private readonly Random _rand = new Random(); public SimpleExample() { CompositionTarget.Rendering += UpdateColor; } private void UpdateColor(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Set a random color animatedBrush.Color = Color.FromRgb((byte) _rand.Next(255), (byte) _rand.Next(255), (byte) _rand.Next(255)); }
public partial class FollowExample : Page
private Point _lastMousePosition = new Point(0, 0); private Vector _rectangleVelocity = new Vector(0, 0); public FollowExample() { CompositionTarget.Rendering += UpdateRectangle; PreviewMouseMove += UpdateLastMousePosition; } private void UpdateRectangle(object sender, EventArgs e) { var location = new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(followRectangle), Canvas.GetTop(followRectangle)); //find vector toward mouse location var toMouse = _lastMousePosition - location; //add a force toward the mouse to the rectangles velocity var followForce = 0.01; _rectangleVelocity += toMouse*followForce; //dampen the velocity to add stability var drag = 0.8; _rectangleVelocity *= drag; //update the new location from the velocity location += _rectangleVelocity; //set new position Canvas.SetLeft(followRectangle, location.X); Canvas.SetTop(followRectangle, location.Y); } private void UpdateLastMousePosition(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _lastMousePosition = e.GetPosition(containerCanvas); }
代碼此處增長一個字段:時間間隔值TimeSpan _lastRender,目的是獲取幀間隔時間值。其餘同上spa
public partial class FrameIndependentFollowExample : Page { private Point _lastMousePosition = new Point(0, 0); //timing variables private TimeSpan _lastRender; private Vector _rectangleVelocity = new Vector(0, 0); public FrameIndependentFollowExample() { InitializeComponent(); _lastRender = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks); CompositionTarget.Rendering += UpdateRectangle; PreviewMouseMove += UpdateLastMousePosition; } private void UpdateLastMousePosition(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { _lastMousePosition = e.GetPosition(containerCanvas); }
private void UpdateRectangle(object sender, EventArgs e) { var location = new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(followRectangle), Canvas.GetTop(followRectangle)); //find vector toward mouse location var toMouse = _lastMousePosition - location; //add a force toward the mouse to the rectangles velocity var followForce = 0.01; _rectangleVelocity += toMouse*followForce; //dampen the velocity to add stability var drag = 0.8; _rectangleVelocity *= drag; //update the new location from the velocity location += _rectangleVelocity; //set new position Canvas.SetLeft(followRectangle, location.X); Canvas.SetTop(followRectangle, location.Y); }
<Canvas Background="transparent"> <perFrameAnimation:FollowMouseCanvas Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="0" Background="red" Width="50" Height="50"> <!-- could put more content that will also follow mouse here--> </perFrameAnimation:FollowMouseCanvas> <perFrameAnimation:FollowMouseCanvas Canvas.Left="300" Canvas.Top="0" Background="green" Width="50" Height="50"> <!-- could put more content that will also follow mouse here--> </perFrameAnimation:FollowMouseCanvas> <perFrameAnimation:FollowMouseCanvas Canvas.Left="0" Canvas.Top="300" Background="blue" Width="50" Height="50"> <!-- could put more content that will also follow mouse here--> </perFrameAnimation:FollowMouseCanvas> </Canvas>
public class FollowMouseCanvas : Canvas { private TimeSpan _lastRender; private Canvas _parentCanvas; private Point _parentLastMousePosition = new Point(0, 0); private Vector _velocity = new Vector(0, 0); public FollowMouseCanvas() { //_lastRender = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks);//註釋掉是由於初始值太大,最後location差值過大而一開始不會顯示綠色與藍色方框。 CompositionTarget.Rendering += UpdatePosition; } private void UpdatePosition(object sender, EventArgs e) { var renderingArgs = (RenderingEventArgs) e; var deltaTime = (renderingArgs.RenderingTime - _lastRender).TotalSeconds; _lastRender = renderingArgs.RenderingTime; if (_parentCanvas == null) { _parentCanvas = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) as Canvas; if (_parentCanvas == null) { //parent isnt canvas so just abort trying to follow mouse CompositionTarget.Rendering -= UpdatePosition; } else { //parent is canvas, so track mouse position and time _parentCanvas.PreviewMouseMove += UpdateLastMousePosition; } } //get location var location = new Point(GetLeft(this), GetTop(this)); //check for NaN's and replace with 0,0 if (double.IsNaN(location.X) || double.IsNaN(location.Y)) location = new Point(0, 0); //find vector toward mouse location var toMouse = _parentLastMousePosition - location; //add a force toward the mouse to the rectangles velocity var followForce = 1.0; _velocity += toMouse*followForce; //dampen the velocity to add stability var drag = 0.95; _velocity *= drag; //update the new location from the velocity location += _velocity*deltaTime; //set new position SetLeft(this, location.X); SetTop(this, location.Y); } private void UpdateLastMousePosition(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_parentCanvas == null) return; if (this.Background==Brushes.Blue) { _parentLastMousePosition.X = e.GetPosition(_parentCanvas).X+100; _parentLastMousePosition.Y = e.GetPosition(_parentCanvas).Y; } else if (this.Background== Brushes.Green) { _parentLastMousePosition.X = e.GetPosition(_parentCanvas).X - 100; _parentLastMousePosition.Y = e.GetPosition(_parentCanvas).Y; } else { _parentLastMousePosition = e.GetPosition(_parentCanvas); } } }
HwndTarget 類:表示到支持可視化撰寫的窗口句柄的綁定。
VisualTarget 類:提供用於跨越線程邊界將一個可視化樹鏈接到另外一個可視化樹的功能。
RenderingEventArgs 類:Rendering 事件的必需參數。