Channel是Go中的一種類型,和goroutine一塊兒爲Go提供了併發技術, 它在開發中獲得了普遍的應用。Go鼓勵人們經過Channel在goroutine之間傳遞數據的引用(就像把數據的owner從一個goroutine傳遞給另一個goroutine), Effective Go總結了這麼一句話:html
Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead, share memory by communicating.git
在 Go內存模型指出了channel做爲併發控制的一個特性:github
A send on a channel happens before the corresponding receive from that channel completes. (Golang Spec)golang
除了正常的在goroutine之間安全地傳遞共享數據, Channel還能夠玩出不少的花樣(模式), 本文列舉了一些channel的應用模式。apache
咱們知道, Go的標準庫sync
的定義是當前goroutine嘗試得到鎖, 若是成功,則得到了鎖,返回true, 不然返回false。咱們可使用這個方法避免在獲取鎖的時候當前goroutine被阻塞住。安全
const mutexLocked = 1 << iota type Mutex struct { mu sync.Mutex } func (m *Mutex) Lock() { } func (m *Mutex) Unlock() { } func (m *Mutex) TryLock() bool { return atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32((*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&, 0, mutexLocked) } func (m *Mutex) IsLocked() bool { return atomic.LoadInt32((*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(& == mutexLocked }
上增長這個方法,而是推薦使用channel來實現,那麼就讓咱們看看如何使用 channel來實現。
type Mutex struct { ch chan struct{} } func NewMutex() *Mutex { mu := &Mutex{make(chan struct{}, 1)} <- struct{}{} return mu } func (m *Mutex) Lock() { < } func (m *Mutex) Unlock() { select { case <- struct{}{}: default: panic("unlock of unlocked mutex") } } func (m *Mutex) TryLock() bool { select { case < return true default: } return false } func (m *Mutex) IsLocked() bool { return len( > 0 }
type Mutex struct { ch chan struct{} } func NewMutex() *Mutex { mu := &Mutex{make(chan struct{}, 1)} <- struct{}{} return mu } func (m *Mutex) Lock() { < } func (m *Mutex) Unlock() { select { case <- struct{}{}: default: panic("unlock of unlocked mutex") } } func (m *Mutex) TryLock(timeout time.Duration) bool { timer := time.NewTimer(timeout) select { case < timer.Stop() return true case <-time.After(timeout): } return false } func (m *Mutex) IsLocked() bool { return len( > 0 }
Or Channel 模式
當你等待多個信號的時候,若是收到任意一個信號, 就執行業務邏輯,忽略其它的還未收到的信號。
舉個例子, 咱們往提供相同服務的n個節點發送請求,只要任意一個服務節點返回結果,咱們就能夠執行下面的業務邏輯,其它n-1的節點的請求能夠被取消或者忽略。當n=2的時候,這就是back request
模式。 這樣能夠用資源來換取latency的提高。
有三種實現的方式: goroutine、reflect和遞歸。
func or(chans ...<-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { out := make(chan interface{}) go func() { var once sync.Once for _, c := range chans { go func(c <-chan interface{}) { select { case <-c: once.Do(func() { close(out) }) case <-out: } }(c) } }() return out }
func or(channels ...<-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { switch len(channels) { case 0: return nil case 1: return channels[0] } orDone := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(orDone) var cases []reflect.SelectCase for _, c := range channels { cases = append(cases, reflect.SelectCase{ Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(c), }) } reflect.Select(cases) }() return orDone }
func or(channels ...<-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { switch len(channels) { case 0: return nil case 1: return channels[0] } orDone := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(orDone) switch len(channels) { case 2: select { case <-channels[0]: case <-channels[1]: } default: m := len(channels) / 2 select { case <-or(channels[:m]...): case <-or(channels[m:]...): } } }() return orDone }
在後面的扇入(合併)模式中,咱們仍是會使用相一樣的遞歸模式來合併多個輸入channel,根據 justforfun 的測試結果,這種遞歸的方式要比goroutine、Reflect更有效。
一旦從done channel中讀取到一個信號,或者done channel被關閉, 輸入channel的處理則被取消。
這個模式提供一個簡便的方法,把done channel 和 輸入 channel 融合成一個輸出channel。
func orDone(done <-chan struct{}, c <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { valStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(valStream) for { select { case <-done: return case v, ok := <-c: if ok == false { return } select { case valStream <- v: case <-done: } } } }() return valStream }
func fanIn(chans ...<-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { out := make(chan interface{}) go func() { var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(chans)) for _, c := range chans { go func(c <-chan interface{}) { for v := range c { out <- v } wg.Done() }(c) } wg.Wait() close(out) }() return out
下面這種實現方式其實仍是有些問題的, 在輸入channel讀取比較均勻的時候比較有效,不然性能比較低下。
