Bootstrap 可視化HTML編輯器之summernote,用其官網上的介紹就是「Super Simple WYSIWYG editor」,不過在我看來,與bootstrap中文官網上提供的「bootstrap-wysiwyg」要更simple,更漂亮,更好用!javascript
雖然我以前嘗試過使用bootstrap-wysiwyg,可參照Bootstrap wysiwyg富文本數據如何保存到mysql,但過後諸葛亮的經驗告訴我,summernote絕對是更佳的富文本編輯器,這裏對其工做team點三十二個贊!!!!!css
效果圖1 java
效果圖2 mysql
效果圖3 jquery
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-CN"> <%@ include file="/components/common/taglib.jsp"%> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" /> <title>summernote - bs3fa4</title> <!-- include jquery --> <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/components/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <!-- include libs stylesheets --> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx}/components/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/components/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- include summernote --> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${ctx}/components/summernote/summernote.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/components/summernote/summernote.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="${ctx}/components/summernote/lang/summernote-zh-CN.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $('div.summernote').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var placeholder = $this.attr("placeholder") || ''; var url = $this.attr("action") || ''; $this.summernote({ lang : 'zh-CN', placeholder : placeholder, minHeight : 300, dialogsFade : true,// Add fade effect on dialogs dialogsInBody : true,// Dialogs can be placed in body, not in // summernote. disableDragAndDrop : false,// default false You can disable drag // and drop callbacks : { onImageUpload : function(files) { var $files = $(files); $files.each(function() { var file = this; var data = new FormData(); data.append("file", file); $.ajax({ data : data, type : "POST", url : url, cache : false, contentType : false, processData : false, success : function(response) { var json = YUNM.jsonEval(response); YUNM.debug(json); YUNM.ajaxDone(json); if (json[YUNM.keys.statusCode] == YUNM.statusCode.ok) { // 文件不爲空 if (json[YUNM.keys.result]) { var imageUrl = json[YUNM.keys.result].completeSavePath; $this.summernote('insertImage', imageUrl, function($image) { }); } } }, error : YUNM.ajaxError }); }); } } }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <form class="form-horizontal required-validate" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit="return iframeCallback(this, pageAjaxDone)"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="" class="col-md-2 control-label">項目封面</label> <div class="col-md-8 tl th"> <input type="file" name="image" class="projectfile" value="${deal.image}"/> <p class="help-block">支持jpg、jpeg、png、gif格式,大小不超過2.0M</p> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="" class="col-md-2 control-label">項目詳情</label> <div class="col-md-8"> <div class="summernote" name="description" placeholder="請對項目進行詳細的描述,使更多的人瞭解你的" action="${ctx}/file">${deal.description}</div> </div> </div> </form> </div> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
html5的標記是必須的,注意千萬不能是<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
這種doctype,不然summernote的組件顯示怪怪的,按鈕的大小布局不一致,這裏就再也不上圖了,可是千萬注意!<div class="summernote" name="description" placeholder="請對項目進行詳細的描述,使更多的人瞭解你的" action="${ctx}/file">${deal.description}</div>
$('div.summernote').each(function() { var $this = $(this); var placeholder = $this.attr("placeholder") || ''; var url = $this.attr("action") || ''; $this.summernote({ lang : 'zh-CN', placeholder : placeholder, minHeight : 300, dialogsFade : true,// Add fade effect on dialogs dialogsInBody : true,// Dialogs can be placed in body, not in // summernote. disableDragAndDrop : false,// default false You can disable drag // and drop }); });
使用jquery獲取到頁面上的summernote,對其進行初始化,咱們來詳細介紹列出參數的用法(先不介紹圖片上傳的onImageUpload 方法)。
$(\'.summernote\').summernote({ height:300, onImageUpload: function(files, editor, welEditable) { sendFile(files[0],editor,welEditable); } }); }); function sendFile(file, editor, welEditable) { data = new FormData(); data.append("file", file); url = "http://localhost/spichlerz/uploads"; $.ajax({ data: data, type: "POST", url: url, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function (url) { editor.insertImage(welEditable, url); } }); } </script>
