#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 #__author__:Bing import sys,json import time,datetime account = {"Gang":{"password" : "test123","lock" : "0","salary":"2000000","cart":{"Tesla Car":"1","House":"1"},"balance":"2000000"},\ "Yang":{"password" : "test123","lock" : "3","salary":"1000000","cart":{},"balance":"1000000"} } marketlist ={"Bikecycle":"200","Tesla Car":"200000","Motocycle":"10000","Apple phone":"5000"} def preson(name): print "This is %s's account information:" % name for i in account[name]: if "lock" == i or "password" == i: pass elif "cart" == i: #cartlist = ''.join(account[name][i]) print "cart:" for j in account[name][i]: print " ",j+":"+account[name][i][j] else: print i+":"+account[name][i] def maket(): print "\033[5;34;47m*-------------welcome to login system -------------*\033[0m" print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a") for i in marketlist: print i+":"+marketlist[i] def deal(name): preson(name) buy = raw_input("What do you need to buy with Yes/No?") if buy.upper() == "YES" or buy.upper() == "yes": maket() result = raw_input("please input you want to buy:") for i in marketlist: if str(result) == i: balance = int(account[name]["salary"])-int(marketlist[str(result)]) if balance < 0 : print "Sorry! Notice:Your balance is not enough." break else: account[name]["balance"]= str(balance) #write your balance #count your buy something if str(result) in account[name]["cart"]: account[name]["cart"][str(result)] = str(int(account[name]["cart"][str(result)])+1) else: account[name]["cart"][str(result)] = "1" else: sys.exit("\033[1;31;47m Thank you for comming! \033[0m") #product = raw_input("Please input your need buy something:") while True: deal("yang")