func fanInReflect(chans ...<-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { out := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(out) var cases []reflect.SelectCase for _, c := range chans { cases = append(cases, reflect.SelectCase{ Dir: reflect.SelectRecv, Chan: reflect.ValueOf(c), }) } for len(cases) > 0 { i, v, ok := reflect.Select(cases) if !ok { //remove this case cases = append(cases[:i], cases[i+1:]...) continue } out <- v.Interface() } }() return out }
func fanInRec(chans ...<-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { switch len(chans) { case 0: c := make(chan interface{}) close(c) return c case 1: return chans[0] case 2: return mergeTwo(chans[0], chans[1]) default: m := len(chans) / 2 return mergeTwo( fanInRec(chans[:m]...), fanInRec(chans[m:]...)) } } func mergeTwo(a, b <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { c := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(c) for a != nil || b != nil { select { case v, ok := <-a: if !ok { a = nil continue } c <- v case v, ok := <-b: if !ok { b = nil continue } c <- v } } }() return c }
將讀取的值發送給每一個輸出channel, 異步模式可能會產生不少的goroutine。
func fanOut(ch <-chan interface{}, out []chan interface{}, async bool) { go func() { defer func() { for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { close(out[i]) } }() for v := range ch { v := v for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { i := i if async { go func() { out[i] <- v }() } else { out[i] <- v } } } }() }
func fanOutReflect(ch <-chan interface{}, out []chan interface{}) { go func() { defer func() { for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { close(out[i]) } }() cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(out)) for i := range cases { cases[i].Dir = reflect.SelectSend } for v := range ch { v := v for i := range cases { cases[i].Chan = reflect.ValueOf(out[i]) cases[i].Send = reflect.ValueOf(v) } for _ = range cases { // for each channel chosen, _, _ := reflect.Select(cases) cases[chosen].Chan = reflect.ValueOf(nil) } } }() }
func fanOut(ch <-chan interface{}, out []chan interface{}) { go func() { defer func() { for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { close(out[i]) } }() // roundrobin var i = 0 var n = len(out) for v := range ch { v := v out[i] <- v i = (i + 1) % n } }() }
func fanOutReflect(ch <-chan interface{}, out []chan interface{}) { go func() { defer func() { for i := 0; i < len(out); i++ { close(out[i]) } }() cases := make([]reflect.SelectCase, len(out)) for i := range cases { cases[i].Dir = reflect.SelectSend cases[i].Chan = reflect.ValueOf(out[i]) } for v := range ch { v := v for i := range cases { cases[i].Send = reflect.ValueOf(v) } _, _, _ = reflect.Select(cases) } }() }
由於go自己的channel沒法再進行擴展, eapache/channels
func testDist() { fmt.Println("dist:") a := channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None) outputs := []channels.Channel{ channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), } channels.Distribute(a, outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[2], outputs[3]) //channels.WeakDistribute(a, outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[2], outputs[3]) go func() { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { a.In() <- i } a.Close() }() for i := 0; i < 6; i++ { var v interface{} var j int select { case v = <-outputs[0].Out(): j = 0 case v = <-outputs[1].Out(): j = 1 case v = <-outputs[2].Out(): j = 2 case v = <-outputs[3].Out(): j = 3 } fmt.Printf("channel#%d: %d\n", j, v) } }
func testTee() { fmt.Println("tee:") a := channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None) outputs := []channels.Channel{ channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), } channels.Tee(a, outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[2], outputs[3]) //channels.WeakTee(a, outputs[0], outputs[1], outputs[2], outputs[3]) go func() { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { a.In() <- i } a.Close() }() for i := 0; i < 20; i++ { var v interface{} var j int select { case v = <-outputs[0].Out(): j = 0 case v = <-outputs[1].Out(): j = 1 case v = <-outputs[2].Out(): j = 2 case v = <-outputs[3].Out(): j = 3 } fmt.Printf("channel#%d: %d\n", j, v) } }
