畢業設計 之 四 英文資料翻譯

畢業設計 之 四 英文資料翻譯

說明:此段英文資料摘自《Moodle : E-learning Course Development》William H.Rice IV著

Chapter 1 Introduction

Moodle is a free learning management system that enables you to create powerful, flexible, and engaging online learning experiences. I use the phrase "online learning experiences" instead of "online courses" deliberately. The phrase "online course" often connotes a sequential series of web pages, some images, maybe a few animations, and a quiz put online. There might be some email or bulletin board communication between the teacher and students. However, online learning can be much more engaging than that.前端

Moodle's name gives you insight into its approach to e-learning. From the official Moodle documentation:
The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented程序員

Dynamic Learning Environment, which is mostly useful to programmers and education theorists. It's also a verb that describes the process of lazily meandering through something, doing things as it occurs to you to do them, an enjoyable tinkering that often leads to insight and creativity. As such it applies both to the way Moodle was developed, and to the way a student or teacher might approach studying or teaching an online course. Anyone who uses Moodle is a Moodler.web

The phrase "online learning experience" connotes a more active, engaging role for the students and teachers. It connotes web pages that can be explored in any order, courses with live chats among students and teachers, forums where users can rate messages on their relevance or insight, online workshops that enable students to collaborate and evaluate each other's work, impromptu polls that let the teacher evaluate what students think of a course's progress, directories set aside for students to upload and share their files. All of these features create an active learning environment, full of different kinds of student-to-student and student-to-teacher interaction. This is the kind of user experience that Moodle excels at, and the kind that this book will help you to create.app

A Plan for Creating Your Learning Site

Whether you are the site creator or a course creator, you can use this book as you would a project plan. As you work your way through each chapter, the book provides guidance on making decisions that meet your goals for your learning site. This helps you to create the kind of learning experience you want for your teachers (if you're the site creator) or students (if you're the teacher). You can also use this book as a traditional reference manual, but its main advantages are its step-by-step, project-oriented approach and the guidance it gives you about creating an interactive learning experience.框架

Moodle is designed to be intuitive to use and its online help is well written. It does a good job of telling you how to use each of its features. What Moodle's help files don't tell you is when and why to use each feature, and what effect it will have on the student experience; and that is what this book supplies.less

The appendix contains a checklist of the major steps for creating a Moodle site and populating it with courses. The steps are cross-referenced to the relevant sections of this book. Download this checklist from the Packt Publishing website (http://www.packtpub.com), print it, and keep it handy while creating your Moodle site.ide

Step 1: Learn About the Moodle Experience (Chapter 1)模塊化

Every Learning Management System (LMS) has a paradigm, or approach, that shapes the user experience and encourages a certain kind of usage. An LMS might encourage very sequential learning by offering features that enforce a given order on each course. It might discourage student-to-student interaction by offering few features that support it, while encouraging solo learning by offering many opportunities for the student to interact with the course material. In this chapter, you will learn what Moodle can do and what kind of user experience your students and teachers will have, using Moodle. You will also learn about the Moodle philosophy, and how it shapes the user experience. With this information, you'll be ready to decide how to make the best use of Moodle's many features, and to plan your online learning site.函數

Step 2: Install and Configure Moodle (Chapter 2)工具

Most of the decisions you make while installing and configuring Moodle will affect the user experience. Not just students and teachers, but also course creators and site administrators are affected by these decisions. While Moodle's online help does a good job of telling you how to install and configure the software, it doesn't tell you how the settings you choose affect the user experience. Chapter 2 covers the implications of these decisions, and helps you configure the site so that it behaves in the way you envision.

Step 3: Create the Framework for Your Learning Site (Chapter 3)

In Moodle, every course belongs to a category. Chapter 3 takes you through creating course categories, and then creating courses. Just as you chose site-wide settings during installation and configuration, you choose course-wide settings while creating each course. This chapter tells you the implications of the various course settings so that you can create the experience you want for each course. Finally, Chapter 3 takes you through the usage of the various blocks, each of which adds a well-defined function to the site or to the course. After creating the categories and courses, and deciding which blocks to use, you've created a framework for your site. Then you're ready to fill your courses with learning material, which you'll do in Steps 4 through 6.

