github: https://github.com/chalecao/c...
樣式 mix 行爲 = 樣式 + 數據 + 行爲
左邊的圖是基於ANTD正常的寫法,咱們要寫Form,要寫檢驗規則,要寫子組件等等,關鍵是這些邏輯是糅合在一塊兒的。右邊是基於config-component提供的ConfigForm組件作了封裝,只須要提供JSON schema配置數據便可驅動你的頁面,分離數據校驗和UI邏輯,UI邏輯基於UIconfig,數據校驗基於schema作校驗。node
✅ change your code style to face data, use JSON schema config to driven you page.數據驅動式開發更進一步轉向面向數據編程,結合React Hooks開發更高效,專一於數據和業務邏輯.基於JSON配置數據驅動你的頁面或者表單。✅ add schema mechanism to ensure you data correct and force you to care you data and handle the abnormal situation.開發中引入schema機制驗證核心數據的正確性,不管是表單仍是前臺組件都可適用。react
✅ support get data async, verify data when it changes.基於schema動態校驗數據,支持異步數據更新,響應式作校驗。git
npm install config-component --save
For common component:
import {ConfigComponent} from 'config-component' ... <ConfigComponent initialValues={...} schema={...} uiConfig={...} />
For form component:
import {ConfigForm} from 'config-component' ... <ConfigComponent initialValues={...} schema={...} uiConfig={...} onSubmit={()=>{...}} componentSet={...} />
ℹ️schema: the core data you care, ConfigComponent will verify you core data with schema,you can specify alt props in item, when error occurs, will show alt as default valueℹ️initialValues: init value in you comp
ℹ️uiConfig: define your ui interface with json config, support event hooks, see example in playground file.
ℹ️onSubmit: used only in form when submit data.
ℹ️componentSet: support Ant Design or Fusion or you selfdefine Components.
import React, { useContext } from 'react' import * as yup from 'yup' import * as AntdComponents from 'antd' import moment from 'moment' import { ConfigForm } from 'config-component' import 'antd/dist/antd.css' const schema = yup.object().shape({ firstName: yup.string().required(), lastName: yup.string().required(), startTime: yup.array().required(), useTime: yup.array().required().when('startTime', (startTime, schem) => { return schem.test( 'check-start', 'useTime required', value => { return !!value }, ).test( 'check-start', 'useTime start >= startTime start', value => { return value && startTime[0].milliseconds(0).valueOf() <= value[0].milliseconds(0).valueOf() }, ).test( 'check-end', 'useTime end >= startTime end', value => { return value && startTime[1].milliseconds(0).valueOf() <= value[1].milliseconds(0).valueOf() }, ).required() }), agree: yup.boolean().required().test( 'check-agree', 'agree must checked', value => { return !!value }, ).required(), }) const initialValues = { firstName: 'Tony', lastName: 'Stark', startTime: [moment('2019-09-01'), moment('2019-09-03')], } export default function App() { const formConfig = { initialValues, schema, onSubmit: values => console.log('Your values are:', values), componentSet: AntdComponents, } const formItemLayout = { labelCol: { xs: { span: 24 }, sm: { span: 8 }, }, wrapperCol: { xs: { span: 24 }, sm: { span: 16 }, }, } const tailFormItemLayout = { wrapperCol: { xs: { span: 24, offset: 0, }, sm: { span: 16, offset: 8, }, }, } const onChangeWrapper = schemaKey => (form, e) => { const { onChange, value } = form.getFieldProps(schemaKey) console.log('prevalue', value) onChange(e) } return ( <ConfigForm {...formConfig} uiConfig={{ layout: formItemLayout, items: [ { label: 'First Name: ', comp: 'Input', schemaKey: 'firstName', props: {}, }, { label: 'Last Name: ', comp: 'Input', schemaKey: 'lastName', props: { onChange: onChangeWrapper('lastName'), }, }, { label: 'Start Time: ', comp: 'DatePicker.RangePicker', schemaKey: 'startTime', props: {}, }, { label: 'Use Time: ', comp: 'DatePicker.RangePicker', schemaKey: 'useTime', props: {}, }, { layout: tailFormItemLayout, comp: [ { comp: 'Checkbox', schemaKey: 'agree', props: { color: '#999', }, }, { comp: 'span', children: '贊成協議', props: { style: { marginLeft: '10px', color: '#999', }, }, }, ], props: {}, }, { type: 'submit', layout: tailFormItemLayout, comp: [ { type: 'submit', comp: 'Button', children: '提交', props: { type: 'primary', htmlType: 'submit', key: 'submit', }, }, { type: 'reset', comp: 'Button', children: '重置', props: { type: 'primary', key: 'reset', style: { marginLeft: '10px' }, }, }, ], props: {}, }, ], }} /> ) }
online example: https://codesandbox.io/s/conf...
online example: https://codesandbox.io/s/conf...