// ***************************************************************************** // Define here what components you want for this platform #define BUILD_XMODEM #define BUILD_SHELL #define BUILD_ROMFS #define BUILD_MMCFS #define BUILD_TERM #define BUILD_UIP #define BUILD_DHCPC #define BUILD_DNS #define BUILD_CON_GENERIC #define BUILD_ADC #define BUILD_RPC
Namesession |
Meaningapp |
Define this to build support for XMODEM receive. If enabled, you can use the "recv" command from the shell to receive a Lua file (either source code or precompiled byte code) and run in on the target. Works only over RS-232 connections (although in theory it’s possible to make it work over any kind of transport). To enable:函數 #define BUILD_XMODEM Static configuration data dependencies: CON_UART_ID, CON_UART_SPEED, CON_TIMER_ID工具 |
This builds the eLua shell (see using eLua for details on the shell). If the shell is not enabled, the code looks for a file called /rom/autorun.lua and executes it. If this file is not found, a regular Lua intepreter is started on the target. #define BUILD_SHELL #define BUILD_CON_GENERIC To enable the shell over a TCP/IP connection: #define BUILD_SHELL #define BUILD_CON_TCP |
Enable the eLua read-only filesystem. See the ROMFS documentation for details about using the ROM file system. To enable: #define BUILD_ROMFS |
Enable the eLua SD/MMC FAT filesystem support. To enable: #define BUILD_MMCFS Static configuration data dependencies: MMCFS_TICK_HZ, MMCFS_TICK_MS, MMCFS_CS_PORT, MMCFS_CS_PIN, MMCFS_SPI_NUM |
Enable ANSI terminal support. It allows eLua to interact with terminals that support ANSI escape sequences (more details here). Currently it works only over RS-232 connections, although this is not a strict requirement. You need to enable this if you want to use the term module. To enable: #define BUILD_TERM Static configuration data dependencies: CON_UART_ID, CON_UART_SPEED, CON_TIMER_ID, CON_FLOW_TYPE, TERM_LINES, TERM_COLS |
Enable TCP/IP networking support. You need to enable this if you want to use the net module. Also, your platform must implement the uIP support functions (see theplatform interface documentation for details). To enable: #define BUILD_UIP Static configuration data dependencies: ELUA_CONF_IPADDR0…3, ELUA_CONF_NETMASK0…3, ELUA_CONF_DEFGW0…3, ELUA_CONF_DNS0…3 |
If BUILD_UIP is enabled, you can enable this to include a DHCP client in the TCP/IP networking subsystem. To enable: #define BUILD_UIP #define BUILD_DHCPC |
If BUILD_UIP is enabled, you can enable this to include a minimal DNS resolver in the TCP/IP networking subsystem. To enable: #define BUILD_UIP #define BUILD_DNS |
Generic console support (details here). Enables console access (stdio/stdout/stderr) via a serial transport (currently RS-232, but others can be supported). Enable this if you want to use console input/output over your RS-232 connection. Don’t enable this if you need console input/ouput over Ethernet (see the next option). To enable: #define BUILD_CON_GENERIC Static configuration data dependencies: CON_UART_ID, CON_UART_SPEED, CON_TIMER_ID, CON_FLOW_TYPE |
Console input/output over TCP/IP connections only (details here). Enable this if you want to use your eLua board over a telnet session. Don’t enable this if you need console input/output over serial transports (see the previous option). To enable: #define BUILD_UIP #define BUILD_CON_TCP |
Define this to build support for ADC peripherals. This must be enabled to use the adc module or the adc platform interface. To enable: #define BUILD_ADC Static configuration data dependencies: ADC_BIT_RESOLUTION, ADC_TIMER_FIRST_ID, ADC_NUM_TIMERS, BUF_ENABLE_ADC, ADC_BUF_SIZE |
Define this to build support for LuaRPC. This must be enabled to use the rpc module. To enable: #define BUILD_RPC Static configuration data dependencies: (ONLY if built with boot=luarpc):RPC_UART_ID, RPC_TIMER_ID |
Enable generic interrupt support in the C code, check here for details. To enable: #define BUILD_C_INT_HANDLERS |