Step 4: Add Basic Course Material (Chapter 4)

In most online courses, the core material consists of web pages that the students view. These pages can contain text, graphics, movies, sound files, games, exercises: anything that can appear on the World Wide Web can appear on a Moodle web page. Chapter 4 covers adding web pages to Moodle courses, plus other kinds of static course material: plain-text pages, links to other websites, labels, and directories of files. This chapter also helps you determine when to use each of these types of material.

Step 5: Make Your Courses Interactive (Chapter 5)

In this context, "interactive" means interaction between the student and teacher, or the student and an active web page. Student-to-student interaction is covered in the next step. Interactive course material includes surveys posed by the teacher, journals written by the student and read only by the teacher, and lessons that guide students through a defined path based upon their answers to review questions and quizzes. Chapter 5 tells you how to create these interactions, and how each of them affects the student and teacher experience. You'll need this information to help you manage Moodle's interactive features.

Step 6: Make Your Course Social (Chapter 6)

Social course material enables student-to-student interaction. Moodle enables you to add chats, forums, and Wikis to your courses. These types of interactions will be familiar to many students. You can also create glossaries that are site-wide and specific to a single course. Students can add to the glossaries. Finally, Moodle offers a powerful workshop tool, which enables students to view and evaluate each others work. Each of these interactions makes the course more interesting, but also more complicated for the teacher to manage. Chapter 6 helps you to make the best use of Moodle's social features. The result is a course that encourages students to contribute, share, and evaluate.

Step 7: Create a Welcome for New and Existing Students (Chapter 7)

Chapter 7 helps you create a public face for your Moodle site. You can show a Login Page or the Front Page of your site. The content and behavior of the login and Front Pages can be customized. You can choose to allow anonymous users, require students to be registered, or use a combination of guest and registered access. Each of these options affects the kind of welcome that new and existing students get, when they first see your site. Chapter 7 helps you determine which options to use, and to combine them to get the effect you desire.

Step 8: Use Teacher's Tools to Deliver and Administer Courses (Chapter 8)

Moodle offers several tools to help teachers administer and deliver courses. It keeps detailed access logs that enable teachers to see exactly what content students accessed, and when. It also enables teachers to establish custom grading scales, which are available site-wide or for a single course. Student grades can be accessed online and also downloaded to a spreadsheet program. Finally, teachers can collaborate in special forums (bulletin boards) reserved just for them.

Step 9: Extend Moodle (Chapter 9)

Because Moodle is open source, new modules are constantly being developed and contributed by the Moodle community. The modules that are part of Moodle's core distribution are covered in this book. Additional modules extend Moodle's capabilities. While this book cannot cover every module available, it can cover the process of installing and integrating new modules into your site. One of the modules included with the core distribution is a PayPal module. Chapter 9 covers using this module for pay sites. This chapter also covers backing up and restoring the entire site, individual courses, and components within a course.

The Moodle Philosophy

Moodle is designed to support a style of learning called Social Constructionist Pedagogy. This style of learning is interactive. The social constructionist philosophy believes that people learn best when they interact with the learning material, construct new material for others, and interact with other students about the material. The difference between a traditional class and the social constructionist philosophy is the difference between a lecture and a discussion.

Moodle does not require you to use the social constructionist method for your courses. However, it best supports this method. For example, Moodle enables you to add five kinds of static course material. This is course material that a student reads, but does not interact with:

• A text page 
• A web page 
• A link to anything on the Web (including material on your Moodle site) 
• A view into one of the course's directories 
• A label that displays any text or image

However, Moodle also enables you to add six types of interactive course material. This is course material that a student interacts with, by answering questions, entering text, or uploading files:

• Assignment (uploading files to be reviewed by the teacher and/or students) 
• Choice (a single question) 
• Journal (an online journal) 
• Lesson (a conditional, branching activity) 
• Quiz (an online test) 
• Survey (with results available to the teacher and/or students)

Moodle also offers five kinds of activities where students interact with each other. These are used to create social course material:

• Chat (live online chat between students)
• Forum (you can choose the number of online bulletin boards for each course)
• Glossary (students and/or teachers can contribute terms to site-wide glossaries)
• Wiki (Wikis can be inserted into courses, or a Wiki can be the entire course)
• Workshop (workshops support collaborative, graded efforts among students)

