
最近遇到一例,HBase 指定大量列集合的場景下,併發拉取數據,應用卡住不響應的情形。記錄一下。



退款導出中,爲了獲取商品規格編碼,須要從 HBase 表 T 里拉取對應的數據。 T 對商品數據的存儲採用了 表名:字段名:id 的列存儲方式。因爲這個表很大,且爲詳情公用,所以不方便使用 scanByPrefixFilter 的方式,擔憂引發這個表訪問的不穩定,進而影響詳情和導出的總體穩定性。java

要用 multiGet 的方式來獲取多個訂單的指定列字段的數據,須要動態生成相應的列名集合,而後在 HBase 獲取數據的 API 參數裏指定。好比有訂單 E 含有三個商品 ID, I001, I002, I003, 數據庫裏的表名爲 item , 字段名爲 sku , 就須要動態生成列名集合: item:sku:I001, item:sku:I002, item:sku:I003 。算法

現有記錄集合 List<Record> , 其中 Record 含有 id 字段,每一個 Record 都對應一個訂單。 這樣,能夠從 Record 中把 id 字段的值提取出來,結合列模板 tablename:fieldname:id 來生成所要獲取的 HBase 列名集合。數據庫

然而,當 HBase 指定列名集合比較大的時候, 彷佛是有問題的。堆內存爆了。

CPU 曲線也是隨之陡然飆升。





排查問題的第一要務是縮小範圍,檢查是什麼變動致使了問題。從錯誤日誌上看,很容易看出是 HBase 獲取數據卡住了。 而這次的變動是增長了一個能夠併發獲取 HBase 指定列集合的數據的插件。這個 HBase 插件是複用了原來的 HAHBaseService 獲取數據的能力,而這個能力線上運行一直穩定良好。不一樣在於,此次會指定大量的列名去查詢。難道 HBase 在指定大量列名集合時拉取數據會有問題? 諮詢數據大佬原大哥,答覆是不會。 那是爲何呢 ? 作個實驗嘗試解決下。




private List<Result> fetchDataFromHBase(List<OneRecord> data, List<String> rowKeys, HBaseDataConf hbaseDataConf) {
  List<Result> hbaseResults = multiTaskExecutor.exec(rowKeys, subRowkeys -> haHbaseService.getRawData(subRowkeys, hbaseDataConf.getTable(), "cf", generateCols(hbaseDataConf.getFetchDataConf(), data), "", true), 200);
  return hbaseResults;

這裏使用了一個通用的併發獲取數據的能力 multiTaskExecutor.exec ,只須要指定處理函數便可。詳見: 「精練代碼:一次Java函數式編程的重構之旅」 的「抽離併發處理」部分。less

問題出在 subRowkeys -> haHbaseService.getRawData(subRowkeys, hbaseDataConf.getTable(), "cf", generateCols(hbaseDataConf.getFetchDataConf(), data) 這一行上。 data 是記錄全集,generalCols 會拿到全部訂單的商品 ID 對應的列集合。而 subRowkeys 是按照指定任務數分割後的 HBase Rowkeys 子集合。這意味着每一個子任務都拿到所有的列集合去拉取 HBase 數據。 假如 data 有 8000 條記錄,subRowkeys 有 200 條, 那麼會生成 400 個任務,每一個任務都針對 generateCols(hbaseDataConf.getFetchDataConf(), data) 會生成幾萬條動態列集合。 顯然, generateCols 裏的 data 應該是對應劃分後的 subRowkeys 的那些子記錄集合,而不是所有記錄集合。 也就是說,動態列數量應該是 200 * 指定列字段數量,而不是 8000 * 指定列字段數量。



private List<Result> fetchDataFromHBase(List<OneRecord> data, HBaseDataConf hbaseDataConf) {
  List<Result> hbaseResults = multiTaskExecutor.exec(data, partData -> fetchDataFromHBasePartially(partData, hbaseDataConf), 200);
  return hbaseResults;
private List<Result> fetchDataFromHBasePartially(List<OneRecord> partData, HBaseDataConf hbaseDataConf) {
  List<String> rowKeys = RowkeyUtil.buildRowKeys(partData, hbaseDataConf.getRowkeyConf());
  logger.info("hbase-rowkeys: {}", rowKeys.size());
  return haHbaseService.getRawData(rowKeys, hbaseDataConf.getTable(),
                            "cf", generateCols(hbaseDataConf.getFetchDataConf(), partData), "", true);

這裏,generalCols 用來生成的動態列集合就只對應分割後的記錄集合。修改後,問題就解決了。



爲何指定數萬條列名時 HBase 獲取數據內存爆掉了呢? 是 HBase 不支持拉取大量指定列的數據嗎?