Enable generic interrupt support in the Lua code, check here for details. To enable: #define BUILD_LUA_INT_HANDLERS Static configuration data dependencies: PLATFORM_INT_QUEUE_LOG_SIZE |
Enables linenoise support, check here for details. To enable: #define BUILD_LINENOISE Static configuration data dependencies: LINENOISE_HISTORY_SIZE_LUA, LINENOISE_HISTORY_SIZE_SHELL, LINENOISE_AUTOSAVE_FNAME |
Enables support for the remote file system, check here for details. To enable: #define BUILD_RFS Static configuration data dependencies: RFS_BUFFER_SIZE, RFS_UART_ID, RFS_UART_SPEED, RFS_TIMER_ID, RFS_FLOW_TYPE, RFS_TIMEOUT |
Enables support for the serial multiplexer, check here for details. To enable #define BUILD_SERMUX Static configuration data dependencies: SERMUX_PHYS_ID, SERMUX_PHYS_SPEED, SERMUX_FLOW_TYPE, SERMUX_NUM_VUART, SERMUX_BUFFER_SIZES |
#define LUA_PLATFORM_LIBS_ROM\ _ROM( AUXLIB_PIO, luaopen_pio, pio_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_TMR, luaopen_tmr, tmr_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_PD, luaopen_pd, pd_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_UART, luaopen_uart, uart_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_TERM, luaopen_term, term_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_PWM, luaopen_pwm, pwm_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_PACK, luaopen_pack, pack_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_BIT, luaopen_bit, bit_map )\ _ROM( AUXLIB_CPU, luaopen_cpu, cpu_map )\ ROM( LUA_MATHLIBNAME, luaopen_math, math_map )
每一個模塊由_ROM(module_name,module_init_function, module_map_array)宏定義,裏面的3個說明以下:
記住這樣的書寫方式是針對LTR(the lua Tiny RAM pathc)的,而且它不是惟一的方式來指定須要構建的模塊(儘管它是最多見的)。
Name |
Meaning |
Used to configure console input/output over UART. The specified UART id will be used for console input/output, at the specified speed. The data format is always 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bits)t. The specified timer ID will be used for the console subsystem. These variables are also used by the XMODEM and TERM implementations. If CON_FLOW_TYPE is defined the specified flow control is applied to the console UART interface (see this link to find out how to specify the flow control). If not defined it defaults to no flow control. |
Used to configure the ANSI terminal support (if enabled in the build). Used to specify (respectively) the number of lines and columns of the ANSI terminal. |
Used by the TCP/IP implementation when the DHCP client is not enabled, or when it is enabled but can’t be contacted. Specifies the IP address, network mask, default gateway and DNS server. Only needed if BUILD_UIP is enabled. |
Specify the virtual timers configuration for the platform (refer to the timer module documentation for details). Define VTMR_NUM_TIMERS to 0 if this feature is not used. |
Specify the rate at which SD/MMC timer function disk_timerproc() are being called by the platform. On most platforms MMCFS_TICK_HZ will match VTMR_FREQ_HZ. Only needed if MMCFS support is enabled. |
Specify the port and pin to be used as chip select for MMCFS control of an SD/MMC card over SPI. Only needed if MMCFS support is enabled. |
Specify the SPI peripheral to be used by MMCFS. Only needed if MMCFS support is enabled. |
If the cpu module is enabled, this defines a list of platform-specific constants (for example interrupt masks) that can be accessed using the cpu.<constant name> notation. Each constant name must be specified instead of a specific costruct ( _C(<constant name> ). For example: #define PLATFORM_CPU_CONSTANTS _C( INT_GPIOA ),\ _C( INT_GPIOB ),\ _C( INT_GPIOC ),\ _C( INT_GPIOD ),\ _C( INT_GPIOE ) After compilation, you can access these constants using cpu.INT_GPIOx. Note that the implementation of this feature needs virtually no RAM at all, so you can define as many constants as you want here. |