That's five kinds of static course material, and eleven kinds of interactive course material. In addition, some of Moodle's add-on modules add even more types of interaction. For example, one add-on module enables students and teachers to schedule appointments with each other.
The Moodle Experience

Because Moodle encourages interaction and exploration, your students' learning experience will often be nonlinear. Conversely, Moodle has few features for enforcing a specific order upon a course. For example, there is no feature in Moodle that would require a student to complete Course 101 before allowing the student to enroll in Course 102. Instead, you would need to manually enroll the student in each course. Also, there is no Moodle feature that would require a student to complete Topic 1 in a course before allowing the student to see Topic 2. If you wanted to enforce that kind of linear course flow, you would need to manually place the student into the group that is authorized to view Topic 1, and then upon completion, place the student in to the group that is authorized to view Topics 1 and 2, and so on.

As a site administrator or teacher, enforcing a linear path through a course catalogue, or through the material in an individual course, often requires manual intervention. However, if you design your site with Moodle's nonlinear style in mind, you will find it offers you great flexibility and the ability to create engaging online courses.
In this section, I'll take you on a tour of a Moodle learning site. You will see the student's experience from the time the student arrives at the site, enters a course, and works through some material in the course. You will also see some student-to-student interaction, and some functions used by the teacher to manage the course. Along the way, I'll point out many of the features that you will learn to implement in this book, and how the demo site uses those features.

The Moodle Front Page

The Front Page of your site is the first thing most visitors will see. This section takes you on a tour of the Front Page of my demonstration site.

Arriving at the Site

When a potential student arrives at the demonstration learning site, the student sees the Front Page. Later in this book, you'll learn to control what an anonymous visitor to your learning site sees on the Front Page. You can even require the visitor to register and log in before seeing any part of your site. Like most sites, my demonstration site allows anonymous visitors to see a lot of information about the site:

One of the first things a visitor will notice is the announcement at the top and centre of the page, Desert Plants Course Added. Below the announcement are two activities: a quiz, Win a Prize: Test Your Wilderness Knowledge, and a chat room, Global Chat Room. Selecting either of these activities will require to the student to register with the site:

Anonymous, Guest, and Registered Access

Notice the line Some courses may allow guest access at the middle of the page. You can set three levels of access for your entire site, and for individual courses:

Anonymous access allows anyone to access the site or course.

Guest access requires the user to login as guest. This enables you to track usage, by looking at the statistics for the user guest. But since everyone is logged in as the user guest, you can't track individual users.

Registered access requires the user to register on your site. You can allow people to register with or without email confirmation, require a special code for enrolment, and/or manually create/confirm their accounts.

The Main Menu

Returning to the Front Page, notice the Main menu in the upper left corner. This menu consists of three documents that tell the user what the site is about, and how to use it.

In Moodle, icons tell the user what kind of resource will be accessed by a link. In this case, the icon tells the user these are web or text pages. Course materials that a student observes or reads, such as web or text pages, hyperlinks, and multimedia files are called Resources. In Chapter 4, you will learn how to add Resources to a course.


Below the Main menu is a Calendar and the Upcoming Events. These are Blocks, which you can choose to add to the Front Page and to each course individually.

Other blocks display a summary of the current course, a list of courses available on the site, the latest news that is online, and other information. In the lower right of the Front Page you see the Login block. Chapter 3 tells you how to use these blocks.

You can add these blocks to the Front Page of your site because the Front Page is essentially a course. Anything that you can add to course—such as Resources and Blocks, can be added to the Front Page.

Site Description

On the right side of the Front Page you see a Site Description. This is optional. If this were a course, you could choose to display the Course Description.

The Site or Course Description can contain anything that you can put on a web page. It is essentially a block of HTML code that is put onto the Front Page.

Available Courses

You can choose to display available courses on the Front Page of your site. In the Demonstration site, I've created a category for Free Courses and another for Wild Plants. Free courses allow anonymous users to enter. Courses in other categories require users to register.

Clicking on the information icon next to each course displays the Course Description. Clicking on a course name takes you into the course. If the course allows anonymous access, you are taken directly into the course. If the course allows guest access, or requires registration, you are taken to the Login screen.

