@Slf4j public final class BinaryLogConnectorSource extends MysqlSource { //...... private final class BinlogEventListener implements BinaryLogClient.EventListener { public void onEvent(Event event) { Preconditions.checkState(isStarted(), "Source is not started and should not process events"); final EventHeaderV4 header = event.getHeader(); final BinlogFilePos filePos = new BinlogFilePos( binlogClient.getBinlogFilename(), header.getPosition(), header.getNextPosition(), binlogClient.getGtidSet(), serverUUID); BinaryLogConnectorEventMapper.INSTANCE .map(event, filePos) .ifPresent(BinaryLogConnectorSource.super::processEvent); } } //...... }
@Slf4j @Getter @EqualsAndHashCode @NoArgsConstructor @JsonDeserialize(builder = BinlogFilePos.Builder.class) public class BinlogFilePos implements Comparable<BinlogFilePos>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1549638989059430876L; private static final Splitter SPLITTER = Splitter.on(':'); private static final String NULL_VALUE = "null"; public static final String DEFAULT_BINLOG_FILE_NAME = "mysql-bin-changelog"; @JsonProperty private String fileName; @JsonProperty private long position; @JsonProperty private long nextPosition; @JsonProperty private GtidSet gtidSet; @JsonProperty private String serverUUID; public BinlogFilePos(long fileNumber) { this(fileNumber, 4L, 4L); } public BinlogFilePos(String fileName) { this(fileName, 4L, 4L); } public BinlogFilePos(long fileNumber, long position, long nextPosition) { this(String.format("%s.%06d", DEFAULT_BINLOG_FILE_NAME, fileNumber), position, nextPosition); } public BinlogFilePos( String fileName, long position, long nextPosition, String gtidSet, String serverUUID) { this.fileName = fileName; this.position = position; this.nextPosition = nextPosition; this.serverUUID = serverUUID; if (gtidSet != null) { this.gtidSet = new GtidSet(gtidSet); } } public BinlogFilePos(String fileName, long position, long nextPosition) { this(fileName, position, nextPosition, null, null); } public static BinlogFilePos fromString(@NonNull final String position) { Iterator<String> parts = SPLITTER.split(position).iterator(); String fileName = parts.next(); String pos = parts.next(); String nextPos = parts.next(); if (NULL_VALUE.equals(fileName)) { fileName = null; } return new BinlogFilePos(fileName, Long.parseLong(pos), Long.parseLong(nextPos)); } @JsonIgnore public long getFileNumber() { if (fileName == null) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (fileName.equals("")) { return Long.MIN_VALUE; } String num = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); return Long.parseLong(num); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("%s:%d:%d", fileName, position, nextPosition); } @Override public int compareTo(@NonNull final BinlogFilePos other) { if (shouldCompareUsingFilePosition(this, other)) { return getFileNumber() != other.getFileNumber() ? Long.compare(getFileNumber(), other.getFileNumber()) : Long.compare(getPosition(), other.getPosition()); } if (this.gtidSet.equals(other.gtidSet)) { return 0; } if (this.gtidSet.isContainedWithin(other.gtidSet)) { return -1; } return 1; } /** Check if two BinlogFilePos are from the same source MySQL server */ private static boolean isFromSameSource(BinlogFilePos pos1, BinlogFilePos pos2) { return pos1.getServerUUID() != null && pos1.getServerUUID().equalsIgnoreCase(pos2.getServerUUID()); } /** Whether we can compare two BinlogFilePos using Binlog file position (without GTIDSet) */ public static boolean shouldCompareUsingFilePosition(BinlogFilePos pos1, BinlogFilePos pos2) { return isFromSameSource(pos1, pos2) || pos1.getGtidSet() == null || pos2.getGtidSet() == null; } //...... }
