* 不能重載內置類型的運算符測試
* 不能新建運算符,只能重載已有的spa
* 某些運算符不能重載 --is、and、or和not(位運算符&、^、|能夠)scala
- (__neg__)component
+ (__pos__)blog
取正運算符,大部分狀況都是 x == +x。ip
~ (__invert__)
對整數按位取反,定位爲 ~x == -(x+1),若是x是-2,那麼~x是1。
1 from array import array 2 class Vector: 3 """ 4 自定義一個向量類 5 """ 6 typecode = 'i' 7 def __init__(self, items): 8 self._components = array(self.typecode, items) 9 10 def __iter__(self): 11 return (i for i in (self._components)) 12 13 def __str__(self): 14 return 'Vector' + str(tuple(self)) #已經實現了__iter__方法,self實例是可迭代對象 15 16 def __abs__(self): 17 return math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in self)) 18 19 def __neg__(self): 20 return Vector(-x for x in self) 21 22 def __pos__(self): 23 return Vector(self) 24 25 def __invert__(self): 26 return Vector(~x for x in self) 27 28 v1 = Vector(range(10)) 29 print(v1) 30 print(abs(v1)) 31 32 v2 = -v1 33 v3 = ~v1 34 print(v2) 35 print(v3)
1 from array import array 2 from itertools import zip_longest 3 class Vector: 4 """ 5 自定義一個向量類 6 """ 7 typecode = 'i' 8 def __init__(self, items): 9 self._components = array(self.typecode, items) 10 11 def __iter__(self): 12 return (i for i in (self._components)) 13 14 def __str__(self): 15 return 'Vector' + str(tuple(self)) #已經實現了__iter__方法,self實例是可迭代對象 16 17 def __abs__(self): 18 return math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in self)) 19 20 def __neg__(self): 21 return Vector(-x for x in self) 22 23 def __pos__(self): 24 return Vector(self) 25 26 def __invert__(self): 27 return Vector(~x for x in self) 28 29 def __add__(self, other): 30 """ 31 兩個向量相加,向量維度取最長的一個 32 """ 33 return Vector(x+y for x, y in zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0)) 34 v1 = Vector(range(10)) 35 print(v1) 36 print(abs(v1)) 37 38 v2 = -v1 39 v3 = ~v1 40 print(v2) 41 print(v3) 42 43 v4 = v1 + v3 44 print(v4) 45 46 v5 = v1 + Vector([1,3,5,8,-6]) 47 print(v5)
1 v6 = v1 + (10,20,30) # OK v1.__add__((10,20,30)) 2 print(v6) 3 4 v7 = (10, 20, 30) + v1 # ERROR, tuple沒有__add__方法 5 print(v7)
1 def __radd__(self, other): 2 return self+other
1 v1 + 3 2 """ 3 運行結果 4 File "E:\test.py", line 1168, in <module> 5 v1 + 3 6 File "E:\test.py", line 1142, in __add__ 7 return Vector(x+y for x, y in zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0)) 8 TypeError: zip_longest argument #2 must support iteration 9 """
1 v1 + (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) 2 """ 3 運行結果 4 File "E:\test.py", line 1118, in __init__ 5 self._components = array(self.typecode, items) 6 TypeError: integer argument expected, got float 7 """
可是這樣的錯誤消息是因爲類型問題致使的,爲了遵照"鴨子類型"的精髓,咱們不能測試other的類型或者其包含的元素的類型,而是要捕獲TypeError異常,而後返回NotImplemented, 若是左操做數的__add__方法不能存在或者返回NotImplemented且右操做數的__radd__方法也不存在或者返回NotImplemented,那麼python纔會拋出TypError異常,返回一個錯誤提示如「unsupported operand type(s) for +: Vector and str」。
1 def __add__(self, other): 2 """ 3 兩個向量相加,向量維度取最長的一個 4 """ 5 try: 6 return Vector(x+y for x, y in zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0)) 7 except TypeError: 8 return NotImplemented 9 10 def __radd__(self, other): 11 return self+other
1 v1 = Vector([1, 2, 3]) 2 v2 = v1*2 3 print(v2) #Vector(2, 4, 6)
1 from array import array 2 from itertools import zip_longest 3 import numbers, fractions 4 class Vector: 5 """ 6 自定義一個向量類 7 """ 8 typecode = 'd' 9 def __init__(self, items): 10 self._components = array(self.typecode, items) 11 12 def __iter__(self): 13 return (i for i in (self._components)) 14 15 def __str__(self): 16 return 'Vector' + str(tuple(self)) #已經實現了__iter__方法,self實例是可迭代對象 17 18 def __abs__(self): 19 return math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in self)) 20 21 def __neg__(self): 22 return Vector(-x for x in self) 23 24 def __pos__(self): 25 return Vector(self) 26 27 def __invert__(self): 28 return Vector(~x for x in self) 29 30 def __add__(self, other): 31 """ 32 兩個向量相加,向量維度取最長的一個 33 """ 34 try: 35 return Vector(x+y for