If the adc module is enabled, this controls whether or not the ADC will create a buffer so that more than one sample per channel can be held in a buffer before being returned through adc.getsample or adc.getsamples. If disabled, only one conversion result will be buffered. This option does NOT affect the behavior of the moving average filter. |
If the adc module is enabled, and BUF_ENABLE_ADC is defined, this will define the default buffer length allocated at startup. This does not limit buffer sizes, it only defines the default length. Appropriate values range from BUF_SIZE_2 to BUF_SIZE_32768, with the numeric component at the end being in powers of 2. |
If the adc module is enabled, this will define the number of bits per adc conversion result. This is used to determine the maximum conversion value that can be returned by the ADC. |
If the rpc module is enabled and boot mode is set to luarpc, this selects which uart luarpc will listen on for incoming client connections. |
If the rpc module is enabled and boot mode is set to luarpc, this selects which timer will be used with the uart selected with RPC_UART_ID. |
(version 0.7 or above)Configure the default (compile time) operation mode and memory limit of the emergency garbage collector here for details about the EGC patch). If not specified, EGC_INITIAL_MODE defaults toEGC_NOT_ACTIVE (emergency garbage collector disabled) andEGC_INITIAL_MEMLIMIT defaults to 0. |
If Lua interrupt support is enabled, this defines the base 2 logarithm of the size of the interrupt queue. Check here for details. |
If linenoise support is enabled, this defines the number of lines kept in history for the Lua interpreter. Check here for details. If history support in Lua is not needed, define this as 0. |
If linenoise support is enabled, this defines the number of lines kept in history for the eLua shell. Check here for details. If history support in the eLua shell is not needed, define this as 0. |
If linenoise support is enabled, the history will automatically be saved everytime the Lua interpreter exits in the filename specified by this macro. Check here for details. This macro is optional; if it’s not defined, the history will not be saved automatically. |
Size of the RFS buffer. Needs to be one of the BUF_SIZE_xxx constants defined in inc/buf.h |
The ID of the UART that will be used by RFS. This is the physical connection over which the PC directory will be shared. |
Communication speed of the RFS UART interface. |
The ID of a timer that will be used by RFS for internal operations |
Flow control type on the serial RFS interface, see here for details. If not specified it defaults to 'no flow control'. |
RFS operations timeout (in microseconds). If during a RFS operation no data is received from the PC side for the specified timeout, the RFS operation terminates with error. |
Enable serial multiplexer support in eLua. |
The ID of the physical UART interface used by the serial multiplexer. |
Communication speed of the multiplexer UART interface. |
Flow control type on the physical serial multiplexer interface, see here for details. If not specified it defaults to 'no flow control'. |
The number of virtual UART interfaces. This number can’t be higher than 8. |
An array of SERMUX_NUM_VUART integers that specify the buffer sizes for the virtual UART interfaces. Note that a virtual UART MUST have a buffer associated with it. The sizes are specified as BUF_SIZE_xxx constants defined in inc/buf.h |
$ scons [target=lua | lualong] [cpu=<cpuname>] [board=<boardname>] [cpumode=arm | thumb] [allocator = newlib | multiple | simple] [toolchain = <toolchain name>] [optram = 0 | 1] [romfs = verbatim | compress | compile] [prog]
關於 board/cpu的分配,請看Sconstruct(the platform_list)文件開始的部分,這裏就再也不解釋了。
若是你想使用一個等價於「make clean」的命令,調用「scons」以下,可是添加一個「-c」命令行末尾。
$ scons cpu=at91sam7x256 -c
$ scons cpu=at91sam7x256
$ scons board=sam7-ex256
scons board=sam7-ex256 cpu=at91sam7x512
$ scons cpu=lpc2888 prog
$ scons cpu=lm3s8962 toolchain=codesourcery prog
構建鏡像文件針對Cortex LM3S8962處理器,可是使用CodeSourcery工具鏈代替默認的工具鏈(通用的ARM GCC工具鏈)。