Override image upload handler(default: base64 dataURL on IMG tag). You can upload image to server or AWS S3: more…
// onImageUpload callback $('#summernote').summernote({ callbacks: { onImageUpload: function(files) { // upload image to server and create imgNode... $summernote.summernote('insertNode', imgNode); } } }); // summernote.image.upload $('#summernote').on('summernote.image.upload', function(we, files) { // upload image to server and create imgNode... $summernote.summernote('insertNode', imgNode); });
callbacks : {
// onImageUpload的參數爲files,summernote支持選擇多張圖片 onImageUpload : function(files) { var $files = $(files); // 經過each方法遍歷每個file $files.each(function() { var file = this; // FormData,新的form表單封裝,具體可百度,但其實用法很簡單,以下 var data = new FormData(); // 將文件加入到file中,後端可得到到參數名爲「file」 data.append("file", file); // ajax上傳 $.ajax({ data : data, type : "POST", url : url,// div上的action cache : false, contentType : false, processData : false, // 成功時調用方法,後端返回json數據 success : function(response) { // 封裝的eval方法,可百度 var json = YUNM.jsonEval(response); // 控制檯輸出返回數據 YUNM.debug(json); // 封裝方法,主要是顯示錯誤提示信息 YUNM.ajaxDone(json); // 狀態ok時 if (json[YUNM.keys.statusCode] == YUNM.statusCode.ok) { // 文件不爲空 if (json[YUNM.keys.result]) { // 獲取後臺數據保存的圖片完整路徑 var imageUrl = json[YUNM.keys.result].completeSavePath; // 插入到summernote $this.summernote('insertImage', imageUrl, function($image) { // todo,後續能夠對image對象增長新的css式樣等等,這裏默認 }); } } }, // ajax請求失敗時處理 error : YUNM.ajaxError }); }); } }
debug : function(msg) { if (this._set.debug) { if (typeof (console) != "undefined") console.log(msg); else alert(msg); } }, jsonEval : function(data) { try { if ($.type(data) == 'string') return eval('(' + data + ')'); else return data; } catch (e) { return {}; } }, ajaxError : function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { if (xhr.responseText) { $.showErr("<div>" + xhr.responseText + "</div>"); } else { $.showErr("<div>Http status: " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText + "</div>" + "<div>ajaxOptions: " + ajaxOptions + "</div>" + "<div>thrownError: " + thrownError + "</div>"); } }, ajaxDone : function(json) { if (json[YUNM.keys.statusCode] == YUNM.statusCode.error) { if (json[YUNM.keys.message]) { YUNM.debug(json[YUNM.keys.message]); $.showErr(json[YUNM.keys.message]); } } else if (json[YUNM.keys.statusCode] == YUNM.statusCode.timeout) { YUNM.debug(json[YUNM.keys.message]); $.showErr(json[YUNM.keys.message] || YUNM.msg("sessionTimout"), YUNM.loadLogin); } },
<bean id="multipartResolver" class="org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartResolver" p:defaultEncoding="UTF-8"> <property name="maxUploadSize" value="1024000000"></property> </bean> <mvc:annotation-driven conversion-service="conversionService" /> <bean id="conversionService" class=""> <property name="converters"> <list> <!-- 這裏使用string to date能夠將dao在jsp到controller轉換的時候直接將string格式的日期轉換爲date類型 --> <bean class="com.honzh.common.plugin.StringToDateConverter" /> <!-- 爲type爲file類型的數據模型增長轉換器 --> <bean class="com.honzh.common.plugin.CommonsMultipartFileToString" /> </list> </property> </bean>
package com.honzh.spring.controller; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import com.honzh.common.base.UploadFile; import com.honzh.spring.service.FileService; @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/file") public class FileController extends BaseController { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileController.class); @Autowired private FileService fileService; @RequestMapping("") public void index(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { logger.debug("獲取上傳文件..."); try { UploadFile uploadFiles = fileService.saveFile(request); renderJsonDone(response, uploadFiles); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); renderJsonError(response, "文件上傳失敗"); } } }
