今天頭條推送的是目前人臉檢測方向的SOTA論文:改進SRN人臉檢測算法。本文要介紹的是目前(2019-01-26) one-stage目標檢測中最強算法:ExtremeNet。app
《Bottom-up Object Detection by Grouping Extreme and Center Points》ide
arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.08043測試
github: https://github.com/xingyizhou/ExtremeNetui
做者團隊:UT Austinthis
Abstract:With the advent of deep learning, object detection drifted from a bottom-up to a top-down recognition problem. State of the art algorithms enumerate a near-exhaustive list of object locations and classify each into: object or not. In this paper, we show that bottom-up approaches still perform competitively. We detect four extreme points (top-most, left-most, bottom-most, right-most) and one center point of objects using a standard keypoint estimation network. We group the five keypoints into a bounding box if they are geometrically aligned. Object detection is then a purely appearance-based keypoint estimation problem, without region classification or implicit feature learning. The proposed method performs on-par with the state-of-the-art region based detection methods, with a bounding box AP of 43.2% on COCO test-dev. In addition, our estimated extreme points directly span a coarse octagonal mask, with a COCO Mask AP of 18.9%, much better than the Mask AP of vanilla bounding boxes. Extreme point guided segmentation further improves this to 34.6% Mask AP.
Illustration of our object detection method
Illustration of our framework
Illustration of our object detection method
Extreme and center points
Keypoint detection
Deep Extreme Cut
Center Grouping
Ghost box suppression
Edge aggregation
Extreme Instance Segmentation
ExtremeNet有多強,看下面的圖示就知道了,在COCO test-dev數據集上,mAP爲43.2,在one-stage detector中,排名第一。惋惜的是沒有給出時間上的對比,論文中只介紹說測試一幅圖像,耗時322ms(3.1 FPS)。
State-of-the-art comparison on COCO test-dev