<template> <div id="tool"> <!--頭部--> <mt-header fixed title="應用中心"></mt-header> <!---內容區域--> <div class="content"> <!--圖片輪播展現--> <div class="slider-img"> <mt-swipe :auto="4000"> <mt-swipe-item> <img src="../assets/tool/swipe1.jpg" height="120" width="100%"/> </mt-swipe-item> <mt-swipe-item><img src="../assets/tool/swipe2.jpg" height="120" width="100%"/></mt-swipe-item> <mt-swipe-item><img src="../assets/tool/swipe3.jpg" height="120" width="100%"/></mt-swipe-item> </mt-swipe> </div> <div class="group-title">| - 經常使用應用</div> <!--一條分割線--> <div class="line"></div> <!--應用展現--> <div class="apps"> <div @click="go('chart')"> <img src="static/chart.png"/> <span>業務統計</span> </div> <div @click="go('loadmore')"> <img src="static/data.png"/> <span>測試數據</span> </div> <div @click="go('memolist')"> <img src="static/note.png"/> <span>個人備忘</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <style scoped> .mint-button { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .content { margin-top: 40px; text-align: left; } .group-title { margin-top: 10px; font-size: 11px; color: #0c60ee; } .line { margin-top: 10px; height: 1px; background-color: #c4e3f3; } .apps { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-around; flex-wrap: wrap; } .apps div { display: flex; height: 70px; width: 70px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .apps div { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .apps div span { margin-top: 5px; font-size: 10px; } .apps img { height: 40px; width: 40px; } .slider-img { height: 120px; width: 100%; } </style> <script> export default { methods: { go(index){ this.$router.push('/tool/' + index); } }, created(){ let _footer = this.$store.state.footerVisible; if (!_footer) { this.$store.commit('TOGGLE_FOOTER'); } this.$store.commit('SELECT_TAB', 'tool') } } </script>這裏採用了flex佈局。
<template> <div id="chart"> <mt-header fixed title="統計圖表"> <router-link to="/tool" slot="left"> <mt-button icon="back">返回</mt-button> </router-link> <mt-button slot="right" @click="showSheet">切換</mt-button> </mt-header> <div id="chart-container"> <div id="myChart" :style="{ height: '300px'}"></div> </div> <mt-actionsheet :actions="actions" v-model="sheetVisible"> </mt-actionsheet> </div> </template> <style> .chart-container { margin-top: 40px; display: flex; } </style> <script> export default { data(){ let that = this; return { sheetVisible: false, actions: [{ name: '柱狀圖', method(){ //在切換圖類型時重畫表格 that.chartType = 'bar'; that.drawLine(); } }, { name: '折線圖', method(){ //在切換圖類型時重畫表格 that.chartType = 'line'; that.drawLine(); } }], chartType: 'bar' } }, created(){ let _footer = this.$store.state.footerVisible; if (_footer) { this.$store.commit('TOGGLE_FOOTER'); } }, mounted(){ this.drawLine(); }, methods: { showSheet() { this.sheetVisible = true }, drawLine(){ // 基於準備好的dom,初始化echarts實例 //這裏能用this.$echarts是由於在main.js裏面添加了Vue.prototype.$echarts=echarts let myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById('myChart')); // 繪製圖表 myChart.setOption({ color: ['#3398DB', '#ef1111'], tooltip: { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { // 座標軸指示器,座標軸觸發有效 type: 'shadow' // 默認爲直線,可選爲:'line' | 'shadow' } }, //提示塊,可點擊 legend: { x: 'center', data: ['第一季度', '第二季度'], top: 50, selectedMode: 'multiple', }, //X軸 xAxis: { data: ["襯衫", "羊毛衫", "雪紡衫", "褲子"] }, grid: { show: true, top: 80,//grid 組件離容器上側的距離,默認60;上同 }, yAxis: {}, //顯示數據 series: [{ name: '第一季度', type: this.chartType, data: [5, 20, 9, 360] }, { name: '第二季度', type: this.chartType, data: [51, 2, 190, 26] }] }); } } } </script>1.actionsheet默認是隱藏的,點擊右上角的切換按鈕時會顯示出來(改變了sheetVisible的可見屬性),它接收一個action屬性,action接收一個對象數組,每一個對象包含一個name屬性顯示名稱和一個method方法用於處理選中相應條目後的回調函數。
<template> <div id="loadmore"> <mt-header fixed title="load more"> <router-link to="/tool" slot="left"> <mt-button icon="back">返回</mt-button> </router-link> </mt-header> <div class="content"> <mt-loadmore :top-method="loadTop" :bottom-all-loaded="bottomAllLoaded" :auto-fill="false" @top-status-change="handleTopChange" :bottom-method="loadBottom" ref="loadmore"> <div slot="top" class="mint-loadmore-top"> <span v-show="topStatus === 'loading'" :class="{ 'rotate': topStatus === 'drop' }">↓</span> <span v-show="topStatus === 'drop'">我在加載數據</span> <span v-show="topStatus === 'pull'">下拉我就更新給你看</span> </div> <mt-cell v-for="(item,index) in list" :title="item+'s'" :key="index"></mt-cell> </mt-loadmore> </div> </div> </template> <style scoped> .content { margin-top: 40px; height: auto; } </style> <script> export default { data(){ return { bottomAllLoaded: false, topStatus: '', list: [] } }, methods: { loadTop(){ let that = this; for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.list.unshift('unshift' + i) } setTimeout(function () { that.