打印調試日誌是排查問題的第一利器。在獲取 HBase 數據的地方打印調試日誌:

String cf = (cfName == null) ? "cf" : cfName;
logger.info("columns: {}", columns);
List<Get> gets = buildGets(rowKeyList, cf, columns, columnPrefixFilters);
logger.info("after buildGet: {}", gets.size());
Result[] results = getFromHbaseFunc.apply(tableName, gets);
logger.info("after getHBase: {}", results.length);

發現: columns 日誌打出來了, after buildGet 沒有打出來。程序卡住了。能夠推斷,是 buildGets 這一步卡住了。 與我想象中的不太符合。我覺得是 buildGets 不大可能出問題,而更可能在拉取數據自己上出問題。 不過,如今現實明白滴告訴咱們: buildGets 卡住了。 並且這一步是 CPU 操做,與以前的 CPU 曲線飆升是很吻合的。


寫一個單測,作個小實驗。 先弄個串行的實驗。 1000個訂單, 列數從 2000 增加 24000

def "testMultiGetsSerial"() {
    def columnSize = 12
    def rowkeyNums = 1000
    def rowkeys = (1..rowkeyNums).collect { "E001" + it }
    (1..columnSize).each { colsSize ->
        def columns = (1..(colsSize*2000)).collect { "item:sku:" + it }
        def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
        List<Get> gets = new HAHbaseService().invokeMethod("buildGets", [rowkeys, "cf", columns, null])
        gets.size() == rowkeyNums
        def end = System.currentTimeMillis()
        def cost = end - start
        println "num = $rowkeyNums , colsSize = ${columns.size()}, cost (ms) = $cost"


num = 1000 , colsSize = 2000, cost (ms) = 2143
num = 1000 , colsSize = 4000, cost (ms) = 3610
num = 1000 , colsSize = 6000, cost (ms) = 5006
num = 1000 , colsSize = 8000, cost (ms) = 8389
num = 1000 , colsSize = 10000, cost (ms) = 8921
num = 1000 , colsSize = 12000, cost (ms) = 12467
num = 1000 , colsSize = 14000, cost (ms) = 11845
num = 1000 , colsSize = 16000, cost (ms) = 12589
num = 1000 , colsSize = 18000, cost (ms) = 20068
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

再針對實際運行的併發狀況作個實驗。 從 1000 到 6000 個訂單,列集合數量 從 1000 - 10000。 用併發來構建 gets 。

def "testMultiGetsConcurrent"() {
    def num = 4
    def columnSize = 9
    (1..num).each { n ->
        def rowkeyNums = n*1000
        def rowkeys = (1..rowkeyNums).collect { "E001" + it }
        (1..columnSize).each { colsSize ->
            def columns = (1..(colsSize*1000)).collect { "tc_order_item:sku_code:" + it }
            def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
            List<Get> gets = taskExecutor.exec(
                    rowkeys,  { new HAHbaseService().invokeMethod("buildGets", [it, "cf", columns, null]) } as Function, 200)
            gets.size() == rowkeyNums
            def end = System.currentTimeMillis()
            def cost = end - start
            println "num = $rowkeyNums , colsSize = ${columns.size()}, cost (ms) = $cost"
            println "analysis:$rowkeyNums,${columns.size()},$cost"