func testMulti() { fmt.Println("multi:") a := channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None) inputs := []channels.Channel{ channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None), } channels.Multiplex(a, inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3]) //channels.WeakMultiplex(a, inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3]) go func() { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { for j := range inputs { inputs[j].In() <- i } } for i := range inputs { inputs[i].Close() } }() for v := range a.Out() { fmt.Printf("%d ", v) } }
func testPipe() { fmt.Println("pipe:") a := channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None) b := channels.NewNativeChannel(channels.None) channels.Pipe(a, b) // channels.WeakPipe(a, b) go func() { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { a.In() <- i } a.Close() }() for v := range b.Out() { fmt.Printf("%d ", v) } }
從channel的行爲來看,它看起來很像一個數據流,因此咱們能夠實現一些相似Scala 集合的操做。
Scala的集合類提供了豐富的操做(方法), 固然其它的一些編程語言或者框架也提供了相似的方法, 好比Apache Spark、Java Stream、ReactiveX等。
func skipN(done <-chan struct{}, valueStream <-chan interface{}, num int) <-chan interface{} { takeStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(takeStream) for i := 0; i < num; i++ { select { case <-done: return case takeStream <- <-valueStream: } } }() return takeStream }
func skipFn(done <-chan struct{}, valueStream <-chan interface{}, fn func(interface{}) bool) <-chan interface{} { takeStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(takeStream) for { select { case <-done: return case v := <-valueStream: if !fn(v) { takeStream <- v } } } }() return takeStream }
func skipWhile(done <-chan struct{}, valueStream <-chan interface{}, fn func(interface{}) bool) <-chan interface{} { takeStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(takeStream) take := false for { select { case <-done: return case v := <-valueStream: if !take { take = !fn(v) if !take { continue } } takeStream <- v } } }() return takeStream }
takeN 讀取開頭N個數據。
func takeN(done <-chan struct{}, valueStream <-chan interface{}, num int) <-chan interface{} { takeStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(takeStream) for i := 0; i < num; i++ { select { case <-done: return case takeStream <- <-valueStream: } } }() return takeStream }
func takeFn(done <-chan struct{}, valueStream <-chan interface{}, fn func(interface{}) bool) <-chan interface{} { takeStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(takeStream) for { select { case <-done: return case v := <-valueStream: if fn(v) { takeStream <- v } } } }() return takeStream }
func takeWhile(done <-chan struct{}, valueStream <-chan interface{}, fn func(interface{}) bool) <-chan interface{} { takeStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(takeStream) for { select { case <-done: return case v := <-valueStream: if !fn(v) { return } takeStream <- v } } }() return takeStream }
若是輸入是一個channel,channel中的數據仍是相同類型的channel, 那麼flat將返回一個輸出channel,輸出channel中的數據是輸入的各個channel中的數據。
func orDone(done <-chan struct{}, c <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { valStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(valStream) for { select { case <-done: return case v, ok := <-c: if ok == false { return } select { case valStream <- v: case <-done: } } } }() return valStream } func flat(done <-chan struct{}, chanStream <-chan <-chan interface{}) <-chan interface{} { valStream := make(chan interface{}) go func() { defer close(valStream) for { var stream <-chan interface{} select { case maybeStream, ok := <-chanStream: if ok == false { return } stream = maybeStream case <-done: return } for val := range orDone(done, stream) { select { case valStream <- val: case <-done: } } } }() return valStream }
map將一個channel映射成另一個channel, channel的類型能夠不一樣。
func mapChan(in <-chan interface{}, fn func(interface{}) interface{}) <-chan interface{} { out := make(chan interface{}) if in == nil { close(out) return out } go func() { defer close(out) for v := range in { out <- fn(v) } }() return out }
好比你能夠處理一個公司員工工資的channel, 輸出一個扣稅以後的員工工資的channel。由於map
func reduce(in <-chan interface{}, fn func(r, v interface{}) interface{}) interface{} { if in == nil { return nil } out := <-in for v := range in { out = fn(out, v) } return out } 你能夠用`reduce`實現`sum`、`max`、`min`等聚合操做。
全部的代碼能夠在github上找到: smallnest/channels。