package com.honzh.spring.service; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartHttpServletRequest; import com.honzh.common.Variables; import com.honzh.common.base.UploadFile; import com.honzh.common.util.DateUtil; @Service public class FileService { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileService.class); public UploadFile saveFile(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException { logger.debug("獲取上傳文件..."); // 轉換爲文件類型的request MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; // 獲取對應file對象 Map<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartRequest.getFileMap(); Iterator<String> fileIterator = multipartRequest.getFileNames(); // 獲取項目的相對路徑(http://localhost:8080/file) String requestURL = request.getRequestURL().toString(); String prePath = requestURL.substring(0, requestURL.indexOf(Variables.ctx)); while (fileIterator.hasNext()) { String fileKey =; logger.debug("文件名爲:" + fileKey); // 獲取對應文件 MultipartFile multipartFile = fileMap.get(fileKey); if (multipartFile.getSize() != 0L) { validateImage(multipartFile); // 調用saveImage方法保存 UploadFile file = saveImage(multipartFile); file.setPrePath(prePath); return file; } } return null; } private UploadFile saveImage(MultipartFile image) throws IOException { String originalFilename = image.getOriginalFilename(); logger.debug("文件原始名稱爲:" + originalFilename); String contentType = image.getContentType(); String type = contentType.substring(contentType.indexOf("/") + 1); String fileName = DateUtil.getCurrentMillStr() + new Random().nextInt(100) + "." + type; // 封裝了一個簡單的file對象,增長了幾個屬性 UploadFile file = new UploadFile(Variables.save_directory, fileName); file.setContentType(contentType); logger.debug("文件保存路徑:" + file.getSaveDirectory()); // 經過的writeByteArrayToFile對圖片進行保存 FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file.getFile(), image.getBytes()); return file; } private void validateImage(MultipartFile image) { } }
package com.honzh.common.base; import; import com.honzh.common.Variables; public class UploadFile { private String saveDirectory; private String fileName; private String contentType; private String prePath; private String completeSavePath; private String relativeSavePath; public UploadFile(String saveDirectory, String filesystemName) { this.saveDirectory = saveDirectory; this.fileName = filesystemName; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public String getSaveDirectory() { return saveDirectory; } public String getContentType() { return contentType; } public void setContentType(String contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; } public String getPrePath() { if (prePath == null) { return ""; } return prePath; } public void setPrePath(String prePath) { this.prePath = prePath; setCompleteSavePath(prePath + getRelativeSavePath()); } public String getCompleteSavePath() { return completeSavePath; } public void setCompleteSavePath(String completeSavePath) { this.completeSavePath = completeSavePath; } public String getRelativeSavePath() { return relativeSavePath; } public void setRelativeSavePath(String relativeSavePath) { this.relativeSavePath = relativeSavePath; } public void setSaveDirectory(String saveDirectory) { this.saveDirectory = saveDirectory; } public void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } public File getFile() { if (getSaveDirectory() == null || getFileName() == null) { return null; } else { setRelativeSavePath(Variables.ctx + "/" + Variables.upload + "/" + getFileName()); return new File(getSaveDirectory() + "/" + getFileName()); } } }
<form class="form-horizontal required-validate" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" onsubmit="return iframeCallback(this, pageAjaxDone)">
function iframeCallback(form, callback) { YUNM.debug("帶文件上傳處理"); var $form = $(form), $iframe = $("#callbackframe"); var data = $'bootstrapValidator'); if (data) { if (!data.isValid()) { return false; } } // 富文本編輯器 $("div.summernote", $form).each(function() { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.summernote('isEmpty')) { var editor = "<input type='hidden' name='" + $this.attr("name") + "' value='" + $this.summernote('code') + "' />"; $form.append(editor); } else { $.showErr("請填寫項目詳情"); return false; } }); if ($iframe.size() == 0) { $iframe = $("<iframe