num = 1000 , colsSize = 1000, cost (ms) = 716
num = 1000 , colsSize = 2000, cost (ms) = 1180
num = 1000 , colsSize = 3000, cost (ms) = 1378
num = 1000 , colsSize = 4000, cost (ms) = 2632
num = 1000 , colsSize = 5000, cost (ms) = 2130
num = 1000 , colsSize = 6000, cost (ms) = 4328
num = 1000 , colsSize = 7000, cost (ms) = 4524
num = 1000 , colsSize = 8000, cost (ms) = 5612
num = 1000 , colsSize = 9000, cost (ms) = 5804
num = 2000 , colsSize = 1000, cost (ms) = 1416
num = 2000 , colsSize = 2000, cost (ms) = 1486
num = 2000 , colsSize = 3000, cost (ms) = 2434
num = 2000 , colsSize = 4000, cost (ms) = 4925
num = 2000 , colsSize = 5000, cost (ms) = 5176
num = 2000 , colsSize = 6000, cost (ms) = 7217
num = 2000 , colsSize = 7000, cost (ms) = 9298
num = 2000 , colsSize = 8000, cost (ms) = 11979
num = 2000 , colsSize = 9000, cost (ms) = 20156
num = 3000 , colsSize = 1000, cost (ms) = 1837
num = 3000 , colsSize = 2000, cost (ms) = 2460
num = 3000 , colsSize = 3000, cost (ms) = 4516
num = 3000 , colsSize = 4000, cost (ms) = 7556
num = 3000 , colsSize = 5000, cost (ms) = 6169
num = 3000 , colsSize = 6000, cost (ms) = 19211
num = 3000 , colsSize = 7000, cost (ms) = 180950

可見,耗時隨着rowkey 數應該是線性增加; 而隨着指定列集合的增大,會有超過線性的增加和波動。超線性增加是算法引發的,波動應該是由線程池執行引發的。

若是有 8800 個訂單,指定 24000 個列, 可想而知,有多慢了。 上帝都在排隊了。


查看 buildGets 代碼,其中嫌疑最大的就是 addColumn 方法。這個方法添加列時,將列加入了 NavigableSet<byte[]> 這個數據結構裏。NavigableSet 是一個排序的集合。HBase 的 NavigableSet 實現類是 TreeSet, 是基於紅黑樹實現的。紅黑樹查詢一個元素的複雜度是在 O(Log2n) 。添加 N 個元素的複雜度在 n*O(Log2n) 。 若是添加大量列,就可能致使CPU計算消耗大,併發的狀況會加重。

那麼, HBase 列數據集的結構爲何要用排序的 Set 而不用普通的 Set 呢?是由於指定列名集合從 HBase 獲取數據時,HBase 會將知足條件的數據拿出來,依次與指定列進行匹配過濾,這時候要應用到查找列功能。當指定列很是大時,TreeSet 的效率比 HashSet 的要大。


回到那個串行的單測實驗 testMultiGetsSerial, 打印下不一樣列數目下生成每個 Get 的列結構中的 familyMap 的大小:

try {
            ObjectInfo objectInfo = new ClassIntrospector().introspect(gets.get(0).getFamilyMap());
            System.out.println("columnSize: " + columns.size() + ", columnMap: " + objectInfo.getDeepSize());
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {



columnSize: 2000, columnMap: 137112
columnSize: 4000, columnMap: 275112
columnSize: 6000, columnMap: 413112
columnSize: 8000, columnMap: 551112
columnSize: 10000, columnMap: 689112
columnSize: 12000, columnMap: 829112
columnSize: 14000, columnMap: 969112
columnSize: 16000, columnMap: 1109112
columnSize: 18000, columnMap: 1249112
columnSize: 20000, columnMap: 1389112
columnSize: 22000, columnMap: 1529112

也就是說,HBase 指定列名有 22000 個時,每一個 Get 的列對象都會佔用 1.46 MB 的大小,每一個 column 平均佔用 68 - 69 個字節。 1000 個訂單會佔用 1.46 G 的大小。在串行的情形下, 8000 個訂單會佔用 11.664 G 的內存。若是內存不及時釋放,顯然就會堆內存爆掉了。


HBase 列的結構是 Map<byte[], NavigableSet<byte[]>> familyMap , NavigableSet 是基於 TreeMap 來實現的。所以,添加大量列名時,是一個構建紅黑樹的過程,涉及到大量比較運算(列名前綴仍是相同的,每次都須要重複比較列名前綴),是 CPU 密集型,所以 CPU 曲線會飆升。 從前面的耗時來看,添加一個元素平均約 1ms 左右,這個時間不隨 TreeMap 已有元素數目而變化。 添加 22000 個元素則須要 20s 左右了。

TreeMap 及紅黑樹的實現,將在專門的文章進行討論。



package zzz.study.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import sun.misc.Unsafe;

public class ClassIntrospector {

  private static final Unsafe unsafe;
  /** Size of any Object reference */
  private static final int objectRefSize;
  static {
    try {
      Field field = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");
      unsafe = (Unsafe) field.get(null);

