example No. 1
#!/bin/bash #shell name: shell_vaild.sh #used:輸入密碼後判斷密碼是不是由數字和字母組成,判斷輸入的IP是否合法等 #author by woon #定義函數 vaild_pass() { decide=$(echo $1 | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]//g") if [ "$decide" != "$pass" ];then return 1 else return 0 fi } # read -t 10 -p "Please input IP address:" ipaddr read -s -p "Please input the password:" pass echo #判斷輸入是否爲空;空退出程序 if [ -z $ipaddr] || [ -z $pass ];then echo "輸入錯誤\n" exit 2 fi if ! vaild_pass "$pass";then echo "Your inpur must consist of only letters and numbers.">&2 else echo "Your password is vaild!" fi yn=$(echo $ipaddr|awk -F "." '{if($1<255&&$2<255&&$3<255&&$4<255){print "0"}else{print "1"}}') if [ $yn == "0" ];then echo "Your Ipaddr is vaild" else echo "Your IPADDR is not vaild." exit 1 fi