x, y in zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0)) 36 except TypeError: 37 return NotImplemented 38 def __radd__(self, other): 39 return self+other 40 41 def __mul__(self, scalar): 42 """ 43 計算標量積 44 """ 45 if not isinstance(scalar, numbers.Real): 46 return NotImplemented 47 return Vector(scalar*x for x in self) 48 49 def __rmul__(self, scalar): 50 return self*scalar 51 v1 = Vector(range(10)) 52 print(v1) 53 print('------------') 54 v2 = v1*3 55 print(v2) 56 57 v3 = 2*v2 58 print(v3) 59 60 v4 = False*v2 61 print(v4) 62 63 v5 = v2*fractions.Fraction(3, 4) 64 print(v5)
還有沒有列出的比較運算符。(小於<, 小於等於<=等等)
python解釋器對衆多比較運算符(==、!=、>、<、>= 、<=)的處理跟上面的相似,不過在兩個方面有重大區別。
* 正向和方向調用使用的是同一系列方法。例如,對==來講,正向和反向調用都是調用__eq__方法,只是把參數對調了;而正向的__gt__方法調用的是反向的__lt__方法,並把參數對調。
* 對==和!=來講,若是反向調用失敗,python會比較對象的id,而不是拋出TypeError。
1 from array import array 2 from itertools import zip_longest 3 import numbers, fractions 4 class Vector: 5 """ 6 自定義一個向量類 7 """ 8 typecode = 'd' 9 def __init__(self, items): 10 self._components = array(self.typecode, items) 11 12 def __iter__(self): 13 return (i for i in (self._components)) 14 15 def __len__(self): 16 return len(self._components) 17 18 def __str__(self): 19 return 'Vector' + str(tuple(self)) #已經實現了__iter__方法,self實例是可迭代對象 20 21 def __abs__(self): 22 return math.sqrt(sum(x*x for x in self)) 23 24 def __neg__(self): 25 return Vector(-x for x in self) 26 27 def __pos__(self): 28 return Vector(self) 29 30 def __invert__(self): 31 return Vector(~x for x in self) 32 33 def __add__(self, other): 34 """ 35 兩個向量相加,向量維度取最長的一個 36 """ 37 try: 38 return Vector(x+y for x, y in zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0)) 39 except TypeError: 40 return NotImplemented 41 def __radd__(self, other): 42 return self+other 43 44 def __mul__(self, scalar): 45 """ 46 計算標量積 47 """ 48 if not isinstance(scalar, numbers.Real): 49 return NotImplemented 50 return Vector(scalar*x for x in self) 51 52 def __rmul__(self, scalar): 53 return self*scalar 54 55 def __eq__(self, other): 56 return len(self) == len(other) and \ 57 all(x==y for x, y in zip(self, other)) 58 59 v1 = Vector(range(10)) 60 print(v1) 61 print(v1==[i for i in range(10)]) 62 print(v1==[i for i in range(8)]) 63 print(v1==Vector((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8))) 64 print(v1==Vector((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8))) 65 print((0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) == v1)
1 def __eq__(self, other): 2 if not isinstance(other, Vector): 3 return NotImplemented 4 return len(self) == len(other) and \ 5 all(x==y for x, y in zip(self, other))
1 va = Vector([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) 2 vb = va 3 print(id(vb), id(va)) #vb, vb引用同一個對象 4 va+=[7,8,9,10,11] 5 print(va) 6 print(id(vb), id(va)) #vb仍是原對象,va是新建立的對象
若是一個類沒有實現就地運算符,增量運算符只是語法糖:a += b的做用跟a = a+b是同樣的,會建立一個新對象。若是實現了就地運算符方法,例如__iadd__,那麼 a += b不會建立新對象。
1 def __iadd__(self, other): 2 self._components = array(self.typecode,map(lambda pair:sum(pair),zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0))) 3 return self 4 va = Vector([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) 5 vb = va 6 print(id(vb), id(va)) #vb, vb引用同一個對象 7 va+=[7,8,9,10,11] 8 print(va) 9 print(id(vb), id(va)) #vb,va的id同樣,證實並無建立新對象
__iadd__方法最後必定要把對象自身返回,若是沒有返回self的話,va += vb,那麼va就變成了None,由於若是函數沒有返回值,python默認返回None。
1 def __iadd__(self, other): 2 self._components = array(self.typecode, map(lambda pair:sum(pair), zip_longest(self, other, fillvalue=0))) 3 #return self 4 va = Vector([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) 5 vb = va 6 print(id(vb), id(va)) #vb, vb引用同一個對象 7 va+=[7,8,9,10,11] 8 print(va) 9 print(id(vb), id(va)) 10 print(va) #None
* python支持對運算符重載,但不包括內置的類型的運算符以及is、and、or、not。
* 一元運算符和中綴運算符的重載、正向方法和反向方法
* 使用鴨子類型捕獲TypeError異常,或者使用isinstance檢查類型,isinstance不能用具體類,而應該使用抽象基類,由於後續用戶自定義的類能夠生命爲抽象基類的子類或是註冊爲虛擬子類
* 比較運算符和增量運算符的重載