$refs.loadmore.onTopLoaded(); }, 1000) }, loadBottom(){ for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { this.list.push('push' + i) } if (this.list.length > 100) { this.bottomAllLoaded = true; } this.$refs.loadmore.onBottomLoaded(); }, handleTopChange(status){ this.topStatus = status; } }, mounted(){ for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) { this.list.push(i) } } } </script>
2.在調用topMethod加載完數據後必定要執行 this.$refs.loadmore.onTopLoaded();,bottomMethod也同樣。瀏覽器
<template> <div id="memo-list"> <mt-header fixed title="個人備忘列表"> <router-link to="/tool" slot="left"> <mt-button icon="back">返回</mt-button> </router-link> <mt-button slot="right" @click="newMemo">-|-</mt-button> </mt-header> <div class="content"> <template v-for="(item,index) in memoList"> <mt-cell isLink @click.native="showDetail(item)"> <span slot="title">{{item.title}}</span> <span>{{item.content}}</span> </mt-cell> </template> </div> </div> </template> <style scoped> .content { margin-top: 40px; } span { font-size: 13px; /**設置文字超出元素寬度後的省略號**/ width: 150px; /*必須設置寬度*/ overflow: hidden; /*溢出隱藏*/ text-overflow: ellipsis; /*以省略號...顯示*/ white-space: nowrap; /*強制不換行*/ } </style> <script> import {MessageBox} from 'mint-ui'; export default { created(){ let _footer = this.$store.state.footerVisible; if (_footer) { this.$store.commit('TOGGLE_FOOTER'); } }, methods: { newMemo(){ this.$router.push('/tool/memonew'); }, showDetail(item){ MessageBox(item.title, item.content); } }, mounted(){ }, data(){ return { memoList: [{ title: '週報', content: '週五以前記得提交週報和周總結週五以前記得提交週報和周總結週五以前記得提交週報和周總結週五以前記得提交週報和周總結週五以前記得提交週報和周總結' }, {title: '鍛鍊提醒', content: '晚上記得三俯臥撐'}] } } } </script>memonew.vue:
<template> <div id="memo"> <mt-header fixed title="個人備忘"> <router-link to="/tool/memolist" slot="left"> <mt-button icon="back">返回</mt-button> </router-link> <mt-button slot="right" @click="saveMemo">保存</mt-button> </mt-header> <div class="content"> <mt-field label="標題" v-model="title"></mt-field> <mt-field label="是否提醒"> <mt-switch v-model="isRemind"></mt-switch> </mt-field> <mt-cell title="提醒時間" v-show="isRemind"> <div @click="chooseDatetime">{{dateTimeText}}</div> </mt-cell> <mt-field class="memo-content" placeholder="備忘錄" type="textarea" rows="8" v-model="content"></mt-field> <mt-datetime-picker @confirm="confirm" ref="picker" type="datetime" v-model="datetime"> </mt-datetime-picker> </div> </div> </template> <style scoped> .content { margin-top: 40px; } .mint-cell { min-height: 40px; } .memo-content { border-bottom: 1px solid #b9def0; } </style> <script> import * as types from '../../store/index.js' export default { data(){ return { title: '', content: '', datetime: '', dateTimeText: '請選擇提醒時間', isRemind: false } }, created(){ let _footer = this.$store.state.footerVisible; if (_footer) { this.$store.commit('TOGGLE_FOOTER'); } }, methods: { chooseDatetime(){ this.$refs.picker.open(); }, confirm(val){ this.dateTimeText = val.toLocaleString() }, saveMemo(){ localStorage.setItem('memo', JSON.stringify({ title: this.title, content: this.content, dateTime: this.dateTimeText })); console.info(localStorage.getItem('memo')) } } } </script>
/**設置文字超出元素寬度後的省略號**/ width: 150px; /*必須設置寬度*/ overflow: hidden; /*溢出隱藏*/ text-overflow: ellipsis; /*以省略號...顯示*/ white-space: nowrap; /*強制不換行*/ 2.備忘列表界面,備忘item的點擊顯示是用MessageBox來實現的,使用以前要記得引入:import {MessageBox} from 'mint-ui'
import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router' import Main from '../pages/main.vue' import Tool from '../pages/tool.vue' import My from '../pages/my.vue' import MemoNew from '../pages/tool/memonew.vue' import MemoList from '../pages/tool/memolist.vue' import Chart from '../pages/tool/chart.vue' import Loadmore from '../pages/tool/Loadmore.vue' Vue.use(Router); export default new Router({ routes: [ { path: '/main', component: Main }, { path: '/tool', component: Tool }, { path: '/my', component: My }, { path: '/tool/memonew', component: MemoNew }, { path: '/tool/memolist', component: MemoList }, { path: '/tool/chart', component: Chart }, { path: '/tool/loadmore', component: Loadmore } ] })