id="foot">
      <path d=" M 85 340, A 2 2 0 0 0 80 360, L 140 360, A 1.5 2 0 0 0 140 340, Z " style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <path d=" M 215 340, A 2 2 0 0 1 220 360, L 160 360, A 1.5 2 0 0 1 160 340, Z " style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
    <!-- 肚子 -->
    <g id="tummy">
      <circle cx="150" cy="255" r="58" style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
      <path d=" M 110 250, A 40 50 0 0 0 190 250, Z " style="fill: white; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
  <!-- 脖子 -->
  <g id="neck">
    <rect x="75" y="195" width="150" height="20" rx="8" ry="8" style="fill: #C13901; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
    <!-- 鈴鐺 -->
    <g id="ring">
      <circle cx="150" cy="218" r="15" style="fill: #F5ED27; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;"/>
      <line x1="138" y1="208" x2="162" y2="208" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <line x1="135" y1="212" x2="165" y2="212" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />
      <circle cx="150" cy="220" r="5" />
      <line x1="150" y1="225" x2="150" y2="233" style="fill: none; stroke: #333333; stroke-width: 2px;" />