Inside a Course

Now let us take a look inside the course.


In the screenshot given previously, the user has logged in as guest and entered the Basic Botany course. We know this from the breadcrumb trail at the top left of the screen, which tells us the name of the site and of the course. In the upper right, we see a confirmation that the user has logged in under the name guest.


Like the Front Page, this course displays the Calendar and Upcoming Events blocks. It also displays blocks for the Latest news, People, Activities, and Course categories. The Activities block lists all of the types of Activities and Resources that are in this course. Clicking on a link will display that type of activity. For example, clicking Quizzes displays this screen:

Notice the breadcrumbs at the top now indicate the site name, course name, and that you are viewing the quizzes in the course. The course is organized by Topic, and the number of each Topic is displayed in the left column. Because the user is logged in as guest, and many users can use that ID, the Best grade column is not meaningful here. It indicates only the highest grade for everyone who has ever attempted this quiz with guest access. Clicking on the name of a quiz takes the user to that quiz. Clicking on Wild Plants 1, takes the user back to the course.

Earlier, I commented on the nonlinear nature of most Moodle courses. Notice that even though the user has not completed Topic 1, the quizzes for Topic 2 and 3 are open to the user. Also, looking at the Activities block, you can see that all of the resources for this course are available to the user at all times.


第一章 介紹

Moodle是一個免費的學習管理系統,使您可以建立強大、靈活以及充滿吸引力的在線學習體驗。我刻意地使用短語「在線學習體驗」而不是「在線課程」,(由於)短語「在線課程」一般意味着一系列連續的網頁,一些圖像,或許還有若干動畫以及在線的測驗。 教師和學生之間可能會有一些電子郵件或公告板通訊往來。然而,在線學習能夠比這更有吸引力。
Moodle的名字讓你深刻了解它的電子學習方法。 從官方Moodle文檔:

Moodle最初是「模塊化面向對象動態學習環境」的首字母縮寫,這對於程序員和教育理論家來講是最有用的。 它也是一個動詞,描述散漫地蜿蜒穿行、或者在你想到的時候纔去作事情,(以及)一個一般會激發洞察力和創造力而又愉快的自我修補過程。一樣地,這樣的描述適用於Moodle的開發方式,以及學生或教師可能接觸到的在線課程學習或教學的方式。任何使用Moodle的人都是一個Moodler。



Moodle的設計旨在提供直觀的使用體驗,而且其在線幫助寫得很完善。它很好地告訴您如何使用它的每一個功能。(可是)Moodle的幫助文件並無告訴您在什麼時候以及何種緣由下使用每一個功能,它將對學生體驗有什麼影響; 這些都是本書提供的。

附錄包含一個用於建立Moodle網站並填充課程的主要步驟清單。 這些步驟與本書的相關章節互爲參照。能夠從Packt Publishing網站(http://www.packtpub.com)下載此清單,打印後在建立Moodle網站時隨身攜帶








在大多數在線課程中,核心材料由學生查看的網頁組成。這些頁面能夠包含文本、圖形、電影、聲音文件、遊戲以及練習:萬維網上能夠出現的任何東西均可以出如今Moodle網頁上。第4章包括向Moodle課程添加網頁,以及其餘種類的靜態課程材料:純文本頁面、到其餘網站的連接、標籤和文件目錄。 本章還將幫助您肯定什麼時候使用這些類型的材料。




社會課程材料使得學生與學生之間可以互動。Moodle使您可以將聊天、論壇和Wiki添加到您的課程。這些類型的交互將爲許多學生所熟悉。您還能夠建立在網站範圍內特定指向單個課程的詞彙表。學生能夠擴充詞彙表。最後,Moodle提供了一個強大的論壇工具,使學生能夠查看和評估彼此的工做;這些互動使課程更有趣,但也使得老師管理起來更復雜。 第6章幫助你將Moodle的社交功能發揮最大效用;這將會建立一個鼓勵學生貢獻、分享和評估的課程。