      // 能夠經過Object[]數組獲得oop指針到底是壓縮後的4個字節仍是未壓縮的8個字節
      objectRefSize = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(Object[].class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

  /** Sizes of all primitive values */
  private static final Map<Class<?>, Integer> primitiveSizes;

  static {
    primitiveSizes = new HashMap<Class<?>, Integer>(10);
    primitiveSizes.put(byte.class, 1);
    primitiveSizes.put(char.class, 2);
    primitiveSizes.put(int.class, 4);
    primitiveSizes.put(long.class, 8);
    primitiveSizes.put(float.class, 4);
    primitiveSizes.put(double.class, 8);
    primitiveSizes.put(boolean.class, 1);

   * Get object information for any Java object. Do not pass primitives to
   * this method because they will boxed and the information you will get will
   * be related to a boxed version of your value.
   * @param obj
   *            Object to introspect
   * @return Object info
   * @throws IllegalAccessException
  public ObjectInfo introspect(final Object obj)
      throws IllegalAccessException {
    try {
      return introspect(obj, null);
    } finally { // clean visited cache before returning in order to make
      // this object reusable

  // we need to keep track of already visited objects in order to support
  // cycles in the object graphs
  private IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean> m_visited = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean>(

  private ObjectInfo introspect(final Object obj, final Field fld)
      throws IllegalAccessException {
    // use Field type only if the field contains null. In this case we will
    // at least know what's expected to be
    // stored in this field. Otherwise, if a field has interface type, we
    // won't see what's really stored in it.
    // Besides, we should be careful about primitives, because they are
    // passed as boxed values in this method
    // (first arg is object) - for them we should still rely on the field
    // type.
    boolean isPrimitive = fld != null && fld.getType().isPrimitive();
    boolean isRecursive = false; // will be set to true if we have already
    // seen this object
    if (!isPrimitive) {
      if (m_visited.containsKey(obj))
        isRecursive = true;
      m_visited.put(obj, true);

    final Class<?> type = (fld == null || (obj != null && !isPrimitive)) ? obj
        .getClass() : fld.getType();
    int arraySize = 0;
    int baseOffset = 0;
    int indexScale = 0;
    if (type.isArray() && obj != null) {
      baseOffset = unsafe.arrayBaseOffset(type);
      indexScale = unsafe.arrayIndexScale(type);
      arraySize = baseOffset + indexScale * Array.getLength(obj);

    final ObjectInfo root;
    if (fld == null) {
      root = new ObjectInfo("", type.getCanonicalName(), getContents(obj,
          type), 0, getShallowSize(type), arraySize, baseOffset,
    } else {
      final int offset = (int) unsafe.objectFieldOffset(fld);
      root = new ObjectInfo(fld.getName(), type.getCanonicalName(),
          getContents(obj, type), offset, getShallowSize(type),
          arraySize, baseOffset, indexScale);

    if (!isRecursive && obj != null) {
      if (isObjectArray(type)) {
        // introspect object arrays
        final Object[] ar = (Object[]) obj;
        for (final Object item : ar)
          if (item != null)
            root.addChild(introspect(item, null));
      } else {
        for (final Field field : getAllFields(type)) {
          if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0) {
          root.addChild(introspect(field.get(obj), field));

    root.sort(); // sort by offset
    return root;

  // get all fields for this class, including all superclasses fields
  private static List<Field> getAllFields(final Class<?> type) {
    if (type.isPrimitive())
      return Collections.emptyList();
    Class<?> cur = type;
    final List<Field> res = new ArrayList<Field>(10);
    while (true) {
      Collections.addAll(res, cur.getDeclaredFields());
      if (cur == Object.class)
      cur = cur.getSuperclass();
    return res;

  // check if it is an array of objects. I suspect there must be a more
  // API-friendly way to make this check.
  private static boolean isObjectArray(final Class<?> type) {
    if (!type.isArray())
      return false;
    if (type == byte[].class || type == boolean[].class
        || type == char[].class || type == short[].class
        || type == int[].class || type == long[].class
        || type == float[].class || type == double[].class)
      return false;
    return true;

