在Mac 平臺上使用了一段時間的IntelliJ IDEA,它在智能代碼助手、代碼自動提示、重構、J2EE支持、Maven、JUnit、Git整合、代碼審查、 創新的GUI設計等方面的功能能夠說是超常的,業界良心。php
Project 至關於 Eclipse的Workspacemaven
Modules 至關於 Eclipse 的Project學習
Facets 表示這個module有什麼特徵,好比 Web,Spring和Hibernate等; this
Artifact 是maven中的一個概念,表示某個module要如何打包,例如war exploded、war、jar、ear等等這種打包形式;一個module有了 Artifacts 就能夠部署到應用服務器中了!spa
artifact你把它理解成「生成的東西」就差很少了。這個詞強調的是這是你軟件生產過程當中某一步的產生物,不像程序自己,或者是配置文件這些,是你手寫出來的。 插件
Exploed在給項目配置Artifacts的時候有好多個type的選項,explode 在這裏你能夠理解爲展開,不壓縮的意思。也就是war、jar等產出物沒壓縮前的目錄結構。建議在開發的時候使用這種模式,便於修改了文件的效果馬上顯現出來。設計
Archive和Exploed是相對的,意味最終的產物爲打包的內容,能夠是war\ear\jar包。【Archive 原意爲存檔,這裏能夠理解爲打包】
Langugae Level
設置File Encoding
Ctrl + B (or Command + B in Mac)
directs the developer to the declarationof methods, fields, constructors, and so on. To use this shortcut correctly,the developer needs to hover the cursor over the element being used.
Ctrl+N and Ctrl+Shift+N(or Command+NandCommand+Shift+N inMac)
are used to navigate to a class and a file, respectively; you just needto type the name of the resource you want.
Ctrl + Alt + B (or Command + Option + B in Mac)
directs the developer to the implementation of an element (class, interface, method, and such). In case the element has more than one implementation, a list with all implementations will appear.
Ctrl + E (or Command + E in Mac)
can be used so the developer can see therecently opened files, allowing him/her to reopen them easily and fast.
Ctrl + Tab
will display a simple dialog with opened files and availabletool tabs.
Ctrl + F (or Command + F in Mac)
shows a find text field to run a search for sentences in the current file. You can configure regex to find things and use other options available in the find bar.
Ctrl + Shift + F
will open a dialog that will allow you to run a search for a sentence through all the files in the project. The developer can filter where the search will be done and define some other options.
Hungry Backspace