id='callbackframe' name='callbackframe' src='about:blank' style='display:none'></iframe>").appendTo("body"); } if (!form.ajax) { $form.append('<input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="1" />'); } = "callbackframe"; _iframeResponse($iframe[0], callback || YUNM.ajaxDone); } function _iframeResponse(iframe, callback) { var $iframe = $(iframe), $document = $(document); $document.trigger("ajaxStart"); $iframe.bind("load", function(event) { $iframe.unbind("load"); $document.trigger("ajaxStop"); if (iframe.src == "javascript:'%3Chtml%3E%3C/html%3E';" || // For // Safari iframe.src == "javascript:'<html></html>';") { // For FF, IE return; } var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.document; // fixing Opera 9.26,10.00 if (doc.readyState && doc.readyState != 'complete') return; // fixing Opera 9.64 if (doc.body && doc.body.innerHTML == "false") return; var response; if (doc.XMLDocument) { // response is a xml document Internet Explorer property response = doc.XMLDocument; } else if (doc.body) { try { response = $iframe.contents().find("body").text(); response = jQuery.parseJSON(response); } catch (e) { // response is html document or plain text response = doc.body.innerHTML; } } else { // response is a xml document response = doc; } callback(response); }); }
// 富文本編輯器 $("div.summernote", $form).each(function() { var $this = $(this); if (!$this.summernote('isEmpty')) { var editor = "<input type='hidden' name='" + $this.attr("name") + "' value='" + $this.summernote('code') + "' />"; $form.append(editor); } else { $.showErr("請填寫項目詳情"); return false; } });
可得到summernote編輯器的html內容,將其封裝到input對象中,name爲前文中div提供的name,供後端使用。這裏其餘地方就不作多解釋了,詳細可參照Bootstrap wysiwyg富文本數據如何保存到mysql。
<p><img src="http://localhost:8080/ymeng/upload/2016033117093076.jpeg" style=""></p><p><br></p><p>你好,有興趣能夠加入到沉默王二的羣啊<br></p>
var $form = $(form), $iframe = $("#callbackframe"); YUNM.debug("驗證其餘簡單組件"); var data = $'bootstrapValidator'); if (data) { if (!data.isValid()) { return false; } } // 富文本編輯器 $("div.summernote", $form).each(function() { var $this = $(this); if ($this.summernote('isEmpty')) { } else { YUNM.debug($this.summernote('code')); // 使用base64對內容進行編碼 // 1.解決複製不閉合的html文檔,保存後顯示錯亂的bug // 2.解決文本中特殊字符致使的bug var editor = "<input type='hidden' name='" + $this.attr("name") + "' value='" + $.base64.btoa($this.summernote('code')) + "' />"; $form.append(editor); } }); YUNM.debug("驗證經過");
js端我在Bootstrap wysiwyg富文本數據如何保存到mysql這篇文章中作了說明,此處再也不說明。
可能會有同窗須要javascript端的base64編碼,而須要在springMVC後端使用base64的解碼,那麼此處介紹一個jar包(Java Base64.jar),使用方法很簡單,下載好jar包後,就可使用以下方法解碼:
import it.sauronsoftware.base64.Base64; deal.setDescription(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(Base64.decode(description, "utf-8")));
<div class="form-group"> <label for="" class="col-md-1 control-label">項目詳情</label> <div class="col-md-10"> <div class="summernote" name="description" data-bv-excluded="false" data-bv-notempty placeholder="請對項目進行詳細的描述,使更多的人瞭解你的雲夢" action="${ctx}/file">${deal.description}</div> </div> </div>
onChange : function(contents, $editable) { if ($this.parents().length > 0) { var $form = $this.parents().find("form.required-validate", $p); if ($form.length > 0) { var data = $'bootstrapValidator'); YUNM.debug($this.summernote('isEmpty')); if ($this.summernote('isEmpty')) { data.updateStatus($this.attr("name"), 'INVALID'); } else { data.updateStatus($this.attr("name"), 'VALID'); } } } }, onInit : function() { if ($this.parents().length > 0) { var $form = $this.parents().find("form.required-validate", $p); if ($form.length > 0) { var data = $'bootstrapValidator'); if (!$this.summernote('isEmpty')) { data.updateStatus($this.attr("name"), 'VALID'); } } } },
在summernote的callbacks中加入onChange 、onInit,當文本域發生變化、初始化時,對summernote在form中的驗證字段進行狀態的更新,validator中使用updateStatus方法。
/** * Update all validating results of field * * @param {String|jQuery} field The field name or field element * @param {String} status The status. Can be 'NOT_VALIDATED', 'VALIDATING', 'INVALID' or 'VALID' * @param {String} [validatorName] The validator name. If null, the method updates validity result for all validators * @returns {BootstrapValidator} */ updateStatus: function(field, status, validatorName) {