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE) public final class BinaryLogConnectorEventMapper { public static final BinaryLogConnectorEventMapper INSTANCE = new BinaryLogConnectorEventMapper(); public Optional<BinlogEvent> map( @NonNull final Event event, @NonNull final BinlogFilePos position) { final EventHeaderV4 header = event.getHeader(); final EventType eventType = header.getEventType(); final long serverId = header.getServerId(); final long timestamp = header.getTimestamp(); if (EventType.isWrite(eventType)) { final WriteRowsEventData data = event.getData(); return Optional.of( new WriteEvent(data.getTableId(), serverId, timestamp, position, data.getRows())); } else if (EventType.isUpdate(eventType)) { final UpdateRowsEventData data = event.getData(); return Optional.of( new UpdateEvent(data.getTableId(), serverId, timestamp, position, data.getRows())); } else if (EventType.isDelete(eventType)) { final DeleteRowsEventData data = event.getData(); return Optional.of( new DeleteEvent(data.getTableId(), serverId, timestamp, position, data.getRows())); } else { switch (eventType) { case TABLE_MAP: TableMapEventData tableMapData = event.getData(); return Optional.of( new TableMapEvent( tableMapData.getTableId(), serverId, timestamp, position, tableMapData.getDatabase(), tableMapData.getTable(), tableMapData.getColumnTypes())); case XID: final XidEventData xidData = event.getData(); return Optional.of(new XidEvent(serverId, timestamp, position, xidData.getXid())); case GTID: final GtidEventData gtidEventData = event.getData(); return Optional.of(new GTIDEvent(serverId, timestamp, position, gtidEventData.getGtid())); case QUERY: final QueryEventData queryData = event.getData(); return Optional.of( new QueryEvent( serverId, timestamp, position, queryData.getDatabase(), queryData .getSql() // https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/comments.html // Replace MySQL-specific comments (/*! ... */ and /*!50110 ... */) which // are actually executed .replaceAll("/\\*!(?:\\d{5})?(.*?)\\*/", "$1") // Remove block comments // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13014947/regex-to-match-a-c-style-multiline-comment // line comments and newlines are kept // Note: This does not handle comments in quotes .replaceAll("/\\*[^*]*\\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\\*+)*/", " ") // Remove extra spaces .replaceAll("\\h+", " ") .replaceAll("^\\s+", ""))); case FORMAT_DESCRIPTION: return Optional.of(new StartEvent(serverId, timestamp, position)); default: return Optional.empty(); } } } }
@Slf4j @RequiredArgsConstructor public abstract class AbstractSource<E extends SourceEvent> extends ListenableSource<E> { //...... public final void processEvent(final E event) { try { if (!eventFilter.apply(event)) { log.debug("Event filtered from source {}. Skipping. event={}", name, event); return; } notifyEvent(event); final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted(); metrics.eventReceived(event); log.debug("Received event from source {}. event={}", name, event); notifyMutations(mutationMapper.map(event)); stopwatch.stop(); final long time = stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); metrics.processEventTime(event, time); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!isStarted()) { // Do not process the exception if streaming has stopped. return; } final String errorMessage = String.format("Failed to process event from source %s", name); log.error(errorMessage, ex); metrics.eventFailure(ex); notifyError(ex); throw new SourceException(errorMessage, ex); } } //...... }
abstract class ListenableSource<E extends SourceEvent> implements Source { private final List<Listener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void addListener(@NonNull final Listener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } @Override public void removeListener(@NonNull final Listener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } protected void notifyMutations(final List<? extends Mutation<?>> mutations) { if (!mutations.isEmpty()) { listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.onMutation(mutations)); } } protected void notifyEvent(E event) { listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.onEvent(event)); } protected void notifyError(Throwable error) { listeners.forEach(listener -> listener.onError(error)); } protected void notifyStart() { listeners.forEach(Source.Listener::onStart); } }
final class SourceListener extends Source.Listener { public void onMutation(List<? extends Mutation<?>> mutations) { destination.send(mutations); } public void onError(Throwable error) { errorHandlingExecutor.execute(Pipe.this::close); } }