Roles grant various levels of access in the system-wide cluster policy as well as project-scoped local policies. Users and groups can be associated with, or bound to, multiple roles at the same time. You can view details about the roles and their bindings using the oc describe
擁有cluster-admin 角色的用戶能夠在集羣範圍內查看 擁有admin角色的用戶只能在單個project來查看。code
Users with the cluster-admin default role in the cluster policy can view cluster policy and all local policies. Users with the admin default role in a given local policy can view that project-scoped policy.htm
policy 是一些列 roles的集合ip
能夠查看出 集羣中roles 和 rolebindci
oc describe clusterPolicy default
oc describe clusterPolicyBindings :default
查看本空間內 role 和 rolebind
oc describe policyBindings :defaultoadm policy 命令來管理 policy