  // advanced toString logic
  private static String getContents(final Object val, final Class<?> type) {
    if (val == null)
      return "null";
    if (type.isArray()) {
      if (type == byte[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((byte[]) val);
      else if (type == boolean[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((boolean[]) val);
      else if (type == char[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((char[]) val);
      else if (type == short[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((short[]) val);
      else if (type == int[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((int[]) val);
      else if (type == long[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((long[]) val);
      else if (type == float[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((float[]) val);
      else if (type == double[].class)
        return Arrays.toString((double[]) val);
        return Arrays.toString((Object[]) val);
    return val.toString();

  // obtain a shallow size of a field of given class (primitive or object
  // reference size)
  private static int getShallowSize(final Class<?> type) {
    if (type.isPrimitive()) {
      final Integer res = primitiveSizes.get(type);
      return res != null ? res : 0;
    } else
      return objectRefSize;
package zzz.study.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

public class ObjectInfo {
  /** Field name */
  public final String name;
  /** Field type name */
  public final String type;
  /** Field data formatted as string */
  public final String contents;
  /** Field offset from the start of parent object */
  public final int offset;
  /** Memory occupied by this field */
  public final int length;
  /** Offset of the first cell in the array */
  public final int arrayBase;
  /** Size of a cell in the array */
  public final int arrayElementSize;
  /** Memory occupied by underlying array (shallow), if this is array type */
  public final int arraySize;
  /** This object fields */
  public final List<ObjectInfo> children;

  public ObjectInfo(String name, String type, String contents, int offset, int length, int arraySize,
                    int arrayBase, int arrayElementSize)
    this.name = name;
    this.type = type;
    this.contents = contents;
    this.offset = offset;
    this.length = length;
    this.arraySize = arraySize;
    this.arrayBase = arrayBase;
    this.arrayElementSize = arrayElementSize;
    children = new ArrayList<ObjectInfo>( 1 );

  public void addChild( final ObjectInfo info )
    if ( info != null )
      children.add( info );

   * Get the full amount of memory occupied by a given object. This value may be slightly less than
   * an actual value because we don't worry about memory alignment - possible padding after the last object field.
   * The result is equal to the last field offset + last field length + all array sizes + all child objects deep sizes
   * @return Deep object size
  public long getDeepSize()
    //return length + arraySize + getUnderlyingSize( arraySize != 0 );
    return addPaddingSize(arraySize + getUnderlyingSize( arraySize != 0 ));

  long size = 0;

  private long getUnderlyingSize( final boolean isArray )
    //long size = 0;
    for ( final ObjectInfo child : children )
      size += child.arraySize + child.getUnderlyingSize( child.arraySize != 0 );
    if ( !isArray && !children.isEmpty() ){
      int tempSize = children.get( children.size() - 1 ).offset + children.get( children.size() - 1 ).length;
      size += addPaddingSize(tempSize);

    return size;

  private static final class OffsetComparator implements Comparator<ObjectInfo>
    public int compare( final ObjectInfo o1, final ObjectInfo o2 )
      return o1.offset - o2.offset; //safe because offsets are small non-negative numbers

  //sort all children by their offset
  public void sort()
    Collections.sort( children, new OffsetComparator() );

  public String toString() {
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    toStringHelper( sb, 0 );
    return sb.toString();

  private void toStringHelper( final StringBuilder sb, final int depth )
    depth( sb, depth ).append("name=").append( name ).append(", type=").append( type )
        .append( ", contents=").append( contents ).append(", offset=").append( offset )
        .append(", length=").append( length );
    if ( arraySize > 0 )
      sb.append(", arrayBase=").append( arrayBase );
      sb.append(", arrayElemSize=").append( arrayElementSize );
      sb.append( ", arraySize=").append( arraySize );
    for ( final ObjectInfo child : children )
      sb.append( '\n' );
      child.toStringHelper(sb, depth + 1);

  private StringBuilder depth( final StringBuilder sb, final int depth )
    for ( int i = 0; i < depth; ++i )
      sb.append( "\t");
    return sb;

  private long addPaddingSize(long size){
    if(size % 8 != 0){
      return (size / 8 + 1) * 8;
    return size;



由於一個比較粗糙的編碼錯誤,堆內存爆了; 又由於這個錯誤,深刻了解了 HBase 指定列名集合時獲取數據的一些內幕。 實際上,這是一個數據結構與算法引起的問題。 可見,數據結構與算法在實際工做中仍是很是重要的。

任務: 學習 TreeMap 及紅黑樹的實現。