第7章幫您爲您本身的Moodle網站建立一個公開的面孔。您能夠顯示您的網站的登陸頁面或首頁。登陸頁面和前端頁面的內容與行爲均可以自定義。 您能夠選擇容許匿名用戶並要求學生註冊,或使用訪客和註冊訪問的組合。每一個選項都會影響新學生和現有學生在第一次看到您的網站時得到的歡迎類型。第7章幫助您肯定要使用哪些選項,並將它們組合以得到所需的效果。






Moodle旨在支持一種稱爲「社會建構論」教育學的學習風格。 這種學習風格是互動的。 「社會建構主義」哲學認爲,當人們與學習材料互動時,人們才能達到最好的學習效果、爲他人構建新材料,並與其餘學生交流材料。傳統階級與社會建構主義哲學的區別在於演講和討論之間的區別。

Moodle不要求您爲本身的課程使用社會建構主義的方法。 可是,它很好地支持了這種方法。例如,Moodle容許您添加五種靜態課程材料。 這是學生閱讀但不與之交互的課程材料:


可是,Moodle還容許您添加六種類型的交互式課程材料。 這是學生經過回答問題、輸入文本或上傳文件來與之互動的課程材料:


Moodle還提供五種活動以供學生互相交流。 這些用於建立社交課程材料:


這是五種靜態課程材料,和十一種互動課程材料。此外,一些Moodle的附加模塊添加了更多類型的交互。 例如,一個附加模塊使學生和教師可以相互調度預定。

由於Moodle鼓勵互動和探索,您的學生的學習體驗每每是非線性的。相反,Moodle幾乎沒有用於在課程上強制執行對某一課程特定順序學習的功能。例如,Moodle中沒有要求學生在註冊課程102以前完成課程101的功能。相反,您須要在每一個課程中手動註冊學生。 此外,沒有Moodle功能要求學生在課程中完成主題1,而後才容許學生看到主題2。若是您想強制執行這種線性課程流程,您須要手動將學生放入這樣的組中——學生被受權查看主題1,在其完成後再將學生置於有權查看主題1和2的組中……依此類推。


在本節中,我將帶您參觀Moodle的學習網站。 您會看到學生從到達網站、進入課程,直到經過一些材料在課程中學習的體驗。您還將看到一些學生與學生之間的互動,以及老師用來管理課程的一些功能。在這一過程當中,我將爲您指出您將在本書中實現的許多功能,以及演示網站如何使用這些功能。







注意這一行一些課程可能容許訪客在頁面中間訪問。 您能夠爲整個網站和個別課程設置三個級別的訪問權限:


訪客訪問須要用戶以訪客身份登陸。 這使您可以經過查看用戶guest的統計信息來跟蹤使用狀況。可是,因爲每一個人都以用戶訪客身份登陸,所以您沒法跟蹤單個用戶。



返回首頁,請注意左上角的主菜單。 該菜單包含三個文檔,告訴用戶該網站是什麼,以及如何使用它。

在Moodle中,圖標告訴用戶連接將訪問什麼類型的資源。在這種狀況下,圖標會告訴用戶這些是網頁或文本頁面。學生觀察或閱讀的課程材料(如網頁或文本頁面,超連接和多媒體文件)稱爲資源。 在第4章中,您將瞭解如何向課程添加資源。



其餘模塊顯示當前課程的摘要、網站上提供的課程列表、在線的最新新聞和其餘信息。 在前端頁面的右下角,您會看到「登陸」模塊。第3章告訴你如何使用這些塊。




網站或課程說明能夠包含您能夠放在網頁上的任何內容。 它基本上是放在Front Page上的HTML代碼塊。



單擊每一個課程旁邊的信息圖標 將顯示課程說明。點擊課程名稱便可進入課程。若是課程容許匿名訪問,您將直接進入課程。若是課程容許訪客訪問,或須要註冊,您將進入「登陸」屏幕。







請注意,頂部的麪包屑導航如今表示網站名稱、課程名稱,以及您正在查看課程中的測驗。課程按主題組織,每一個主題的編號顯示在左側列中。因爲用戶是以訪客身份登陸的,而且許多用戶均可以使用該ID,所以最佳成績列在此處沒有意義。它只表示曾以訪客身份參與這次測驗的每一個人的最高成績。單擊測驗的名稱將使用戶進行該測驗。 點擊「野生植物1」,可讓用戶回到課程。

